NRol4W beginning, during, or after progress

manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
This is for my curiosity only. Please don't bash anyone how they are doing it. I want to know how you are eating, exercising, and how it is working for you. Also, I am curious to know how many are following the book and the progress if you are or aren't.

caloric intake
how many days lifting
cardio how long and how many days
inches lost


  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'll start first.

    stage -1
    caloric intake 1400-1600
    how many days lifting - 3
    cardio how long and how many days -20ish minutes and 2 days
    inches lost- none
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm at Stage 1.
    Caloric intake 1600-1800
    Lift 3x a week
    No cardio
    Inches lost - 1.5 so far.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I lost 7 inches total during stage 1, and 2 during stage 2. My calorie range varies - I eat 1600 + whatever I burn exercising.

    I lifted 2-3 times a week and did cardio 4-6 times a week (more or less depending on whether or not I was lifting as well. And by cardio I mean mostly walking.)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    This is giving me the info needed for motivation.

    I hope more ladies chime in.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    stage: very end of 1
    caloric intake: started at 1600, eating back most exercise cals, now at 1200, read on to see why
    how many days lifting: 2-3, usually 3
    cardio how long and how many days: 3-4 on non lifting days, 45-90mins
    inches lost: -1.5. i gained inches. also got really sick (unrelated) so now i'm getting down to goal weight before starting stage 2.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    good thread.
    Stage 2
    Caloric intake 1800-2100 (5'6'')
    lifting 2-3 days a week
    cardio 2 days a week (swimming 45 min, and the intervals that start in stage 2, now some walking, 30min daily because I just got a dog.)
    Inches lost: 4
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member

    stage 4
    caloric intake 1,800/day
    how many days lifting 3 x per week
    cardio how long and how many days 2-3 x per week - T/Th 20 minutes HIIT and Sat 75 minutes aerobic step
    inches lost - some all over

    (I don't know where you are measuring to come up with a total - most of the challenges I'm in have me entering data for 6 - 8 different metrics.)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    stage: all done
    caloric intake: 1600
    how many days lifting 3
    cardio how long and how many days: 2 for 45 minutes
    inches lost: hard to say about 10 all over
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    stage - end of stage 2
    caloric intake - 1500 (sometimes more)
    how many days lifting - 3
    cardio how long and how many days - 3 - 30 minutes, sometimes 45
    inches lost - 2

    I have more muscle definition all over, especially butt and inner thighs. cheers:drinker:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    stage: all done
    caloric intake: 1600
    how many days lifting 3
    cardio how long and how many days: 2 for 45 minutes
    inches lost: hard to say about 10 all over
    Impressive Yanicka! WHat was your favorite stage? Are you just eating at maintenance now?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    stage - just finished state 1.
    caloric intake - 1600-1700 calories. I eat back cardio exercise.
    how many days lifting - on average twice a week. At the start I lifted three times a week but March was not a good month in between moving then getting ill.
    cardio how long and how many days - First off I count cardio as getting on a machine and doing exercise. I'm not counting walking to work (about 40 minutes a day five days a week) or playing softball (which was twice a week until mid March. So three days a week for the first six parts of the workout. I haven't really done much cardio the last two parts, I think because I was REALLY struggling with getting over my sickness. Did about 25 today though on my last workout. These were all on lifting days as I hate going to the gym (but enjoy the workout) and don't go every day)
    inches lost - haven't done my inches yet (Saturday) but here's photo evidence. The second photo was taken after six weeks.



    That's a difference of 4kg.
  • sunnysunday
    sunnysunday Posts: 5 Member
    Stage 1
    intake: 1350/1700 on lifting days
    how many days: 3 x/week
    cardio: 2/week, 30 min intervals
    inches lost: 0 so far
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    stage: 2
    caloric intake: 1800ish
    how many days lifting: 2-3
    cardio how long and how many days: 15 Mins on Lifting days plus 1/2 days where I only do cardio no lifting
    inches lost: idea!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    stage: end of 1
    caloric intake on average: 1500-1800 but it varies and I have a high day on the weekend(sometimes 2 oops)
    how many days lifting: 3
    cardio how long and how many days: 2 to 3, usually about 30 min
    inches lost: not sure about this, I didn't take measurements at the very beginning but I did early Feb. I just tried to take measurements this morning and got frustrated. I have a hard time keeping the tape in place, I never know if I'm always getting the same spot. It didn't look like any change. I've lost about 2 lbs.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    a good a place as any for a record:

    stage - 1 (about to start Monday 16/4/12
    caloric intake - 1500 - 1700
    how many days lifting - 2 although I need to be flexible and foresee a problem - why?

    Mon - lift
    Tues - Tai Chi
    Weds - Yoga possibly followed by lifting
    Thurs - climbing - but if lifting Weds will be unable to climb (anything, stairs included!!!)
    Fri - alternative lift day, although with summer approaching I am often heading to the coast to dive
    Sat/Sun - spare days, often taken up with diving

    So my problem is fitting in the 2nd lift workout. Climbing takes the place of the 3rd and I don't mind taking longer to get through the phases because I know I am doing other stuff. Tai Chi, yoga and climbing are all things I want to do and I can't change the days. I just have to be flexible and make sure I fit a second day in per week. Of course, scuba kit isn't light either!!!!!

    cardio how long and how many days? -
    Cardio - yeah, right, like I have time to fit that in. Maybe some on Monday after lifting if I can still stand.... Or maybe I should take up running military style whilst kitted in drysuit and all my dive kit (not fins maybe). The sweat alone I produce should shift a few pounds.....

    inches lost or a record:
    none so far. Took measurements the other day in millimetres. Great for seeing tiny changes!!!!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    stage: all done
    caloric intake: 1600
    how many days lifting 3
    cardio how long and how many days: 2 for 45 minutes
    inches lost: hard to say about 10 all over
    Impressive Yanicka! WHat was your favorite stage? Are you just eating at maintenance now?

    I didn't really had a favorit stage but I had favorit exercises. Deadlift, squats, sigle hand snatch. I am now trying to lose a bit of fat since my goal is about 18-16%. I hired a trainer once a month and told him I wanted to lift heavy.
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    I'm at Stage 1. workout B7 today 4/13/12
    Caloric intake 1600-1800
    Lift 3x a week, mon, weds, fri
    Pilates or horse-riding on tues, thurs
    Inches lost - 8.75 so far.

    I am in shock that I can eat more & still lose. It's working, it's working!!!
    Read the book, & reread the food section every couple days for meal ideas.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow 8 inches!!!! :glasses: congrats.

    I haven't seen any change yet. I will do 4B today.
  • Ninikins2
    Ninikins2 Posts: 73
    Stage 1
    Calories: 1500 rest days 1700 workout days (I was eating what book recommended but I gained so I cut back)
    Lifting 3 days a week
    No cardio other than my lifting warmups which is 1/4 mile sprinting.
    Inches: I didn't ever measure. I look better to me though

    My question is how is everybody getting their protein requirements? Do you stay at 30/30/40 like the book recommends?
    I try to eat more protein but I often have to supplement with bars and shakes
  • Ninikins2
    Ninikins2 Posts: 73
    Oh I also try to keep my protein over 100 grams for the day an close to 150 is best (for me) but often unattainable!