Ladies who train



  • Train in: American Karate (mix of Japanese karate, Taekwondo, boxing, and jui jitsu)
    When started: Aug 2011
    Inspiration: new to the martial arts realm - still finding inspiration in all fighters!
    Biggest accomplishment: Praise during the first few classes on being quick to pick up the skills and a natural roundhouse :-)
  • xmalfan
    xmalfan Posts: 8 Member
    What do you train in? I've trained in Kung Fu San Soo and Kickboxing
    When did you start? Kung Fu was November 2005, Kickboxing was in March 2010
    Who inspires you? I agree with the all women in male dominated sports, just tough women in general and even some males like my kung fu instructor. I have always had an aggressive side to me and I wanted to finally learn the arts of fighting. I do it to help myself be able to being able to defend myself and for fitness
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Getting my black belt in April 2009 right before joining the military and being one of five girls at our martial art school to stick with it
  • What do you train in? Taekwondo

    When did you start? I did Korean Karate as a kid for 8 years, but I had to stop after I got injured. I just picked up Taekwondo again a year ago at school :)

    Who inspires you? My boyfriend has been a wonderful support for me, and my coach is great! But I'm doing this for myself, and no one else.

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? My biggest accomplishment is just getting back into it after 3 1/2 years and being so out of shape. I was terrified to get back into the sparring ring, but I haven't looked back.
  • luvlyjanny
    luvlyjanny Posts: 85 Member
    What do you train in? Shotokan Karate

    When did you start? october 2011

    Who inspires you? myself!! always wanted to do martial arts but never had the opportunity or appropriate timing for it! my sensei is also amazing :)

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? grading before some of the white belts who were in the class before i started in less than 3 months!! showed me that its definitely something i want to keep up :D
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Hi, Ladies!

    I train Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Qigong, and Kickboxing.

    Started last February. Love it all.

    My instructor inspires me and also my future as an instructor myself.
  • I take Krav maga. I started august 2011. My aunt who is a black belt in karate inspires me.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    What do you train in? An American mixed style of karate, influenced by shotokan, taiho jitsu, tae kwon do, and judo.

    When did you start? 2002

    Who inspires you? The founder of my system--he is a 9th degree black belt with almost 50 years of experience. I love attending his camps and clinics--he is tough and demanding while at the same time positive and encouraging.
    I also am inspired by Gichin Funakoshi, Ip Man, and Morihei Ueshiba.

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?
    I'm not really about competing; I've entered two tournaments and walked away with 1st and 2nd place trophies from both events, but that didn't bring me the satisfaction I expected. So now I attend tournaments only to help out in whatever way I can--scorekeeping, running the concession stand, etc. My reason for training is mainly self-improvement and using my knowledge to serve others.
    All that to say, my biggest martial arts accomplishments have been in labor and childbirth. My desire is to ease my baby's transition from the womb to the outside world as peaceful and gently as possible, and being completely relaxed and breathing properly helps me to achieve that desire. My last childbirth was so calm and peaceful that I got through the transition period (the most painful part) without even realizing that I was in transition until it was time to push! My friend who was photographing the birth was amazed and remarked over and over about how calm and composed I was. My husband told her "She is an athlete. This is what she trains for!" And that is true.
  • What do you train in: Sport/ Olympic Tae Kwon Do (So happy to see several others in TKD)
    When did you start: Started 8 years ago
    Who inspires you: My other teammates, several of which are going for spots on the national and junior national team.
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far: Getting the opportunity to coach the Rutgers TaeKwonDo Team
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    What do you train in? Traditional Tae-kwondo

    When did you start? 2003

    Who inspires you? Those black belts that are so agile they look like deadly dancers

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Still training despite 2 x torn menisci, 1 x ACL reconstruction, 1 x unrepaired PCL rupture (same knee as ACL), an ankle stress fracture and uni getting in the way of my black belt for the 4th time running in 5 years.
  • bluehonu20
    bluehonu20 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a little late to the topic, but I wanted to share. And wow, so many different types and styles of martial arts out there!

