


  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so glad this group exists! I was thinking I would post an "Anyone starting SL 5x5" - type post, but then found this group. :) I just finished my first workout (A). It took quite awhile as I had to keep stopping to watch videos on Youtube.

    And I also found out that it takes a while to change weights on my bar (which is only 15 lbs) as you have to screw on and off the collar (if that's what it's called). I just bought the bar, plates, and a bench from someone on Craigslist a few days ago so this was my first time using it. I also noted that the lightest weights are 3 lbs so I guess I will be going up 6 lbs at a time (or not!) rather than 5.

    I've done weight workouts before but with dumbbells and ankle weights - mostly The Firm and Jillian Michaels videos. This latest round of getting in shape, I noted that the 12 lb dumbbells were getting too light and didn't want to keep buying bigger and bigger dumbells. I read NROLFW but found it was too complicated to even start.

    Several people on MFP recommended SL and I have to say, I probably wouldn't have tried it without their recommendation. Mehdi comes on pretty strong with the sales talk and the criticism of muscle mag workouts (had no idea what they even were.) But I took a closer look and think the system is definitely worth a try!

    Tonight I did 45 lbs for the squats and bench press, but could only do 50 for the barbell row. Looking forward to getting to know you all and learning a lot!
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm so glad this group exists! I was thinking I would post an "Anyone starting SL 5x5" - type post, but then found this group. :) I just finished my first workout (A). It took quite awhile as I had to keep stopping to watch videos on Youtube.

    And I also found out that it takes a while to change weights on my bar (which is only 15 lbs) as you have to screw on and off the collar (if that's what it's called). I just bought the bar, plates, and a bench from someone on Craigslist a few days ago so this was my first time using it. I also noted that the lightest weights are 3 lbs so I guess I will be going up 6 lbs at a time (or not!) rather than 5.

    I've done weight workouts before but with dumbbells and ankle weights - mostly The Firm and Jillian Michaels videos. This latest round of getting in shape, I noted that the 12 lb dumbbells were getting too light and didn't want to keep buying bigger and bigger dumbells. I read NROLFW but found it was too complicated to even start.

    Several people on MFP recommended SL and I have to say, I probably wouldn't have tried it without their recommendation. Mehdi comes on pretty strong with the sales talk and the criticism of muscle mag workouts (had no idea what they even were.) But I took a closer look and think the system is definitely worth a try!

    Tonight I did 45 lbs for the squats and bench press, but could only do 50 for the barbell row. Looking forward to getting to know you all and learning a lot!

    I think he's right too though! Rows suck! But they will get better eventually! lol. You can buy fractional plates and you should, you need at least 2 2.5 plates. You only want more if you think you may want to include some dumbell accessory exercises, but at this stage you really don't need more than 2 of them.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi! I'm Tracey aka Kensky and I have started lifting (after a 10+ year lapse) with NROLFW. I completed that program in October? I think? And moved on to Starting Strength which is basically a 5x5 routine. I was frustrated at my lack of progress with power cleans so I abandoned that program for Stronglifts about a month ago. So far, I really like it and have been progressing like crazy. I need to really spend some time working through how I am going to work heavy (bench!) with no spotter.

    My lifting stats at this point include 5 confident good form reps of 100 lb squats, 70 lb bench press, 80 lb barbell row, 55 lb overhead press, and 155 deadlift.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Hi! I'm Tracey aka Kensky and I have started lifting (after a 10+ year lapse) with NROLFW. I completed that program in October? I think? And moved on to Starting Strength which is basically a 5x5 routine. I was frustrated at my lack of progress with power cleans so I abandoned that program for Stronglifts about a month ago. So far, I really like it and have been progressing like crazy. I need to really spend some time working through how I am going to work heavy (bench!) with no spotter.

    My lifting stats at this point include 5 confident good form reps of 100 lb squats, 70 lb bench press, 80 lb barbell row, 55 lb overhead press, and 155 deadlift.

    Oddly, benches are not that difficult to get out from under if you can't lift the weight. Just lower one end to the ground, move that hand to the top end and push and get your self out. The only other thought I have is adding sawhorses.
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    Hi all,

    My name is Trina and I'm new to strong lifts but not new to lifting. I used to lift a LOT and had a personal trainer, things fell apart, few surgeries etc: and here I am again, I've been doing everything from repeating old routines, to trying new programs etc: I am definitely a fan of working the whole body each workout. I seem to have lost a lot of strength during my down time though and had no idea how to get it back. Stronglifts seems to be something I can work with. I'm sort of an overachiever and i hate the idea that my body seems to be telling me I can't do something my mind says it can. I actually have dreams where i'm running. sigh..

