Diabetes and weight loss...



  • aat3877
    aat3877 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all, I started using MFP about 3 weeks ago. It was a real wake-up call about how much food I was consuming. Have lost 5 pounds but would like to loose about 35 more. Husband is being very supportive and is using MFP also. Doctor just changed my meds because I had gotten to a point where no matter what I did, my blood sugar was over 200. Very frustrating. New meds seem to be working. Hope everyone had a good Easter.
  • denncath
    denncath Posts: 4 Member
    I was just dx in Jan. of this year and am on metformin 500 2x day. I went on another forum and got lots of valuable info on carbs and am now down to less than 90 a day. I bake with almond, coconut or soy flour and do not eat any pasta, rice or potatoes. I can tolerate some fruits (blueberries and strawberries) and have lost over 45lbs., but that includes the 20lbs before dx.
  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    Before I was diagnosed in September '11 I had lost over 90 lbs. following WW. I was put on Metformin 500 2x day, and told by my doctor that it would actually help my weight-loss efforts. I completely changed my diet, and, while my glucose levels are now great, I have fluctuated in the same 5-lbs. range for the past six months. So you are not alone in your frustration.

    So I am back to MFP, being very diligent in tracking everything, and upping my exercise to see if I can get things moving in the right direction. I think my problem might have been that I was paying so much attention to figuring out what I could and couldn't eat with diabetes, I stopped paying attention to how much I was eating.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Before I was diagnosed in September '11 I had lost over 90 lbs. following WW. I was put on Metformin 500 2x day, and told by my doctor that it would actually help my weight-loss efforts. I completely changed my diet, and, while my glucose levels are now great, I have fluctuated in the same 5-lbs. range for the past six months. So you are not alone in your frustration.

    So I am back to MFP, being very diligent in tracking everything, and upping my exercise to see if I can get things moving in the right direction. I think my problem might have been that I was paying so much attention to figuring out what I could and couldn't eat with diabetes, I stopped paying attention to how much I was eating.

    nice lose. i am following WW now. DD came over one night and said let's go. so i went with her. i was at the time doing carb counting. DH and I decided we would just see how it went and go from there. it's been 12 or 13 weeks and i have lost 21#s. so we decided i would just stick with it. it's become such a habit now to count the points. i am really pinchy with my points. i guess that helps. don't touch the weeklies unless i really need to. i rely on the AP to help me.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I've got diabetes and hypothyroidism....so yep, i struggle a lot. A few years ago (before the Type II diagnosis) i did a very low calorie diet....under 1,000 per day. I lost weight, ended up losing my gall bladder, and dorked up my metabolism horribly in the process. Then I gained the weight back, plus.

    I take metformin, 500ER at night, and I also take Victoza, and synthroid for my thyroid... My Endo thinks it will help with weight loss (the victoza)...I'm not so sure. It does curb hunger cravings, so I suppose that is a help in and of itself.

    What is really seeming to help for me is 1) exercise. I zumba 4-5 days per week, and do tons of yard work on the weekends. 2) I log everything i eat, and i now try to eat to my BMR, which right now is just over 1600. My body freaked out for about 4 weeks (major plateau), but has now started to move downward again (yay!).

    I have to say, overall, I feel much better. My energy is better. My fitness level is better...and most importantly, my blood sugar readings are normal. I had my best A1C ever last month, at 5.8. woot!

    Just keep hanging in there, and eventually...you will find what works for you on all the different levels you need.
  • rwhite61
    rwhite61 Posts: 7
    My "Good Friend" Weight & Blood sugar's have NOT been nice to Me lately--- Both have been total out of control No matter what I do---That is the biggest reason I have NOT recorder any food or wrote lately--- Seemed like such a Failure that I just could NOT stand to face or write to any one---Still feel that way but got a note in my E-Mail saying I had NOT recorded or wrote any thing for a Week--- Just so discouraged right now, that nothing seem to be working right--- Blood sugar have been running between 180 & 204 which for me is very High--- Weigh has been up to 258 lbs but down to 250 lbs today--- Almost to the point that I don't care anymore but I do care but nothing is working right--- Just tired of the Battle that I seem to be Losing --- Very hard to Stay up beat when nothing seems to be working "Right"

  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Don't look at your highs as a failure. Look at it as a learning tool or education of sorts. Log everything even if you don't feel like it so you can see what makes your bs/weight out of control so you can take control.
  • Gbelk1
    Gbelk1 Posts: 32 Member
    Things to keep in mind
    Some meds will make it more difficult to loss weight.
    You will need to learn as time goes what you can and should not eat. Do not worry about what you should not eat but what you can eat that helps keep the BG in-line and helps keep the weight.
    If you were not exercising before remember that muscle weighs more than fat so although you may not be losing weight yet, you are getting in shape, which will help your overall well being and help control your BG level.
    The key is to not let the frustration get to you. With diabetes we all get frustrated from time to time. When I travel, which I do often, it is hard to control diet and exercise but I release I can do it. It just takes more time and effort when eating out three meals a day. That to say let the frustration go, stay with your plan, eat right, exercise, check the BG on a regular basis, and put together a support group to help out and learn from. You may add me to your group if you like. I will send you and invite.
    God bless and take it one day at a time. You will be fine.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Carbs (bad ones), Bread, Sugar, Bread, Pasta, and Bread, cereal, flour tortillas. and Bread....

