April 9th weigh in

mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
So I lost 2 ounces since last week... and why is this a victory for me? Well, considering that I only walk 3 days instead of 4 AND we have had 2 birthday parties for my daughter AND all this darn Easter Candy around....I was just glad I did not gain this week! So onward from here! My goal is to walk at least 40 minutes 4 times this week and also get 2 classes of zumba in. In all honesty, I will probably have some candy everyday until all this stuff is gone, but I am still shooting for losing maybe a pound this coming week!

May the odd be ever in our favor! LOL


  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Original start weight: 176
    Weight last week: 139
    Weight this week 138
    Lost this week: 1 lb

    Well it sure seemed like a lot of work for 1 lb, but I'll take it!
  • jpbenjamin
    jpbenjamin Posts: 116 Member
    When i got on the scale yesterday, it was down 1.2lbs. But then again, I had a good Easter Sunday meal...so i'm going to say I didn't lose any this week and try again for next week!

    Goal is to be in the 150s by Memorial Day!
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    April 2nd weight :162.5
    April 9th weight Loss : -1.3
    New weight: 161.2
    Memorial Day Goal : 156
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    Starting weight 255
    April 4 187
    April 9 189
    Memorial Day goal 179

    So yeah, I gained 2LBS...... not a great weekend and no one to blame but me. And yes I have a sugar hangover from jelly beans. I appreciate that my plateau is my body adjusting but it hasn't helped me keep motivated. I work hard, eat well and no loss on the scale or tape measure. Now I feel miserable and bloated. This is a very good reminder of how I used to feel, the thought of easter candy makes me nauseous. Sweets are a huge trigger for me, and now that I don't have the consequence of a gallbladder attack as punishment I have found myself slipping more.
    Congrats to all that have lost because of you I can move forward and get back on track. You all are an inspiration!
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    MFP starting weight: 190. Forgot that part
  • BrittanyH8588
    BrittanyH8588 Posts: 77 Member
    Starting weight: 195 lbs
    Current Weight:174
    Goal weight by memorial day: 160
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    SW Jan 25, 2012 - 303.3lbs
    LW April 1, 2012 - 277.0lbs
    CW April 8, 2012 - 266.5lbs -4.5lbs

    Memorial Day Goal 255.0lbs
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Overall Starting weight 11/11: 288-ish
    MFP Starting weight 12/26/12: 274
    Current Weight 4/9/12: 262

    Memorial Day Goal 250 lbs
  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    Original start weight: 323
    Weight last week: 300
    Weight this week 299
    Lost this week: 1 lb
    Challenge Goal Weight: 283
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member

    Must say that I'm not really happy to admit, this is the first weigh in that I haven't lost...
    It was after Easter Sunday and I had a piece of ham and some salted tortilla chips - awoke with tremendous thirst -
    know I must have been retaining water. I've been on a low sodium diet. So... the salty foods are not ideal.

    I started on 2/1/12 at 176 - I'm 5ft 6inches tall.
    On 4/1/12 I was down to 156
    On 4/6/12 I was down to 155
    This morning, on 4/9/12 I was back up to 156...
    Still showing a 20 pound loss - but I want to see the scale keep going down.

    My original goal weight was 150. I'm thinking 140 is probably more realistic to really rid my body the
    excess baggage.
  • mapdixon
    mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
    So I am at the end of day 1 of the challenge - I noticed that after reading the other post, everyone is posting how much they weigh and I have kinda shy away from that. But I guess, if I'm all in, I need to be "all in".

    Last Week's weight: 252.4
    Today's Weight: 252.2

    There - I did it. (deep breaths!)

    Okay, at the end of day 1, I did meet my goal and I walked 61 minutes! (goal was 40!) I also planned out my meals for the week and went grocery shopping accordingly. Now, to stick to my meal plan! I will be the first to admit I am a sugar-aholic. I have a very big sweet tooth and trying to tame it is hard! I added lime to my water today. Just what I needed for a change from just water and it was good too!
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    I wish the Easter bunny would hop his *kitten* back to my house and take back this candy
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    Cobehale- WOO HOO! That is GREAT you hit the 2's I am so happy for you!!!! Keep up the fabulous work!!!

    And I agree the Easter Bunny needs to get this candy out!!!!! Oh my gosh I mean really????

    I am so proud all of you are my friends and are rocking this challenge!!!
  • slleeper68
    slleeper68 Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I was hoping to get on here earlier today!!! Been going since 6am and am just finally getting home after working my 2 jobs for the day!!! SHEW!!! Well first of all congrats to everyone for all the hard work. Keep it up!!!!! I am so glad to be a part of this wonderful group. You are all so amazing!!! Well, here goes nothing.

    My starting weight: 237
    My weight on 3/29: 211
    My weight on 4/2 205
    My weight today 4/9 199.7

    The weight I would like to be by Memorial Day would be 175. We will see, but I will be happy with any loss. Happy that Easter is over, so I can get back into my daily routine again. It's funny how the little things can throw you out of whack!!!!
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    slleeper - congrats on making it one-derland !
  • mapdixon
    mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
    I am so proud of myself! I have knocked day 2 out of the water today! I felt really good when I got up this morning so I walked for 51 minutes before I ever got ready for work (and still made it to work on time!). Tonight was Zumba night so I did that too. When all was said and done, according to my pedometer, I did 100 minutes of aerobic exercising today totaling 815 calories burned! I can't tell you how happy I am about this! :) Just had to share!
  • curly_girl
    curly_girl Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone-

    This is my first post to the challenge. I, too, am among those fortunate enough to have met Walkmypantsoff through MFP, and I appreciate her putting out this challenge.

    So, my goal is to lose 6 lbs by Memorial Day, which would get me to the upper range of my goal weight. I want to weigh between 142-147. At one time I weighed 189, and at one time I weighed 142 (actually twice, the first time I was 9!)

    It may not seem like much to lose, but I've been finding it hard to move downward, and I have an eating disorder in my history. You look like an awesome little group, and I'm glad to be among you.

    April 9 153
    Memorial Day Goal 147
    Overall Goal 142-147
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    Original weight 255
    april 4 239
    april 9 241
    Memorial goal 230

    Oh my i gained 2lbs.. lots of reasons but mostly lack of exersize and poor choices and this cold is kicking my butt,,, But to better choices this week and i have to kick the cold's butt.,, Good luck and Great job so far to everyone...