    I'm really nervous about the squats, My knees ALWAYS hurt. I have had 2 meniscus tear surgeries on them and just finished physical therapy for knee pain. (the surgeries are 2 years old). I also have arthritis in my knees from long time with a lot of weight on them. My doctors are always saying I should never run, jump rope, squat, climb stairs, etc:.. How am i ever going to lose weight or build muscle when I can't do anything!! (OMG sorry about mini rant, frustrated) Anyways.. Since my last surgery I have had a phobia of the squat rack and have avoided it like the plague but I do miss it. Time to put on the big girl panties and give this a try!!

    I also have had 2 rotator cuff tears. One still hurts a little but I was very encouraged by his explanations and tecniques. This seems like a very supportive group. I hope it helps me to stick with it and actually make the gains I am looking for.

    I have a 15 lb. weighted bar, I was going to start the program in the morning but i'm thinking maybe practice to make sure my form is right and I get the parralel motion correct. I also am on my own in this. No workout partners in sight, so no spotters.

    I have faith in myself!! I have too!! no one else does!! LOL
  • lfcartz
    lfcartz Posts: 20
    Hi Girls! Marking my spot! I'm currently doing a Team Fitness training at my gym right now. I've been doing it for a month now and have lost 10 pounds, have about 15 more to go, I figure another month or two and then I want to start this program. I had heard about it but never really read up about it until today.

    I'm 43 and just trying to get in better shape for myself. From February to March I took short term disability at work because my job is making me nuts! Getting back into working out has really helped a lot and I intend to keep it up. I'm enjoying getting back into shape as well as trying new things. This coming Friday I have a free Crossfit Trial that I scheduled and I'm looking forward to it!

    I look forward to reading see how everyone is progressing and I'll be providing support until I get started!
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm really nervous about the squats, My knees ALWAYS hurt. I have had 2 meniscus tear surgeries on them and just finished physical therapy for knee pain. (the surgeries are 2 years old). I also have arthritis in my knees from long time with a lot of weight on them. My doctors are always saying I should never run, jump rope, squat, climb stairs, etc:.. How am i ever going to lose weight or build muscle when I can't do anything!! (OMG sorry about mini rant, frustrated) Anyways.. Since my last surgery I have had a phobia of the squat rack and have avoided it like the plague but I do miss it. Time to put on the big girl panties and give this a try!!

    I also have had 2 rotator cuff tears. One still hurts a little but I was very encouraged by his explanations and tecniques. This seems like a very supportive group. I hope it helps me to stick with it and actually make the gains I am looking for.

    SQUATS: you should probably look into box squats since position is hyper critical for you.
    ROTATOR CUFF: either rent, borrow or buy this video because it is totally worth it for rotator cuff inuries and I do a portion of the exercises before each session after squats and in between sets of arm exercises.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member

    SQUATS: you should probably look into box squats since position is hyper critical for you.
    ROTATOR CUFF: either rent, borrow or buy this video because it is totally worth it for rotator cuff inuries and I do a portion of the exercises before each session after squats and in between sets of arm exercises.

    Off topic: I would love to get into bellydance. Is this a good instructor or do you have other dvd's to recommend?
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member

    SQUATS: you should probably look into box squats since position is hyper critical for you.
    ROTATOR CUFF: either rent, borrow or buy this video because it is totally worth it for rotator cuff inuries and I do a portion of the exercises before each session after squats and in between sets of arm exercises.

    Off topic: I would love to get into bellydance. Is this a good instructor or do you have other dvd's to recommend?

    She is amazing, though I find her vids a little dry. Zoe Jakes is also quite good, they are more modern in their approach incorporating hip hop and burlesque ish moves. Some one else really good is Suhaila Salimpour (i think I'm spelling it right. ) I, however, find I'm more inspired actually going to classes and dancing with people. I also have been through several teachers trying to get a certain move down called an umi or oomie and only had a break through when I found a quickie lesson on youtube! oi!
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member

    SQUATS: you should probably look into box squats since position is hyper critical for you.
    ROTATOR CUFF: either rent, borrow or buy this video because it is totally worth it for rotator cuff inuries and I do a portion of the exercises before each session after squats and in between sets of arm exercises.

    Off topic: I would love to get into bellydance. Is this a good instructor or do you have other dvd's to recommend?