    Most likely if that is your weakness and you still eat those things more than once a month, you have scale issues.

    I am no expert...but I AM an expert at NOT losing weight! I finally threw away bread (and MOST wheat products). I tossed the sugar. I sadly, so sadly only eat pasta once in a blue moon (except for miracle noodle). and I don't eat sandwiches. I Don't eat Red Lobster biscuits. I eat corn tortillas once/twice a month.

    I finally tossed those food groups, eat 35% PROTEIN, 35% carbs, 30 % fat. I am FINALLY losing weight. I eat lower carb fruits and veges and try to get 5-7 servings/day. I carefully eat nuts and flax seed.

    Everyone has a magic formula and it may take a LONG time to find it. This formula is working for me. I'm 57, post-menopausal, and have been overweight for 25 years. I am finally losing 1-2 pounds/week. I work out almost every day. I have lost 25% of my goal weight (still over 200, though). But I feel fantastic.

    I'm sticking to this for the last 3 months. I am rarely hungry. I'm sure someone would tell me my 12-1400 calories/day are not enough...but I feel good so I'm going by the way my body feels.

    For the first time in years, I am happy. I am losing. I can walk 3 miles a day....few months ago 1/2 mile killed me.

    Again, I'm no expert. Find your formula. There is one. But most of those formulas will not contain bad carbs and let you lose weight. GOOD LUCK and God Bless
  • jleb5
    jleb5 Posts: 23 Member

    rodney...are you spacing out your carbs. diabetics need to watch their carbs most of all. spacing them out during the day helps keep them more even. some people theirs go up after exercise. some go down.
    for me i find that when i count calories i don't lose as well as when i just count carbs. i don't worry about anything but carbs. right now i am doing weight watchers (daughter wanted to go one night, she dragged me, it's working so i am staying with it). so for me and my body. i don't think i eat enough for the amount of work, exercise, etc i do. when i was doing carb counting i was losing about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. now on weight watchers the same thing. when i do calories i am losing maybe a pound. the mystery puzzle for diabetics is finding the match of food intake and exercise and the putting the numbers in order. once you get the whole puzzle together it works and keeps on going. you just twick here and there. the calorie vs carb counting are some of the pieces for my puzzle. some can't handle higher amounts of carbs. i can. now at night i have to keep dinner on the lighter side. i will have just above 100 in the morning. i am shooting for under 100 every morning right now. i take victoza, it is a needle injection. not insulin. it helps with appetite really well.
    i love gardening too. just getting ready to put seedlings in the ground. tomatoes are in, strawberries are in their pot. some squash, onions are in. i have lettuce coming up. planted it 2 years ago. oh, well.
    good luck to you.

    everyone, it does get better once you get it together. it can be easy to live with diabetes as long as you pay attention to your body and the signs it gives you. take care of yourself. don't let stress run your life. i find i someone is stressing me out. i put on my headphones and listen to my "zumba" music. i can lose myself. i use to eat, but, now loving music. keep a journal too. i need to do that more. i also have a daily devotional i am going to start reading. it's not just about what we eat and how much we exercise. it's about how we live.

    sorry for going on. sometimes once i get going i can't stop. guess i need to go to my blog and rattle on.

    How many carbs should a diabetic eat?
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i saw a diabetic dietitian and was given these guide lines for me. I have found that they are the basic of most classes and starting point. to get the exact amount, you will need to see your doctor. allot depends on your blood work numbers, weight, health issues.

    As follows>>> 45 per meal, 15 for morning and afternoon snack, 30 for evening snack (to include a protein and carb).
    if the fiber is over 5 gms subtract 1/2 from your carb count. (i subtract it all). use the amount of 15 carbs as a standard number. like a piece of bread is 15, a cup of milk, 1 1/2 cups veggies (nonstarchy) 15. it makes it easier to count. protein, fat, some dairy have little or no carbs. so when i look at a plate of 3 oz meat, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup peas, some broccoli. i see, protein no carbs, potatoes 15, peas 15. broccoli 0. so the plate has 30. i could add 1/2 a roll for 15 more. i am done with that meal.

    this was the way i was taught many years ago. and every class i have been to has the same structure. some people have to lower their carb count. like i said depends on blood work numbers. i am lucky mine are pretty standard.

    hope this helps you.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    i saw a diabetic dietitian and was given these guide lines for me. I have found that they are the basic of most classes and starting point. to get the exact amount, you will need to see your doctor. allot depends on your blood work numbers, weight, health issues.

