What motivates you?



  • nicoleeliza4
    A long term goal! My dad's wedding is in 4 months and I want to look amazing in a dress for once instead of the usual black pants. It's a 12 hour drive away and near the ocean so going to have TONS of pictures in summer clothes, having fun, sun shining and I want to be able to have an amazing time and look fantastic. That has kept me so motivated because at the rate I'm going I'll meet my goal right around that time so it seems do-able and I think if I can keep going for 4 months it will have become a habit by then so I'll keep it up
    The only other big goal I've had was fitting into my grad dress which worked awesome, it was almost too loose that morning! Only problem was it was just over a month so that night came, had the big buffet and all went downhill from there.
    So have a deadline that's far away to make permanent but close enough to keep you motivated.
    And find pictures of goals! Take progress pics, outfits you want to wear, etc
  • janine5486
    bikini season
  • rawheeler11
    rawheeler11 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to feel better about myself and not be an overweight mom. I want to be able to keep up with my active son & set a good example for him so he doesn't struggle with weight like I have throughout my life.
  • nicoleeliza4
    woops already commented on this one, delete!
  • AddictedtoTattoos
    A nice sunny day makes me want to go out and do something, and seeing the numbers on the scale go down have kept me at it. Even though I've only lost 6 lbs I still feel great. Proud of myself that i've kept it up for so long.