    She is amazing, though I find her vids a little dry. Zoe Jakes is also quite good, they are more modern in their approach incorporating hip hop and burlesque ish moves. Some one else really good is Suhaila Salimpour (i think I'm spelling it right. ) I, however, find I'm more inspired actually going to classes and dancing with people. I also have been through several teachers trying to get a certain move down called an umi or oomie and only had a break through when I found a quickie lesson on youtube! oi!

    I'm thinking you can find almost anything on youtube. I'd love to take a class but the closest is about 40 minutes away. Between gas prices and the kids' activities it's a little cost prohibitive right now. But someday... ;)
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Figured I should pop in here and add my introduction.

    I'm in a similar boat to a few on here, in that I started with NROLFW and got a bit annoyed with the set-up of it. I started NROLFW a few years ago, got through almost all of Stage 1, then got sick for a few weeks and went to a conference and didn't get back into it until I joined MFP last year. This time, I worked through Stage 1 and most of Stage 2. I wasn't pleased with the fact that my workouts were taking over an hour, and that I had to remember the form for all these different moves.

    Enter Stronglifts! A few badass ladies on my friends list here had started doing either Stronglifts or Starting Strength, and I liked what I heard. Simple workouts? A structured progression? Where do I sign up??? One thing that had bothered me about previous experience in the weight room was that I really didn't know what weight to start at or what weight to try to progress to. Starting with the bar... well that just made sense!

    I've already seen some decent progress on my strength, and I'm excited to keep reaching new goals.

    Thus far, I've gone:
    Squats: 45 lb --> 90 lb
    Deadlift: 60 lb(?) --> 95 lb (hopefully 105 lb today; also, I don't think I started as heavy as the program suggested, but I can't recall at the moment)
    Overhead press: 45 lb --> 45 lb (hopefully 50 lb today: it was a struggle to lift it over my head at all when I started!)
    Bench press: 45 lb --> 60 lb
    Barbell row: 45 lb --> 65 lb

    I've been taking it a bit slower on some things than the program suggests. I was recovering from a knee injury a few months ago, so I didn't quite want to jump too far into the squat loading, but my knee pain seems to have all but disappeared, so I've been getting more aggressive with the squats recently. Hurrah!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello Ladies!! Just started the program tonight and figured I would introduce myself. My name is Tobi and I am 36 years old. I've been working on losing weight for the last few years and have had quite a bit of success, but have been too focused on cardio. 5x5 seemed like an easy enough program and I definitely want to get strong! My only concern is that I will only be lifting 2 times per week (Tues and Thurs) since the rest of the week is already spoken for (M/W is Kickbox Cardio; F is running; Sat is bootcamp class; Sunday is REST). Theoretically, I could give up the bootcamp class on Saturday mornings, but it is a class that I really enjoy.

    Anyway, tonight was my first workout and I really enjoyed it!! My squats are not yet deep enough, but my hamstrings are notoriously tight so I imagine I will be fighting against that for quite some time. Looking forward to deadlifting on Thursday!
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    HI Everyone! I'll be starting my lifts for the first time today!!! I'm so nervous, I've never worked with a barbell before and I haven't been in a public gym in years. I don't know what I'm so afraid of, maybe they'll all laugh at me?! I donno...

    Anyways, I'm pretty much at my goal weight and I think lifting is just what I need to bust through the last few pounds of fat on me. I could care less about the scale at this point, I just want to look really strong and replace some fat with muscle.

    I'm been looking at form videos for the last week but I think at this point I just need to go do it before I worry myself to death about perfect form.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Jess and was pointed to this group by Tameko! Thanks again, Tameko! :happy: I had been doing heavy lifting at home with my husband for awhile, mixed in with a BodyPump class here or there at the gym and some TRX work once in awhile for variation. I picked up NROLFW back in the fall, made it through stage 1, then decided to take a break over the holidays and just couldn't get motivated to do stage 2 after reading through it. I came across SL 5x5 towards the beginning of March and officially started on 3/12/12. I'm doing my lifting on M, W, and F.

    My initial weights when I started were:
    - Squats: 75lbs
    - Bench Press: 45lbs
    - Barbell Rows: 65lbs
    - Overhead Press: 45lbs
    - Deadlift: 95lbs

    My most recent weights as of Monday/Wednesday this week are:
    - Squats: 140lbs
    - Bench Press: 75lbs
    - Barbell Rows: 95lbs
    - Overhead Press: 75lbs
    - Deadlifts: 155lbs

    140lbs on squats was the most I'd ever lifted in the past. I'm going for my own 'personal best' this Friday with 145 and am hopeful about my chances of accomplishing it!

