

  • nicoleeliza4
    ultimate goal is 125, but hoping for 130s and happy by summer! I've been gaining so much confidence this last year of school and just feel like I can do it this time, I have the determination! I WILL wear a two piece this summer and be comfortable in my own skin! And I just want to feel healthier
    Also, going to Vancouver this summer for my Dad's wedding, planning on taking TONS of pics in a dress at the wedding as well as on the road trip there, I want good memories!
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    I don't have a weight goal. I just want to wear a swimsuit and be proud!!!
  • squared16
    squared16 Posts: 41
    I hope to get down to 160 over the summer and I think that's reasonable. That's like 30 lbs? Maybe it's not? I also would just really like to look good in my work swimsuit (also a lifeguard).
  • KayNicoleKC
    I just joined and here are my goals:

    1) Work toward getting to my goal weight of 135 (I'm 176 now...)
    2) Maintain daily workouts (I'm doing Billy Blanks Tae Bo Amped now!)
    3) Spend as much time as possible outside with my daughter and husband
    4) Get a tan!
  • Lilith47
    Lilith47 Posts: 52 Member
    I don't care about weight , don't own a scale ;)
    I want to get toned , lose the ab flab, and be stronger! I have the muscles, now need to lose the fat to show them !
    I wish everybody success with their goals, consistency is the key !!!
  • THINtense
    THINtense Posts: 42
    OK UPDATED-- I'm getting married this summer so I'd LOVE to be at goal by then. I'm aiming for 115 - 118 range, but I'm not quite sure that's possible yet! I was 123 exactly a week ago though, (and now I'm at 128 stupid easter weekend/week of engagement celebrating!) so it seems pretty doable and I think it will look good. 10-13lbs in 15.5 weeks!

    Oh, and I also want to tone up my arms and go to the gym more consistently!
  • KayNicoleKC
    THINtense, I worked a job doing a lot of lifting the summer that I got married and I LOVE the way my arms and chest look in my wedding pictures! Having a toned upper body is a great way to feel confident on your special day (not that you'll really be thinking about that at the time, you'll be so happy and distracted!) Congratulations and good luck!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    The last time I saw my family was Thanksgiving and I was 40 lbs heavier. I'm visiting Memorial day weekend, I think it's May 26th. Today I weighed in at 185. My original goal was 160 by Memorial day, but I think it's looking more like 170 is my attainable target. Once I hit 160 early in the summer, I have to work on this belly fat. Everywhere else has toned up so nicely but the belly fat just keeps hanging on. Also, I've been working with a trainer and our sessions end in May. My main goal is to apply everything that I've learned over the last 4 months and keep the pace just like I had him with me. I think I can do it. My budget isn't going to allow me to keep working with him :(. I don't wanna gain any weight back either.. so maintain maintain maintain is going to be my motto!
  • violetpimpernell
    My goals for the summer are:
    1) Exercise at least 3 times a week
    2) Get down to about 250 by august
  • lovepe
    lovepe Posts: 14
    I wanna be 120! :) Although that sounds a bit unrealistic...well at least 140!