I Binged Really Bad Last Night....

DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
Letting go of a 7 year off and on relationship is really hard.

I never thought id ever have to go thru this (who does?) but I was tired of feeling like he had no time in his life for me.

Living 45mins apart (for the last 2 years) and barely seeing eachother because I work full time and he is focusing on his music career and his daughter has only made it harder for me to feel like what we had is there anymore.

I am at work and I feel like ****.
I feel like i just got slapped in the face, even though it was my choice.
I dont if that makes any sense.

Last night while thinking about my choices (even before I told him this morning) I didnt even wanna exercise, I just wanted to lay on my couch and never get up, though of course I put on that smile and went about my day for my 3 year old son.

I binged really bad.
I didnt go by my meal plan.
I didnt even go back and fix it this morning, because of course I am completely ashamed.

My scale went up 4lbs. (Stupid scale).

I guess I could just really use some motivation and support right now.
Its hard to get it at home when its just me and my son and I really dont have time for anybody else....


  • You had a bad day...it is over and you are a beautiful strong woman who deserves happiness. You can do this...it won't be easy but you just take one baby step at a time!

    We are all here for you!!!
  • aunfire82
    aunfire82 Posts: 30 Member
    You can do this for yourself and your son. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Today is a new day! Just remember how you felt after you binged. You don't ever want to feel that way again. Right it down and put it somewhere you can read it. That way if you feel the need to binge again you will see a visual reminder of why you don't ever want to go there again.
  • aunfire82
    aunfire82 Posts: 30 Member
    Oops I meant *write it down* not right it down. :smile:
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    THank you. :o)
  • The 4lbs will just be water weight, not real weight gain so don't stress about it :) We've all been there where we just lose control. Just know that it is NEVER too late to start again and feel good about yourself.. because you ARE worth it. Message me any time if you need to. No need to feel ashamed or embarrassed.. I often felt that way after thinking about the quantity of food I ate during a binge.

    Best of luck, sweetie xx