    For me:
    Shao-Lin (Kung Fu, specifically), and Tai Chi (combination of Chen, Yang, and a little Wu)

    Started with this school in December 2011, but as a child/adolescent, I trained with a different Shao-Lin school for about 7 years.

    Oh man, who inspires husband. He's always encouraging me to improve myself, and he's a great example to follow. Also, my Kung Fu instructor. She just rocks.

    Biggest accomplishment or proudest moment? Hmmm...I'm not sure if this fits, but here goes. I was struggling to retain new things in class, requiring many repetitions to get things down. As a beginner, this was not entirely unexpected, but it could get discouraging. Then, after an all day Chen Tai Chi training back in February (could. not. move. next. day.), something clicked and I've begun absorbing training like a sponge.
  • mfanyafujo
    mfanyafujo Posts: 232 Member
    Hey everyone!

    What do you train in? Kung fu (choy lay fut)

    When did you start? 2008

    Who inspires you? My fellow kung fu players and my instructors

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Being able to keep up training even when I'm nowhere near my school. I can be a bit lazy, plus training alone is really really difficult!
  • What do i train in? Zen Do Kai & MMA
    Started last July
    Inspirations? My instructors. I would love to be able to be even half as good as those guys
    Proudest achievement so far? Getting the award for most improved last year
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    a little BJJ and 4 years kickboxing
    I have a blue belt Japanese jiu jitsu and a yellow belt in taekwondo

    I am currently not training I need to have surgery so right now it's some weights and a heavy bag and my UFC Personal Trainer game on Xbox

    My inspiration was Cyborg till she got caught juicing
    Jean Yves Theriault and GSP and my instructors at Team Bushido are my inspirations
    My biggest accomplishement was walking into the Dojo I didn't have my act together martial arts changed me into a respectful mature adult with goals in life.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    My inspiration was Cyborg till she got caught juicing

    Made me laugh out load in the office. I like your attitude!
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    What do you train in? Kuk Sool Won

    When did you start? 9 1/2 years ago

    Who inspires you? Anyone who doesn't give up and pushes past their comfort zone

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?
    Too many to name, but if it's in martial arts it is when my daughter received her black belt.:smile:
  • 105295
    105295 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone! :)

    What do you train in? Krav Maga (& a wee bit of sparring)

    When did you start? 6 months ago (sparring last month)

    Who inspires you? List is too long to post lol

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Surviving my first sparring class lol - was quite proud that my first time getting punched in the nose, I countered with a groin kick instead of bawling like a baby like I always thought I would hehe.

    Never been in a fight, hope to never be in one, and if I *think* I'm about to be in the middle of one, I hope that I would be able to de-escalate successfully ;3 Kudos to ya'll kick-butt ladies! ^_^b
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    What do you train in?

    When did you start?
    January 2012

    Who inspires you?
    The women Ninja of old :happy:
    My husband and the other women at my dojo, as well.

    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?
    I'm only a white belt right now (test for yellow at the end of the month!), so I'm not allowed to spar yet, but we are allowed to do a not-quite-sparring exercise to help improve our mount escapes. Being able to do that, and see noticeable improvements on it (both in skill and endurance) has made me quite happy.
  • Phenix_Ablaze
    Phenix_Ablaze Posts: 21 Member
    What do you train in? ATA Taekwondo
    When did you start? April of 2003
    Who inspires you? My husband... he has energy like no other and can do the most beautiful (and powerful) jump kicks I've ever seen!
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? Earning my 2nd Degree Black Belt and also gaining the title of State Champion.
  • cgarza34
    cgarza34 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone!

    What do you train in? Muay Thai
    When did you start? nov 2011
    Who inspires you? People who don't give up
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? graduating from college
  • Melissa_2305
    Melissa_2305 Posts: 76 Member
    What do you train in? Judo (and did kickboxing for about 2 years)
    When did you start? 15 years ago :), when I was 5
    Who inspires you? I guess the people around me
    Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I was really proud of myself for getting the black belt(1st dan), but I'm especially happy with the 2nd dan I deserved last year :)