April Chat - Week 1

Cece had a great idea for us to create weekly discussion boards so we have a place to chat about our journey. Trying to chat and respond via the Homepage the messages roll off and we sometimes don't see them or get to respond. So the plan is to create a new weekly topic so we can provide more support to one another.

One suggestion - if you don't mind people knowing your real name, you may want to use it in posts :happy:

You guys are the best! Let's have an Amazing April!!!!


  • joanneonline
    Okay, so here we are, about to start the second quarter of the year (did I ever mention I'm in management - yes, I think in quarters and deliverables. Sad, I know). So where do I want to be at the end of April? I'd like to reach my half-way mark. So here are my goals for the month:

    - lose 4.9 lbs. to reach 28.5 total lost
    - increase Elliptical to level 5 by end of month
    - Incorporate new routines into my workout regime

    How about you guys? Any milestones or other goals you'd like to reach this month?
  • debloves2ride
    This is a great idea. I have been offline (looking at the site but not posting) since my knee replacement on 2/14. So Monday I am back to logging food etc... released for work, so need to get back into my routine. 5:00 a.m. is going to come mighty early tomorrow! I haven't been logging food or anything because it just seemed to much - funny how you react to things after surgery. But I am back on track now!

    My goal for april is to loose 5 lbs. I think that is a reasonable goal. Looking forward to our chats
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    My April goals:
    -lose 5.5 to hit 25 pound mark
    -45 minutes of excercise minimum of 4 times per week
    -develop a travel routine because I have a lot of business travel coming up
    -Celebrate my birthday!
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    I really love the idea of all of these goals.... it is something we all need to keep on track! I need to go home on Tuesday and weigh in and see where I am ( I think I may be down this week in Florida) then I will post all of my goals but for now I am shooting for more diversity in my workouts and at least 2 x a week to have a 2nd workout in my day! (Even it is just a walk). I believe the activity and getting your heart rate up and metablolism going is great! So Please excuse me for not posting until Tuesday when I know what my weight will be to start my April!
  • countrybell7
    countrybell7 Posts: 3 Member
    I like the April goals and chat. Connectedness is important. I'm struggling with goals due to being so ill at this time. I don't want to set myself up for failure during this time of doctors and medical testing. However, I need to stay on track so I won't gain. My goals are to continue journaling each day, exercise 5X each week for 30 min,write an encouraging thought every day and find new ways to reduce stress in my life besides eating. I also want to learn to recognize triggers that cause me to eat.
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello all! Ok so I officially know my April start and April was not that great of a month for me so this idea of goal setting is just the motivation I need! I looked up all of my goal setting that I wrote out on the 1st day of January and I am behind by 9 lbs. I know I had some scale issues early and I had to absorb an extra 5 lbs when I switched scales so maybe this is part of it. Initially my goals were based on losing at a very slow pace or so I thought. I am not going to make any excuses and I am sure there are things I can do to speed things along! I really feel I need to add more workouts or longer workouts and change it up so here goes.


    1. Lose 7 lbs overall which puts me at 25 1lbs lost.

    2. Start a new DVD workout to add to 30 day Shred off days (overall do DVD's 5 x week)

    3. Run for 30 minutes 2 days per week

    4. Walk 20 miles per week

    5. Allow myself a no count calorie day on April 28th my anniversary!

    I think I can do this if I set up a schedule now I have to get to it!!!!
  • libro55
    libro55 Posts: 20 Member
    I just saw this thread today - first time I've looked in April, I guess. I think it's a terrific idea. I think my goal may just be to work on consistency rather than numbers this month: walk every day and wear my Fitbit to record it, but focus more on making it a daily habit rather than "catching up" to a specified number each day. I try to SIMPLIFY but often find there's too much of "too much" in my life. Too much technology, too much updating that technology, too much clutter, too much overeating, too much starting over! I think I need to simplify and really concentrate on few but the most important things. Eat less, move more for one thing. So consistency is my goal this month.
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    Hello everybody ! !

    I think this is a great idea as well. I haven't been one for "goal setting" in the past, but I'm still learning, still changing, and this is one thing I think I could try to stay on track...

    In April, I would like to shoot for these goals:

    1) Finish my Couch to 5K program, which means I would have to push through each week and NOT repeat weeks. I've never done this before, so I'm kind-of hesitant to make that a goal. Running (or jogging) has never been my "thing", but I have to say - the program is really stretching me and I REALLY do feel better... Guess we'll see how hard it gets !!

    2) Lose at least 5 more pounds. I've started the "spike" day - and have been watching "net" calories. Hoping that helps me with the weight loss. That would get me half-way to my goal of losing 50 pounds, and BOY would I be happy about that ! !

    3) Exercise more on days I'm not running. I'd like to get more toned as well as lose the flab ! !

    I think WE CAN DO THIS ! !

    Here's to our goals - :drinker:
  • MACNana2
    MACNana2 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks Joanne for setting this up and thanks to Cece for suggesting this. I have maintained but not lost any weight in awhile. I have lost some inches as evidenced by fitting in pants that I could not wear last summer/spring.

    My first goal will be obtained tomorrow (I hope). I want to go to a 6:15am Zumba class. I will time myself and see if it will be at all possible to include this in my weekly routine and make it to work on time. It is doubtful, but I can flex my time a bit, so maybe... If it works out, then I will continue it for the month.

    Next I want to see some lower numbers on the scale. I will settle for 4 pounds to make an even 10 lost so far this year.

    Great goals here everyone. I wish you all the best!!