How many Grams of Carbs are you eating???



  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    holy crud.
    How are you getting your bf tested?
    I have been successful at dropping the fat, but not as successful at building muscle. I'm trying to lift heavy but don't think I could lift what is in your picture. ;)
  • Smonks00
    Smonks00 Posts: 31
    we are getting tested by water submergsion (sp) you go under water and blow out all your air.
    i have been eating 1-1.2 grams of protein per LBM and lifting heavy and keeping my carbs around 100. it is really working!
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    perfect. I need to lift heavier for sure.
  • alabelle1
    alabelle1 Posts: 31 Member
    I eat under 50 grams of carbs every day, without too much effort. I try to get to 100 grams of protein every day, and most days I hit it - if not, I come very close. It's working really well for me. :)

  • alabelle1
    alabelle1 Posts: 31 Member
    I eat under 50 grams of carbs every day, without too much effort. I try to get to 100 grams of protein every day, and most days I hit it - if not, I come very close. It's working really well for me. :)


    Amy are you dropping weight
    I am doing my best to stay under 50 carbs and the weight isnt budging... im so frustrated...
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    Bump :). I'm interested in this topic. I try to stay between 50-100, but I tend to be on the higher end of that range or a little more. I find that the higher I get, the worse the cravings get...trying to reel that in.
  • kaiman1
    kaiman1 Posts: 27
    holy crud.
    How are you getting your bf tested?
    I have been successful at dropping the fat, but not as successful at building muscle. I'm trying to lift heavy but don't think I could lift what is in your picture. ;)

    Using submersion weighing is supposed to be the best, but you can estimate this yourself by using skin fold measurements.

    Instructions on how to measure
    Instructions on where to measure
    Plug your data in here

    Note: I don't have commercial skin fold calipers.
    As a somewhat odd solution I have used pump pliers to great effect, as they allow widening the jaws such that you can grab the pinch without hurting and then hold the pliers up to a ruler.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Bump :). I'm interested in this topic. I try to stay between 50-100, but I tend to be on the higher end of that range or a little more. I find that the higher I get, the worse the cravings get...trying to reel that in.

    I am done with my 30 day and let myself relax a bit and have been just under 100 most days...going to try and reign it back in here...

    Part of it is really planning what you are going to eat - especially since things I really like to eat like sweet potatoes and squash have a higher sugar/Carb I have to make decisions...if I have one of those higher carb veggies I make sure my fruit that day is a lower carb one...

    I do give myself a little bit more carbs on a workout days...

    every once in a while I say screw it and don't worry about the carbs - but even on those days I am under 120 (cause I go crazy and have a Larabar or something like that) - I figure that is far far under a lot of other people
  • hollyannmarshall
    hollyannmarshall Posts: 7 Member
    I can fairly easily stay under 50 grams a day.

    B: Eggs and bacon (or leftover meat from the night before), and heavy whipping cream in coffee
    L: Leftovers from the night before (meat) and hardboiled eggs
    D: Meat and veggie (fairly small serving of veggies)

    I get about 20-40 grams from veges.
    I also lift for approx. 50 minutes every day, plus 15 minutes stair climber and 30 minute easy-run

    Once you switch over from being a carbohydrate burner to a fat burner, it pretty simple to cut out most carbohydrates. Ketosis is a wonderful thing!
    On a side note, I’m pretty much in maintenance mode. I’m 5’-7” and weigh 124-127. I would like to get and stay in the lower 120s, but hey, I’m not killing myself over it.  Hope this helps!
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I keep my carbs under 75g. I eat veggies and I find it hard to even get 75g per day. I usually hit the fat go slightly higher, and I find it difficult to get my protein in the right spot and I don't want to do protein supplements but I cannot seem to get 1g per lb of lean body weight. I even set the goal to .7 per lb and didn't hit it yesterday. I eat meat with EVERY meal.

    I also find it hard to hit my 2000 daily calories. I will go walking and burn another 200+ calories and MFP adjusts my calories by setting them higher and I have an even harder time eating enough to hit the mark. The rule is to not eat if you are not hungry, so I usually just skip and be under my calorie goal. Of course this works to my advantage.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I can fairly easily stay under 50 grams a day.

    B: Eggs and bacon (or leftover meat from the night before), and heavy whipping cream in coffee
    L: Leftovers from the night before (meat) and hardboiled eggs
    D: Meat and veggie (fairly small serving of veggies)

    I get about 20-40 grams from veges.
    I also lift for approx. 50 minutes every day, plus 15 minutes stair climber and 30 minute easy-run

    Once you switch over from being a carbohydrate burner to a fat burner, it pretty simple to cut out most carbohydrates. Ketosis is a wonderful thing!
    On a side note, I’m pretty much in maintenance mode. I’m 5’-7” and weigh 124-127. I would like to get and stay in the lower 120s, but hey, I’m not killing myself over it.  Hope this helps!

    I'd like to keep more veggies and fruits in my diet, but you certainly make it look easy to keep it under 50 :) I'm normally in your weight range (same height), but I put on a few pesky pounds in the last year that seem so hard to make go away, lol!
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    OK so I got some info off of Mark's Daily apple. (if you are currently not reading it, you should. it's full of great stuff!)
    but anyways, he suggest eating 50 - 100 g/day for the 'Primal Sweet Spot for effortless weight loss.' along with eating .7-1 g of protien per lean body mass. i am struggling to hit both the numbers. I eat over on the carbs and under on the protein. And i thought i was close to the protein number. I know i could eat less fruit.

    Does anybody else get close to these nubmers???? and how do you do it??

    75g or 15%

    Yes I do usually get close or just a hair over, rarely I may hit 80-89g. I don't start fretting unless it looks like I am going to hit or over shoot 100g, which has never happened.

    The carbs and fat I don't have any problems hitting. It is the protein that I have problems getting up to 125g (.7 model). I had problems reaching the goal at 1g per lb, so I decided to drop it to .7 per lb and see. Well I still can't hit the goal. Although I usually break 100g of protein. I don't want to drink/eat protein supplements, so I try to do it through my food alone.
  • graygirl73
    graygirl73 Posts: 11 Member
    I was eating the recommended 50-100g /day but then I hit a long plateau. I started sticking closer to 50g a day and the weight has started to come off again.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I'm trying to stay VLC this month, though yesterday I blew it and hit 94. It was a response to an emotional day, plus I was really sleepy/tired and now getting a chest cold, so my resistance was down. It's not surprising that the day after I eat more carbs, I start getting sick. This happened in January...eating low carb, slipped one night and the next day a cold came on full blown.

    Mark Sisson did mention in his book that sugar can certainly lower our immune system...and that seems to be the truth for me.

    I'm trying to stay in ketosis this month, and have been doing a personal 30 day challenge since Monday. So, my goals are to try to stay around 20g net carbs per day (total carbs minus fiber = net carbs}
  • I try to stay under 50 g of carbs (and usually end up around 40)....protein, I usually try to hit 100 g of protein....eggs for breakfast, bacon or sausage, a couple of chicken legs, some nuts, sometimes egg white protein (in a smoothie), full fat Fage yogurt, etc....
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I stay under 50g firmly, I don't eat much fruit though.