I can't get enough protein!

Does anyone else have this problem? I'm eating a lot of meat and eggs, but I rarely get enough protein. I already barely get under my caloric intake allowance. I usually go over a couple times of week. I'm thinking about adding a protein shake. Any suggestons?


  • saintsfanatik
    saintsfanatik Posts: 68 Member
    Tuna or chicken would be good choices. Even though it's Keto we're talking, a smattering of low-fat meats that have a greater protein/fat ratio will finish out your macros, and help you get enough protein. Egg whites as well would help, and make a quick meal (eating the whites from hard boiled eggs, or a quick omelet).

    Just remember, not _too_ much protein--that has it's own issues.
  • I like greek yogurt mixed with whatever low carb protein powder you like. Mine turns out to be like 44g protein. KIND of high carb (at least the Fage I buy is 8g carb per cup) but good fats and protein.
  • vrycheri
    vrycheri Posts: 6
    What are the issues with too much protein?
  • I think too much protein can make you get kidney stones, all the water will help prevent them though
  • vrycheri
    vrycheri Posts: 6
    I drink a ton of water...shouldn't be a problem for me
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Hahaha, I have the opposite problem. I have trouble getting enough fat to meet the ratios. Steak is a pretty high protein dinner option, pretty low fat. I add olive oil or butter to mine to meet the fat requirements. And then I supplement with fish oil pills and a tablespoon of coconut oil.