Excercise...what are you doing??



  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    I'm using the PS3 version of Zumba and Pilates at the moment. I'm also doing some stretches with an exercise ball and thinking about adding some belly dancing to the mix as well.
  • BundangKiwiGal
    BundangKiwiGal Posts: 78 Member
    I do bootcamp classes 5 times a week at my gym for about an hour (mixture of strength and cardio), and I walk a lot. I completed the JM30DS about a month ago, and although I didn't lose that much weight, I lost lots of centimetres all over my body. Its well worth it for a 20 minute workout everyday. I downlaoded it for free (woops!) and also managed to get some of her other workouts on there too. Score!!

    I've just finished reading The New Rules of Lifting for Women, and really want to give that a good go come the New Year. My focus is not so much on losing weight anymore than it is to lose body fat. Oh and gaining a bit more muscle, even though I've already got good muscle mass (which is in hiding right now).

    The thing I really miss from being back at home, is team sports!! I need to find some over here in Korea.

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  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I was going to the gym quite regularly but have slacked off in last month or so.

    Now I usually will do a mixture of the elliptical at home, C25K, tennis and 30DS. I think I am set on here for 900 calories (180 minutes) a week but usually try to go a bit over that. I don't eat back my exercise calories as I am on a really small deficit and the margin for error is tiny, plus I am looking to recomp rather than lose weight per se.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    This site has a boot camp special - Auckland only
    $60 for 6 Weeks of Indoor Bootcamp at Total Body Bootcamp (value $299)
    Choose between classes available from Mount Roskill, Freemans Bay, Howick, Glenfield and Manukau.

  • jofromnz
    jofromnz Posts: 82 Member
    I do BodyCombat (punching and kicking martail arts inspired class) three times per week plus walking (hard when the weather isn't so good!). I really love the classes and I have been committed to three times per week since I began using MFP (three months now almost!).
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    Had been training for the REAL womens duathlon, so had been running/biking x5/6 per week. now that has been completed starting on strength training that i will do at home x2 per week and will run x2/3 per week.

    With 30DS, is this something that you would repeat over? Or do you only do for 30days and then redundant? everyone seems to rave about it
  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    I visit the gym (Curves) at least 3 to 4 times a week and on the days I'm not at the Gym, I'm out for a brisk/mod pace walk for up to an hour or so as I love it.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Anyone keen to try and achieve 10,000 steps per day in the month of April? If so I could start a group just for this challenge.
  • angenz
    angenz Posts: 51 Member
    I've gotten into fitness classes at my local gym.
    I try to go to Step, Martial and Pump at least once a week each. Just starting a weekly boxing class too, which I love!!!

    I also cycle everyday down and up the hills of Dunedin!
  • jam_hunt
    jam_hunt Posts: 8 Member
    You can shred for free on Youtube, wouldn't recommend it long term i.e years, but is ideal short term i.e months, or an addition to other cardio
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    Most days I currently alternate between 40mins of exercycling and Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 or my c25k program of which I am on week 4 and ripped in 30. Once a week I do 30 day shred to change it up a little. Working so far as I have said bye bye to 10kgs :)
  • prettytothinkso
    I am using ChaLEAN Extreme. It is a butt kicker.
  • Im just walking, making sure I do the routes with heaps of hills. If it's raining I jump on the treadmill and walk for the same length of time, though I do sweat more when I use the treadmill. I need to start doing Zumba again.
    Kahu I would be up for the challenge, Im on my feet all day working with children so I would be keep to see how many steps I do take in one day :)
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi all ... I am doing Couch to 5k (aka C25k) which is great ... for anyone sitting on a couch and hasn't run before. Then by the end of 9 weeks you will be able to run for half hour or 5k non stop. I have a couple of fun runs coming up and wanna actually do well at them rather than just struggle through them. I have only just started but I am really enjoying it. It is free podcasts and the guy tells you when to run and when to walk and slowly builds you up to running 5k. If anyone wants to join me here is the link. (hope this works for you lol)

  • angelbob75
    angelbob75 Posts: 5 Member
    I have heap of dvds but at the moment am using 30 day shred alternated with the new zumba
  • Kimberleycommonname
    Kimberleycommonname Posts: 52 Member
    I'm training for a 10k run on June 3 so that means running 4 times a week. I also swim 1 - 2 times a week and do yoga occasionally.
  • Iheartpsychosis
    I am dancing to (Just Dance 3) on PlayStation, it's really improved my fitness. I also have fitness coach (PS3 again) lol. Just got the 30 day shred and planning to do C25K with my husband. Me and my friend signed up for line dancing to have some dorky fun lol.

    I hopefully will also be joining a social netball team, if they don't have enough numbers. Season is basically beginning, so was a bit late for me to ask. But I would love to get back into netball again!
  • DangerMouse7
    DangerMouse7 Posts: 57 Member
    I started out speed-walking 3 days a week back in January following an accident.
    Since February I have been going to the gym doing a split routine Uppers/Lowers 4 times per week (2xUppers/2xLowers). On the other days I have been increasing my cardio, from speed-walking to running since April.
    So in all I am exercising everyday and feeling so much better for it. The weight is dropping, I'm toning up, feeling great, and have that sense of finally being on the right track.
    I will probably look to mix my routines up with some high intensity once I have a good base down, another couple of months. So far I am injury free, which hasn't been the case in my past when trying to restart an exercise regime (head said go, body said wo!)
    I do think its important to do something everyday if possible, even if that's going for a 30-60min walk. Listen to your body wisely and if you feel like you need a recovery-day after a hard week or particularly gruelling day of exercise, then take it. you actually get better during that recovery-day!!!. Just don't abuse the recovery-day by taking a ton of them, remain focused on your goal, and why you are on MFP.

    And above all have fun, and make friends here on MFP. There are a lot of very supportive and friendly people who can make a lot of difference to your achievements, and it will make you feel good being supportive of them too. My two cents worth...
  • findingKylie
    findingKylie Posts: 26 Member
    I try to get out walking with my kids at least 3 times a week for a good hour, i have a $20 Zumba DVD set from Offtheback.co.nz and i do at least 20mins of that most nights. Plus i recently got on the kids trampoline (was only on 20mins) my body was sooo sore the next few days, haha so ive been doing that for ten mins when i dont go walking or ive had a bad day, as it seems to realy work some good muscles
  • LadyStardust21
    I do about 30 minutes of jogging on the spot in the morning, some oblique twists, sit ups, push ups and I usually go for a 45 minute walk/run every day! :)