Welcome to the April Challenge!



  • Roserivera
    Roserivera Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, This will be my first challenge. looking forward to the extra motivation.Thank you for the invite.

    Current weight: 255 (started at 280)
    Goal weight: 180

    Week 1: exercise 3x a week

    Week 2:exercise 3x a week

    Week 3:exercise 3x a week

    Week 4: do the above and I should be atleast 250 or less :smile:
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome Back everyone! Thanks for putting this together again!

    My goal for April is to get into onederland. I am currently at 208 lbs, and my goal is to be at 199 by the end of April.

    I am going to challenge myself into doing more physical things this month! Finish the 30 DS (I was on vacation last week, so I took a week off) I will start again tonight!

    Tomorrow I turn a year older! My goal was to be under 210 by my birthday and I made that!

    Good Luck everyone!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Awesome hauer01 for reaching your mini goal for your birthday and HaPpY BiRtHdAy a day early!! I am so excited for you about to get into "onederland"!! That is fantastic!!! I am so happy for you and it gives me hope that I can find "onederland" one day too!! Welcome back and best wishes this month as we challenge and encourage one another!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    I didn't want to do the 30 day shred this morning at 5:00. I thought to myself, "What were you thinking...putting this down????" However, for some reason when I put it on the challenge board or set it as a mini goal, I stick with it! So I'm here to tell you, I did it and feel energized and great!

    I hope all of you have a great day and remember you are ALL worth making all of your goals and these little goals WILL GET US TO OUR BIG GOAL!! We have all come too far to turn back now! Trust me: if you give up now, it WILL come back and sadly quicker than it went off. When I gain any back, it always brings "friends" with it too!!!!! None of us want to go back to where we were!! Have a super day!!!
  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    Current Weight: 185.4
    Goal Weight: 140

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: (179 or less)

    My exercise has been pretty consistent. Here's my schedule for April:

    Monday: 1 hour of kickboxing
    Tuesday: 1 hour of spinning
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: 1 hour of zumba / 1 hour of strength training
    Saturday: 1 hour of bootcamp or hiking
    Sunday: run/walk/bike ride

    Eating is where I'm struggling. Goals for April:

    Pay more attention to my sugar and sodium intake
    Cut down sodas to one a day. Drink water and Chrystal Light the rest of the day
    Have at least one helping of vegetables with lunch and dinner
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello...I'm fairly new to MFP and I'm trying to be more consistent with my eating and exercise so that I can get off this plateau that I have been on for the past few months.

    Current Weight: 176.6
    Goal Weight: 125

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: to loose 6.6 pounds or more (aiming to weigh in at 165 to 170lbs)

    I currently go to the gym on Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat. I will try to make the added effort to be active everyday during the week and put a lot more focus on what I eat. I'm aiming to decrease my sugar intake, decrease my simple carbs intake, increase my protein intake, and continue with my high water consumption.
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome to our board and good luck with the challenge this month!! We are glad to have you on board!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Check out my lil froggy on the weight loss ticker... He is no longer getting drowned by the heavy rains!!!! Now, he just sits under the dark clouds. However, he can see the clear sky and beautiful rainbow giving a promise from God ahead!! :glasses:
    107 pounds to go... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! Phillipians 4:13 :flowerforyou:
  • Love it!
  • smcfaye
    smcfaye Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning All ;

    My starting weight is 259.3, my goal weight for April 27th (I do "weigh-in on Fridays) is 253.3. That is 6 pounds total... 1 1/2 pounds per week, a very healthy goal.

    However, ideally I would like to lose 10 pounds in April, I'm not sure if that is realistic.

    As far as exercise, I am committing to doing Curves 3x per week and walking most other days. I have a stack of exercise videos and should work some of them in too.

