Does anyone use dumbbells instead of barbells?

logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
Hi ladies! I finally bought NROL4W and I'm starting today, but I only have my boyfriend's set of adjustable dumbbells and no gym, so barbells are out. Has anyone else modified the workout and used dumbbells, and how has it worked for you?


  • HurrikaneHeather721
    I did last night. I am only on my second workout, so this is not a pro's perspective. I used dumbbells for all of the workouts, and I think it worked fine; however, using them for the deadlifts just didn't feel right. I felt like I was doing it wrong. I don't know if it was the dumbbells or just that the exercise is a hard one to master (so I have heard). So, like I said, this is not from a pro's perspective, but so far, I think dumbbells are okay.
  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    I just use dumbbells. I just started too though lol
    It works fine, except for the deadlift but even that's possible. Just not sure I'm doing it right - and I will need a bar when I need to increase the weights. I only have a 25kg (~55lb) set so that won't (hopefully) last too long.
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks, guys! My brother does a lot of lifting, so I might ask him about form when it comes to the deadlift and modifying it for dumbbells ^_^
  • sunnysunday
    sunnysunday Posts: 5 Member
    Right now I am using a sandbag (50lbs squat), dumb feels and heavy resistance bands.
    I'll have to go to the gym when it get heavier but this works for me right now.
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    I started with dumbbells because the squat rack intimidated me. I found quickly though that the strength of my legs out paced my grip strength. After a couple of work-outs, the amount of weight that my legs could handle was more than I could hold on to with my hands and I had to switch to a barbell. I'm currently squatting 85lbs - there's no way I could hold 42.5lbs in each hand for any length of time.
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    I only have dumbbells. No access to machines or barbells yet. For Workout A see pg 162 for Dumbbell single overhead squats, and then pg 204 for Dumbbell Bent over Rows. For workout B see pg 170 for Dumbbell single leg roman deadlifts, and pg 201 for Pullovers. I think you can still do just fine using dumbbells in lieu of the barbells... you just have to look for the dumbbell substitutions that are in the book for different exercises. Totally possible to do this with "just dumbbells", imho.
    :) J