Where Are My Tall Ladies??? (Pics Would Be Great!!!)

Mo_babee Posts: 80 Member
How tall are you and what is your starting and current weight??? If you can upload some pics that would be great too...just to get an idea of what us tall ladies look like at different weights.

I'm 5' 9
Starting weight: 237 lbs
Starting weight on MFP: 215 lbs
Current Weight: 205 lbs (as of 2/15)

I am on MFP from my phone and I don't know how to upload pics to posts yet otherwise I would post some of myself...what about you???


  • Heyyy.
    I'm 5'10"
    Started at around 165lbs
    Down to around 150 in a few monthes.
    15 lbs to go, and a tummy to flatten!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I got no pics right now, but I am 5'10" with a starting weight of 278. I am currently down to 260 as of this morning, and got my first NSV notice today!!! Woot!!!

    My goal is somwehere around 270, but may go as low as 160-165. They say for my height I should be around 153 - although I weighed that when I was barely out of college and everyone was telling me I was too skinny. I likes my curves. I just want to be a size 12, whatever weight that ends up being.

    My profile pic was me 6 years ago at around 185.
    LENNJAM Posts: 6 Member
    I have no body sized pics but I am 5'10 and 239...I want to get to 190...
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I found some full body shots (shudder) and posted them on here. Hard to believe I looked like that and still gained another 10 on top of it. I can't wait to start posting progress pics.
  • mslindsay
    mslindsay Posts: 93 Member
    I am 6"1', my starting weight was 320. I am now out of the 300s (yay!) and currently at 299lbs.
  • davitalynette
    davitalynette Posts: 117 Member
  • longbird
    longbird Posts: 48 Member
    Hello ladies! I've been using MFP since the middle of January, but this is my first foray into the forums. Great to find some fellow tall lasses :smile:

    I'm 33 years old, 5'10", and working back towards my ideal weight of 160lb, which as an active youth I hardly ever went over until I 'grew up' and got a desk job 7 years ago. But no regrets, just enjoying the process.
  • Lmh0906
    Lmh0906 Posts: 16 Member

    SW: 280
    CW:175 (just hit my goal!)
    150#'s lost!
    Size 8/med

    I love being tall and skinny now. I also love that tiny chicks hate me for it....lol! Feel free to add me!

    I will post a before/after next week. Going out for ladies night and have a hot new dress I want to wear for my official "after"!
  • i cant figure out how to add pictures on here. I always see tall women and ask my husband, " is that what i look like?" so i can have a better idea. I wish i could see what different weights look like on taller women. Anyone know how to add pictures on here?
  • :happy:
    Hi tall ladies! yay!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Woohoo! I'm 5'11 and 240. I just started.

    Here's my future before photo. Well. One of them. I guess it's good I don't have the hang of taking before photos?

  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Oh whoops! And for anyone who wants to add photos, you just use
    {img}insertphotolinkhere{/img} except instead of { } you use these guys [ ] (the same key without using shift)
  • Cori1975
    Cori1975 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'10". Starting using MFP about 2 weeks ago. I'm currently 160 and have been stuck there for a couple months now. I figured out why I stopped losing when I saw how many calories I was REALLY taking in on a daily basis! I'd like to get back down to 135 when I was most comfortable and felt the best. I don't have any pics to upload. Was definitely happy to see a tall girls board!!
  • lizafriesen
    lizafriesen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am a newbie. I am 6' tall and 300 lbs + Don't want to get on a scale until tomorrow morning (official start day ) I have to agree that being tall and so horribly overweight has definitely made me like green giantish more times than I care to remember. I have no pics to share because I have avoided the camera like it is the plague. I am hoping this group will be an encouragement ont his journey, thanks!
  • sbreems
    sbreems Posts: 17
    Hi, I'm Sarah. I usually measure between 5' 9 1/2" and 5' 10".

    My starting weight is 168 pounds.
    I have not lost any yet since I just started.

    I would like to get down to 140 or even 135, but I remember being quite happy at a fit and toned 155 (I looked better than at an unfit 145).

    I love that I can say my goal weight on this group message board and noone will think that is 'too much'. Does anyone else get told "you don't look like you weight that much" at the doctor's office? When I was a fit 155, a nurse started weighing me by starting at 120...yeah, right!

    I wish I could weigh 120...but then I would be anorexic. It would be nice to be tall and lean again.
  • Hi yall, I'm Brooke. 20 years of age and have been doing MFP for five weeks now. Started at 153 and as of today I lost ten pounds so I'm at 143. Wanna loose at least another ten.
  • 66ratbag
    66ratbag Posts: 4

    I'm 6ft tall and currently 174lbs, I want to get back down to 160lbs.
  • MegGirl1990
    MegGirl1990 Posts: 21
    Hi there! I'm Megan. I'm 5'11".

    At my heaviest, I weighed ~ 325lbs
    When I started MFP, I weighed 284lbs
    Currently, I weigh 234lbs

    My ideal weight is supposedly somewhere between 135-170lb. Right now I want to get down below 200. I'm thinking somewhere around 160 would be awesome. Though if we're talking sizes, I would be happy with an average size 12.

    I also avoided full body shots like the plague. Now that I feel a bit more comfortable in my body, I don't hate them so much. This is me at my current weight (234):
  • teetall
    teetall Posts: 2
    Hey I'm Rachel. I just started MFP this week. I am 6 ft even.

    At my heaviest I weighed 235 (a week after giving birth to my second child)
    Right now I am 199lbs.
    My ideal weight would be 160-165lbs
    My first major goal is to be 175lbs.