Calorie Intake

bmbush30 Posts: 6 Member
I'm on week 4 of insanity but I notice I'm not getting good results with my weight lost. My calorie intake is set for 1510 and with the added credit for my workout I'm around 2000 calories daily. Is it safe to eat less calories to get a better results? My goal is to loose 30lbs with my first 60 day challenge of insanity. I want to do two rounds. Any advise would be useful.


  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You would get more response if you post under general discussion.
    There are not many people using this group.

    Did you lose inches? A few people said that they lose inches but not much weight.
    I think it would safe to eat less as long as your NET calorie is not below your BMR calorie.
    Week 4 is recover week so you don't need much fuel.
    2nd month of insanity your work out is 15 minutes longer also ..
    make sure you enough fuel to work out.
  • bmbush30
    bmbush30 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your suggestion.
  • Sigma28
    Sigma28 Posts: 83 Member
    My experience is not to focus on weight loss with Insanity, but to chart by measurement. Many people here will attest to gaining weight before the fat started to come off. That's because you gain muscle with Insanity if you aren't fit to begin with. As far as calorie goals, I'd hesitate about not eating enough of your exercise calories back. I've seen too many people stall after awhile and wonder what happened. Once they started eating their exercise calories back, they started losing weight again because their body came out of starvation mode. Lastly, I'd recommend a slower weight loss goal of one to two pounds a week, instead of four. Four pounds a week is pretty extreme for someone trying to lose 60 pounds. I think you'll lose precious metabolic raising muscle doing that. Having said that, if you've lost your 10 pounds in 4 weeks on Insanity, that is a very fast, healthy burn. Keep it up, you're doing great!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    my calories are set at about 1650 right now for insanity and i am in month 1, 5'4" and 125 lb. i may up them in month 2 depending on how thigns go. if i lose over 1 lb this week i will be increasing them for sure. i am close to goal weight and really want to tone