What wrong with me?! I have not lost 1 pound!!!

I have been doing 30 day shred for over 30 days, skipped a few (sick for a couple days), and took a few days off in between. I do not attribute not losing weight to this, but I have not even lost one pound!!!!
I'm 24 and active and am 170, but need to be at about 150.
I'm guessing it's my diet? But, I don't eat THAT bad? So, I just don't get it.
Totally discouraged :(


  • Brandee4
    Have you lost inches? I gained weight with the 30DS but lost inches.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    It could be your diet but it could be that you lost inches and not pounds. Did you measure yourself?
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I lost inches but no pounds too. I would definitely measure.
  • AB963K
    AB963K Posts: 33 Member
    Hi I Went on Free Dietingwww.freedieting.com/tools/calories_in_food.htmCached - Similarfreecalorie.com and it calculates calories for
    Maintenance Fat Loss Extreme Fat Loss
    Monday 1850 1480 1110
    Tuesday 1480 1184 1016
    Wednesday 2220 1776 1332
    Thursday 1850 1480 1110
    Friday 1665 1332 1016
    Saturday 2035 1628 1221
    Sunday 1850 1480 1110
    *Calorie cycling provides same amount of calories per week, but 'tricks' your body by constantly changing daily calories. This helps to prevent or break plateaus. Guideline only.
    Might be worth a try to zig zag calorie intake ?
  • brasskim
    brasskim Posts: 39
    Measure yourself as the others suggested. And are you "sure" you don't eat that bad? Log your food for a few weeks and you may be surprised at how much more calories you're taking in than you thought.