    As follows>>> 45 per meal, 15 for morning and afternoon snack, 30 for evening snack (to include a protein and carb).
    if the fiber is over 5 gms subtract 1/2 from your carb count. (i subtract it all). use the amount of 15 carbs as a standard number. like a piece of bread is 15, a cup of milk, 1 1/2 cups veggies (nonstarchy) 15. it makes it easier to count. protein, fat, some dairy have little or no carbs. so when i look at a plate of 3 oz meat, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup peas, some broccoli. i see, protein no carbs, potatoes 15, peas 15. broccoli 0. so the plate has 30. i could add 1/2 a roll for 15 more. i am done with that meal.

    this was the way i was taught many years ago. and every class i have been to has the same structure. some people have to lower their carb count. like i said depends on blood work numbers. i am lucky mine are pretty standard.

    hope this helps you.

    Great info. Thanks for sharing.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I eat to my meter. It requires lots of checking but is more accurate than a general guideline since what works for one person may not work for another. I start by checking BG fasting then before and after every meal and exercise time. I eliminate foods that I suspect are causing problems and keep testing. I do this until I have figured out what I can and can't eat. Anytime I try something new I test before and after to see what it does to me. Eventually, you know what you can eat and don't need to test all the time.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    i saw a diabetic dietitian and was given these guide lines for me. I have found that they are the basic of most classes and starting point. to get the exact amount, you will need to see your doctor. allot depends on your blood work numbers, weight, health issues.

    As follows>>> 45 per meal, 15 for morning and afternoon snack, 30 for evening snack (to include a protein and carb).
    if the fiber is over 5 gms subtract 1/2 from your carb count. (i subtract it all). use the amount of 15 carbs as a standard number. like a piece of bread is 15, a cup of milk, 1 1/2 cups veggies (nonstarchy) 15. it makes it easier to count. protein, fat, some dairy have little or no carbs. so when i look at a plate of 3 oz meat, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup peas, some broccoli. i see, protein no carbs, potatoes 15, peas 15. broccoli 0. so the plate has 30. i could add 1/2 a roll for 15 more. i am done with that meal.

    this was the way i was taught many years ago. and every class i have been to has the same structure. some people have to lower their carb count. like i said depends on blood work numbers. i am lucky mine are pretty standard.

    hope this helps you.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    those are some good guidelines. But each of our weight loss formula is as unique as a fingerprint.

    I would seriously NOT lose weight on that. My sister is also diabetic and my main frustration with her is she think she can eat bread. Folks, bread is just poison to diabetics. Maybe once/month or so but not as part of our normal eating. Carbs just destroy my chances at weight loss even with tons of exercise. I do eat carbs...plenty. I eat lower carb fruit and veges. I avoid grains like the plague. Most diabetics shouldn't eat over 40% CARBS daily. It really isnt that hard. Good proteins, good fats (nuts, flax, olive oil) will keep you full once you have adjusted to lower carbs. I actually eat 35% carbs. I am exercising rather hard quite a bit almost daily.... weight training, walking, swimming. That with the lower carbs is finally paying off for me.

    I'm not saying that my formula is the perfect one for you. I'm just saying to play around with your carbs until you find out what works for you and accept that you can't eat some things on a daily or weekly basis. Sure I eat pizza....about once every TWO months. On my birthday....I'll have cake. On my grandson's birthday, I did not.

    I spent YEARS in denial about my diabetes. I hope I have not wrecked my body. I am now loving eating healthy. I have lost at mere 24 pounds with about 65-70 more to go. But for the first time ever, I am losing at a steady rate and I am not hungry. Balancing my diet has gotten so easy I hardly need MFP. But I log in everything faithfully....even when I fall. and boy, I do fall. Then I get up and hit the gym and watch my numbers very carefully.

    Good luck to everyone. If you are having weight loss or blood glucose issues, please take a long hard look at your carbs. and forget the darn dinner rolls! LOL.
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, I'm new to this group, tho' have been on MFP previously and a Type 2 for almost 9 years. I'm looking to lose another 40 lbs so need all the help I can get! The older I get the harder it seems to be, and the more complications of diabetes. Look forward to getting to know some of you, especially those who are in their senior years. Any helpful hints? Ellen