When Eating Out...

nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
What do you eat? Do you have places you prefer to go? What do you look for? How much do you change what the menu item is (substitutions, alternations, etc)?

I travel for work so eating out occurs more than I really should...


  • i have learned not to be ashamed of a complicated order. and i tell them i have an allergy (which i do) so i dont look like a picky *kitten*. lol.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I have to eat out quite often for business and I've gotten pretty good at ordering mostly Paleo fare. I'm not so incredibly picky, but I typically order some protein and vegetables on the side. I do occasionally eat white rice when I'm in Asia and occasionally pasta when I'm in Italy, but in general I stick to Paleo as much as I can. I'm not in the US, so I think in a lot of ways it is easier for me to find things to eat. I generally don't ask them to leave out non-Paleo things, but I just don't eat them when they come. Everything in Germany is served with a Knödel and potatoes, but I just don't eat them.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I will only dine out at restaurants that cook with really fresh foods and places that understand specific requests are for food allergy/sensitivity reasons.

    Thankfully where I live, you can spit and hit 12 restaurants in one shot. Ill have mexican, vietnamese, japanese, chinese (the real stuff that chinese folks really consume, not this Americanized garbage), greek, and then of course normal foods like seafood, steakhhouses, etc.

    Ive never had a problem being able to adhere to Paleo/Low carb while dining out - in fact its extremely easy
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    When at a sushi place, I'll choose sashimi and a green salad with ginger dressing. Yummy! I even had the option of wheat free soy sauce yesterday
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Once recently I went to IHOP (where I don't think I've been for 15 years) with a family member and thought, oh I'll just get an omlette. Looking at the menu I discovered they put pancake batter in their omlettes "to make them fluffier", so I told them I'm gluten intollerent (true and then again not totally true in the sense most think of...), and asked if they could make me an omlette without pancake batter. They did. You just can't be afraid to ask questions and ask for substitutions to eat the way you want to at restaurants :) At brunches I substitute sides of bacon for a lot of toast and pancakes :):)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Once recently I went to IHOP (where I don't think I've been for 15 years) with a family member and thought, oh I'll just get an omlette. Looking at the menu I discovered they put pancake batter in their omlettes "to make them fluffier", so I told them I'm gluten intollerent (true and then again not totally true in the sense most think of...), and asked if they could make me an omlette without pancake batter. They did. You just can't be afraid to ask questions and ask for substitutions to eat the way you want to at restaurants :) At brunches I substitute sides of bacon for a lot of toast and pancakes :):)

    An Omelet made with PANCAKE BATTER?!?!? OH MY GAWD I can hear my grandfather saying "thats just wrong!"
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I am a menu alterer and my husband HATES it. He is always embarrassed by my many requests, so we typically will stick to steakhouses where I order chicken and two veggies. Texas Roadhouse is very good about this, but you have to be careful b/c I think they use MSG in their steak seasoning. Could probably easily order a steak unseasoned.

    But, they have those delicious rolls so I have a hard time going there now... In fact, I haven't since I completely gave up wheat.
  • CeeGray
    CeeGray Posts: 15 Member
    I am fairly new to Paleo and have access to fabulous grass-fed beef and free range chicken and I just cannot make myself eat either outside of my house. Anyone else have that problem?? I either have to opt for vegetarian (which of course means I'm probably dealing with grains and such I won't eat either) or fish. Usually the fish.

    Just pondering the fear I seem to have eating out!
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I try not to be TOO hard on myself when I have to eat out at a restaurant. I'll typically order some kind of meat (usually steak or ribs) with a side salad. I try to pick house made salad dressing but if not, I don't stress over it. The only time I have questionable condiments is when I eat out, which I don't do often. I get the dressing on the side.

    I have yet to visit a restaurant that doesn't at the very least have some sort of salad I can ask for with an added grilled chicken breast. I don't mind giving a more "complicated" order to ensure that I'll get what I want. I'm paying a big mark up to have food made for me, so if I want it done a particular way why shouldn't I get that?
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    The 80/20 rule applies.