    Best wishes,


    Good Morning All,

    I just did week 1 weigh in .... 255.5 down -3.8 pounds I did not make it to Curves 3x this week but I had some medical things going on and probably will be back on track with Curves this weekend or early next week.
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 34 Member
    "Check out my lil froggy on the weight loss ticker... He is no longer getting drowned by the heavy rains!!!! Now, he just sits under the dark clouds. However, he can see the clear sky and beautiful rainbow giving a promise from God ahead!! glasses
    107 pounds to go... I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! Phillipians 4:13 flowerforyou"

    Love this post!
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    April Starting Weight: 189
    Week 1 Weight In: 188.6
    Goal Weight: 181 by the end of the April Challenge

    Week 1 Goals:
    1.Log my food intake every day (logged but normally the day after so I probably missed some things)
    2.Work out 5 days this week (ACCOMPLISHED)
    3.Lose 2 lbs. (DID NOT MEET GOAL)

    Week 2 Goals:
    1. Eat Healthy for 7 days and track as I go through the day instead of the day after
    2. Work out 5 days this week
    3. Lose 2 lbs.

    Week 3 Goals: to be determined

    Week 4 Goals: to be determined

    I must admit my food choices through this week were not as good as they should have been, "RESULT" not as much of a loss as I wanted. :sad: . Starting today I will push myself to have the willpower needed to succeed with my goals for this week. A friend of mine sent me a quote that I feel very appropriate for me this week "HAVING A FIT BODY IS A JOURNEY. IT'S ABOUT THE CHOICES WE MAKE". Obviously I did not make the right choices this past week and I have no one to blame but ME. This week I will live by this quote and when I post next week I WILL have a happy face to post. Until then.............................'WE CAN DO IT!!":flowerforyou:
  • April Starting Weight: 156

    For the first week of April my workout and diet fell off due to Spring Break and being out of town for the week. Next week I hope to get back on track. I just need to keep motivating myself and watch what I am eating. I need to find healthy recopies as well that are quick and easy due to my busy schedule.

    My workout for this week should be as follow:

    Monday Treadmill for 30 minutes and Just Dance Video Game
    Tuesday 30 Day Shred and Ab Riper X
    Wednesday Treadmill and Just Dance Video Game
    Thursday 30 Day Shred and Ab Riper X
    Friday Treadmill and Just Dance Video Game
    Saturday and Sunday will depend om my availability
  • Started Level 2 on the 30 day shred, wow this should be fun lol
  • Week 1: llost 3.5 lbs. new weight 248.5

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: Should weigh 242
  • Anne0209
    Anne0209 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there. I'm a week late for April's challenge, but no better time to join then now! I started losing weight on January 3rd and have lost 30 lbs. I had to take the last 2 weeks off, due to having the shingles, I don't wish these on anyone! I didn't gain any weight through the time off and I think I'm good enough to be able to concentrate on exercising and diet now so here we go.

    April Starting Weight: 272.6 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 266.6 lbs. by the end of the April Challenge (2 lbs. per week)

    Week 1 Goals:
    1. Survive having the shingles! (accomplished!!!)
    2. Not gain weight but maintain the 30 pound weight loss (accomplished)

    Week 2 Goals:
    1. Eat good and track all food-- every day
    2. Work out 4-5 days this week
    3. Drink at least 64 oz. water per day
    4. Lose 2 lbs.

    Week 3 Goals: to be determined

    Week 4 Goals: to be determined
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 34 Member
    Week 1: lost no weight...in fact i think I gain a pound bc it's that TOM for me so we will see how the next week goes

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4:

    Still aiming to lose this 6.6+ lbs by the end of the month

    current weight: still 176.6
    goal weight: 165-170
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    Hey guys, I need some help!

    I was doing great for quite some time. All of a sudden, I am unmotivated. I haven't done a substancial workout in weeks. I need to get back on track. I am only hurting myself. But I can't seem to get my mind back into the right place.

    AARRGG! Frustrating.
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    Well I didn't make my workout goal but I did make my weight goal and more @ 3.5 lbs. I did do extra walking to try and make up for not making it to the gym. I will do better this week:)
  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    Week 1: I gained this week. Exercise stayed consistent. Still having issues with not eating like I should. I've stayed where I should as far as calories, carbs, and fat but I found out that my sodium intake has been through the roof. Good to know...maybe now I can get a handle on that and the scale will start going down again.

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4: (179 or less)

    Current Weight: 186
    Goal Weight: 140