    I fear I'm reaching the point of failing on my overhead presses here soon - I was actually surprised I managed all 5 sets of 5 when I did them yesterday @ 75 lbs!

    Like many others have mentioned - I like the 'simplicity' of this program...5 exercises, 3 per session. While the lifting itself is hard work, the program is easy to follow!

    Looking forward to getting to know more folks on here and progressing with everyone!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Hi my name is Amanda! I just started SL 5x5 this week. I'm looking to tone up and lose weight at the same time. My body could stand to lose another 30 lbs but I'd be happy for 15 lbs and a lot of toning up.

    Squats: 100
    Bench Press: 70
    Barbell Row: 70
    Overhead Press: 55
    Deadlift: 115

    I was doing Jamie Eason's LiveFit program but decided 60+ min in the gym 6 days a week was a little much. I needed something more family friendly. Now on the other days I'm not doing SL I will do cardio and I plan to start swimming laps on the weekends.
  • IzzieLee
    IzzieLee Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Ladies! I"m so happy that I found this group. I just started NROL4W the other day but didn't really care for it. I love weight lifting even though I have been out of it for a while now so am excited to meet this group and get going with SL 5x5.
    I will be starting tonight but of course already have a question. I have been watching YouTube videos particularly on the deadlifts and some people actually put the weights on the ground between reps while others only bring the bar to their ankles?
    Which way to most of you do?
    Thanks for any advice. Looking forward to moving forward and posting results as I go.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Hi my name is Amanda! I just started SL 5x5 this week. I'm looking to tone up and lose weight at the same time. My body could stand to lose another 30 lbs but I'd be happy for 15 lbs and a lot of toning up.

    Squats: 100
    Bench Press: 70
    Barbell Row: 70
    Overhead Press: 55
    Deadlift: 115

    I was doing Jamie Eason's LiveFit program but decided 60+ min in the gym 6 days a week was a little much. I needed something more family friendly. Now on the other days I'm not doing SL I will do cardio and I plan to start swimming laps on the weekends.

    I had taken a quick look at Jamie's plan. Hearing what you're saying, I'm glad I didn't try it. That DOES seem like a lot of time in the gym! I hope you enjoy SL 5x5! :)
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Hi my name is Amanda! I just started SL 5x5 this week. I'm looking to tone up and lose weight at the same time. My body could stand to lose another 30 lbs but I'd be happy for 15 lbs and a lot of toning up.

    Squats: 100
    Bench Press: 70
    Barbell Row: 70
    Overhead Press: 55
    Deadlift: 115

    I was doing Jamie Eason's LiveFit program but decided 60+ min in the gym 6 days a week was a little much. I needed something more family friendly. Now on the other days I'm not doing SL I will do cardio and I plan to start swimming laps on the weekends.

    I had taken a quick look at Jamie's plan. Hearing what you're saying, I'm glad I didn't try it. That DOES seem like a lot of time in the gym! I hope you enjoy SL 5x5! :)

    Thanks! Yeah her plan is awesome but very time consuming. My friend did all 12 wks and sometimes she was in the gym for 2 hrs. Before I started the program myself I went with her 1 time to try it and together we were there for 2.5 hrs. Granted that was because we were switching off but it takes a long time. Phase 2 has 6 days of lifting and 4 of those days you have to do 30 min of cardio after. Well I was having to workout on my lunch to get my cardio in and then 60 min at night to get my lifting in. That is a lot of time to be in a gym. I'm hoping SL gives me good results with less time away from my family.

    I'm also going to do the 30 DS dvd on the days I don't lift. I'm hoping that'll give me the extra push in my weight loss. I'm going to Mexico in a month so I really need to push hard until then.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Not only does Jamie's program take too long, it's not as effective. Beginners don't need all that isolation work. You can build several muscles at one with the big Strong Lifts program. SL only took me 20 minutes at first. Now that I'm further and take longer breaks it takes about 40-45.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Not only does Jamie's program take too long, it's not as effective. Beginners don't need all that isolation work. You can build several muscles at one with the big Strong Lifts program. SL only took me 20 minutes at first. Now that I'm further and take longer breaks it takes about 40-45.

    I'm probably NEVER going to do all that isolation work. Too lazy. A few compound movements, a few assistance lifts, then go home and kill necromancers in Diablo 3.