    We are 100% at home. When we dine out, we understand that:

    - the animal products won't be grass fed;
    - everything is likely to have ingredients that aren't primal/paleo.

    Knowing that, we make our decisions to eat as healthily as we can under the circumstances. A lot of it is like Macphean said. But also we:

    - Have a list of restaurants in (our small) town where we know we can eat healthily, and support them with our dollars. We don't even bother going to a grain/carb oriented restaurant (like Mexican) where getting a halfway decent meal is like pulling teeth;

    - Simply ask them to sub the grain/starch with an extra side of veg;

    - Oh, and tell the waiter first off not to bother with bringing bread, and if they don't have fresh fruit on the dessert menu, don't bother bringing that as well.

    After that, we don't sweat the small stuff. Last night we were at our favorite restaurant and I tried the beef medallions. I had done everything like I've listed, but when my plate arrived, the mushrooms (which were mentioned on the menu) were in a cream sauce (which wasn't mentioned) - and obviously used flour to thicken. Do I send it back over a teaspoon of flour? Nah. Eat it - and remember it for next time.
  • katiestemp
    katiestemp Posts: 27 Member
    I'm new to Paleo, so I'm still learning, but a couple times in a pinch, I've gone to Carl's Jr for the low carb burger with no condiments. That's a last resort option! :)
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Since I've gone paleo (including limiting dairy) eating out at restaurants is actually kind of a fun challenge.. usually I can ignore most of what's on the menu and if I look hard enough I can find something that is close enough.

    Like the other night at a Mexican place the only options I had were steak and veggies.. or fish/shrimp in tomato sauce. I went for the fish/shrimp and it was great, I just didn't eat the rice it was served on top of.

    I often ask for a substitute of a veggie like broccoli instead of potatoes and every restaurant I've tried this with lately has had no problem at all with that.

    The other fun thing about restaurants now is as I eat my carefully chosen dish.. I look around at all the fat folks I know chowing down on the bread, rice, and fried foods.. and it makes me feel a little well.. superior intelligence wise lol. So gives me an ego boost (which I then keep to myself of course.)
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    haa haa - last night we went out to a pub. Actually plenty of options - wife ordered a bacon burger sans bun and salad.
    I ordered the big "apple" salad and had them add chicken, then add chicken again. It was a monster meal.

    Dudes sitting next to us talking very loud about trying to get into shape.
    All in their late 30's to early 40's.
    1 "I am at my heaviest and I'm pretty active"
    2 "dude, I'm going to do p90x"
    1 "Yea I did that it is a good workout - but can't seem to lose the weight"
    3 "I think I'm going to do that p90x too - at this point, I'm willing to do anything - I am in the worst shape ever"
    1 "yea I suppose - I GOTTA DO SOMETHING"

    While this conversation transpired they each drank beer and shared a plate of nachos.

    I ate a plate of food bigger than my head and I probably lost weight during the meal.
    I came pretty close to butting in and offering some advice, but we weren't really close enough that I could do it tactfully - and when people say, "I'm willing to do anything" - I have found that commitment goes away quickly when you say "NO GRAIN".

    I know I am "born again", but I feel like that kid from the sixth sense - all I see is wheat belly and sugar burners.
  • jpmerc423
    jpmerc423 Posts: 11 Member
    I ordered the big "apple" salad and had them add chicken, then add chicken again. It was a monster meal.

    Love the double order of chicken on top of the salad. Most places these days will do it (and not kill you with the price). Add avocado or guac and you can go easy on or even skip the poor quality salad dressing they likely serve.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I have a fetish for the IN and OUT burgers, protein and animal style (they wrap the burger and yummies in big leaves of lettuce, no bun). My downfall are those great fresh cut french fries. But at least I'm not doing what I used to do...order a double double, with the bun, TWO orders of fries and a large Diet Coke.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I'm so not picky which is useful. I tend to stick with steak and salad, or Nando's in the UK, chicken, salad and olives. Nom.