Just Really Starting CLX

BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
Hi everyone. I wanted to introduce myself before I just start replying to threads. I'm Desirai and I'm making a 2nd attempt at CLX. I started once before last year but I didn't really get anywhere with it. Not because I didn't like it. I just didn't know what I wanted to do at the time and was doing a little bit of everything. Eventually I just got tired of doing everything and stopped exercising completely. Well I started doing Zumba March 1st. For the last week and a half I've worked CharLean into my workout routine. I'm going to stick with it till the end this time. Currently I've only been doing the actual BC 1,2, & 3, but not the additional workout dvds that come with the workout plan. I normally do those every other day and do Zumba the days between. I may implement the other workout in my routine. I just haven't really decided yet. Last year when I was doing CLX I did the hybrid with Turbo Fire. I haven't even looked at those dvds yet. I don't think I'm ready to go there just yet.

Anyways I look forward to chatting with all of you :0)



  • lilbit71
    lilbit71 Posts: 16 Member
    HI Desirai! I just started CLX this week and am on day 4 today, so it will be my 3rd workout since day 2 is a rest day. I tried to do it once before as well and ended up quitting, not because I didn't like (because I LOVE IT!!!) but because I was doing too much and not sticking to one thing and doing it right! I'm very excited to be doing this program and am going to it, just the way to program is listed, for the full 90 days and see what wonderful results I get :) Best wishes to you Desirai!
  • prettytothinkso
    Oops. I usually go straight to the workouts thread and missed seeing this! Welcome to the fun! I saw from your post on that thread that Zumba really burns a bunch of calories. I'm definitely checking that out in the future now!

    I am nearing the end of week 3 and I am sooo loving the program. I even find myself smiling when I'm halfway to dying doing Burn Intervals. And Skip. I love him!

    Good luck with CLX :smile: