What are we eating?

whook1981 Posts: 7 Member
Wanted to start a topic to see what others are eating. I'm trying hard to stay clean but I work shift work and sometimes get stuck working doubles or odd days so I keep a stock of "Weight Watchers Smart Ones" in my work freezer. So what are you guys eating in your normal day? What do you do incase of emergency?

Also when most were starting out how many calories were you eating on the normal day. i.e. MFP tells me to eat 3090 calories but man eating clean thats hard as crap. I find my self falling in around 1500-1900 calories.

Any tips or info would greatly help !!! Thanks !!!


  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I'm not super clean but feel free to look at my diary. I'm eating between 1700 and 2400 in food.

    For higher clean calories try brown rice, nuts, seeds, fruit, peanut butter. If you get better ideas let me know.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I eat eat oil, egg and dairy free vegetarian. Works for me and my heart.
  • rjingalls
    rjingalls Posts: 18
    Chicken, tuna, lean ground beef, almonds, natural peanut butter, almond butter, greek yogurt, eggs, broccoli, apples, bananas. thats pretty much what Im eating now. Oh yea, and dark chocolate, love that stuff.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Whole meats (no processed deli meat) (beef, pork, fish), veggies (spinach, broccoli, spring mix salad), eggs (scrambled and hard boiled), a little bit of fruit, extra virgin olive oil, grass fed unsalted butter (gotta have my bulletproof coffee), salted butter, almond milk, 10% fat greek yogurt, stevia extract, no grains or white stuff.

    I generally at or below 2000 calories a day and just cannot eat anymore. Sometimes I have dark (90%) chocolate and a 4oz glass of red or dark red wine if it fits into my daily calories.

    I do eat cheese but in small amounts.
  • yo_sushi
    yo_sushi Posts: 77
    Right now?
    A 600g bowl of wild mushroom soup (it's gritty and tastes foul but it's all I bought to work so I got to eat it)

    My food diary is open so have a look, I generally try to eat 1600 calories a day, bran in the mornings (except on weekends where it's eggs and turkey bacon)
    lunch is either rice or soup for now, I might change it up a bit after pay day
    dinner is whatever the wife makes :D