


  • steamlita
    steamlita Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a college-bound art student and my Family made the transition to a vegan/whole foods/raw/gluten free diet last year. It's hard to do all of those at once, so sometimes one of the categories drops (we're sort of traitors in that way I guess). I'm glad to find a community of people who aren't going to snap at me that I'll die without milk calcium and meat protein!
  • Mischief_Maiden
    Hi everyone! I'm a college-bound art student and my Family made the transition to a vegan/whole foods/raw/gluten free diet last year. It's hard to do all of those at once, so sometimes one of the categories drops (we're sort of traitors in that way I guess). I'm glad to find a community of people who aren't going to snap at me that I'll die without milk calcium and meat protein!

    I'm almost surprised about the amount of people who still believe that lol. I live in New York where veg is very "in" - as to say. You can get more calcium drinking Nut/Soy Milk and a bowl of Brocolli than you can drinking three glasses of milk a day. Not to mention - milk is fattening and more than likely contains pus, ammonia (which is a particularly big deal with the pink slime craze) and a whole bunch of other stuff.
    ANND Soy/Wheat Protein is equally as fortified in protein and lean fat then your average meat based diet. In fact, I've gone OVVEERR my protein recommendations on myfitnesspal. And it's creepy to think you're eatting the fear/adrenaline of hte animal you're eatting. Considering the fact that in their last moments of life a factory worker is boiling them alive or slitting their throats open upside down. That can't possibly be healthy eatting the adrenaline/fear of an animal, I would asume one would consume that and inheret the same amount of fear/adrenaline the animal felt, no wonder some people get some jumpy and have heart attacks!
  • Sway
    Sway Posts: 100 Member
    Hello fellow Wonderful Vegans!!

    I've decided, or it's naturally occurring to become more raw with my choices. I'm wondering if anyone else is in the same boat? I'll see how it goes, I'm just seeing how all that processed stuff is turning me off right now. So I've been researching and studying like crazy about it all!

    Let me know if you have any great info~or if you have questions that I can help with!!

  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    I am on a 30 day vegan challenge so hi guys!

    Family have no idea what on earth is going on with my food ..... they still dont understand that fish is not vegetarian ....
  • Kendall_Lauren
    Kendall_Lauren Posts: 20 Member
    Really glad to have found this group! Been vegan for 7 years as of this month, and found all the vegan junk foods. Recommitted this week to a healthy whole foods vegan diet (as well as anti-inflammatory to help with some health challenges like PCOS) and lost 13 lbs already which just confirms to me that this is the way to be eating! I always love getting to know fellow vegans, so feel free to message or add me if you'd like! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season, and has a great New Year- here's to 2013!
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
  • KetsyBaby
    KetsyBaby Posts: 40 Member
    Really glad to have found this group! Been vegan for 7 years as of this month, and found all the vegan junk foods. Recommitted this week to a healthy whole foods vegan diet (as well as anti-inflammatory to help with some health challenges like PCOS) and lost 13 lbs already which just confirms to me that this is the way to be eating! I always love getting to know fellow vegans, so feel free to message or add me if you'd like! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season, and has a great New Year- here's to 2013!

    I am a brand new vegan but feel better after a week then I have in years of trying all those other 'diets'. For me this is about a compassionate lifestyle, and taking care of myself is part of that. 2013 is going to be the best year for me yet!

    :heart: Please Add ME To Your Friends Support Team, I am looking for like minded individuals who are at the beginning, middle, or near goal in their journey to help me stay motivated and positive. I love a great sense of humor! I have a long road ahead of me, and need a good network of friends. :heart:

    40, Female
    GTA, Ontario, CANADA
  • lemonmon1
    lemonmon1 Posts: 134 Member
    Hiya! I've been vegan for 6+ years (in all aspects) and meat free for 10 years! Over the years I have slowly been learning to eat better, but being vegan alone helped me immensely!
  • ForTheAnimals
    ForTheAnimals Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All. I've been vegetarian for 10 years and Vegan for last 3. I'm an ethical vegan - and could not bear the thought of eating food when it comes to the suffering of any animal. We have so many other options .. why would you not choose a life of compassion. It seems the more I learned the easier it became. I try to eat as much RAW as possible - find it most successful when zeroed in on the deserts and raw chocolate.. :) other than that..I'm all about non-processed, whole foods. i'm so much healhier now..but I found the love of eating amazing vegan food..has packed on some pounds. So..back to basics!! (what goes in has to be less than I expend).
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Aedreana here, brand-new to MFP. I am a strict vegan because I oppose the murder of animals for any reason. I love creatures that most people call "vermin"-- in fact, I rescue insects that are in peril, and get them safely out of harm's way. My most hated enemies are those so-called "animal rights"'organizations which euthanize animals. So I am a radical vegan! I am not interested in debating opposing points-of-view, but please feel free to contact me if you are like-minded.
  • balanceandnirvana
    balanceandnirvana Posts: 51 Member
    I've been vegetarian since february 2013 and vegan september 2013; i went raw in november! I'm mostly raw 90/5/5 and it is the best! Although I've only been vegan a short time, I've always loved animals and wanted to stop eating them and I wasn't able to till recently
    no eating any animals of any kind nor their products (dairy, eggs, honey) and i do not wear clothing made from animals and i try to stay away from products tested on animals (i don't wear any makeup and my dad makes me vegan lotion or i just use coconut oil)
    I'm trying to live as natural of a life as i can in this modern era (:
    I hate killing any animals - even bugs. I find bugs rather fascinating unless they're flying around my face! I don't like flies or ants but I try not to kill them :o my cat is my best friend; i rescued her when she was a couple weeks old and fed her formula milk and raised her. she is my baby (: i love all animals and it makes me so sad to see them harmed and see slabs of meat served up on platters and it is really so disgusting to me T.T
  • MuddyJeans88
    Hi, I'm a vegan-ish vegetarian. I eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet that's pretty much 95% vegan, and that last 5% is just from when I go out to eat every once in a while and a non-vegan ingredient or two slips in there. I mostly cook all my own food and eat an 80/10/10 diet (80% carbs, 10% fat, 10% protein). I'm a big fan of Dr. Essylstein, Fuhrman, and T. Colin Campbell.

    Looking for more friends to share my progress with! And I'm no food nazi, even if you're not vegetarian I'd like to see more health conscious people in my feed.

  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Vegan Essentials, and Pangea are two reputable online sources for vegan products. Everything they sell-- cosmetics, hair/skin/dental care, household cleaners, food, etc., EVERYTHING is 100% vegan. I have purchased from both companies for many years!
  • HeyImRin
    Hello everyone!!!

    I'm so glad to have finally found a vegan group on here! I haven't found a way to search for groups for some reason...

    Anyway, I've been a vegan for about 5 months now. (I forget the actual start date, I'm terrible :neutral_face: ) I was a vegetarian for about 4 years before this, with SAD in between.

    I'm trying to transition into a HCLF vegan lifestyle, but it's difficult being as I live with my meat and potatoes husband and a 5 year old who isn't ready to transition. I don't give my 8 month old a choice yet ;)

    I'm DESPERATELY in search of a motivational buddy. I don't need motivation to stay a vegan, but to transition into HCLF. I keep having bad days where I just eat all the processed vegan foods I can find, but then I'll have a great day and have 15 bananas, berries and potatoes out the wazoo!

    Nice to meet you all!