Anybody else not seeing any changes at all?

jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
I started JM March 20 with these modifications....I work out 5 days instead of 6, due to my schedule, I didn't do the kickstart, and I am trying to stick to 1370 cals or under plus eating my exercise cals because I only want to lose 12 lbs total. I have missed a couple of days of exercise due to a migraine, etc but for the most part I am on it. I lost 2 lbs within the first couple of weeks but nothing since then. I also have not lost any inches and I do not feel any firmer or any more toned.

I'm just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues or if maybe I'm all of a sudden supposed to get all my results on day 89 lol

Feeling frustrated to say the least.


  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    I just started Phase 2 this week. I did do the kickstart exercise plan with Phase 1, but I only did the diet plan for about 2.5 days (I was starving and the lack of carbs was making me not a very nice person :wink: ). I haven't really been tracking calories, but I have been working hard to eat reasonable meals...since I've been on this site for over a year, I like to think I've gotten to be a pretty good judge of what I can and can't get away with eating. I've actually been incorporating a lot of JMs meals into my normal diet just because they're yummy.

    So... After a month, I have not lost any weight. In fact, I have gained at least 2-3lbs (I stopped looking - the scale scares me). I haven't taken my measurements yet in phase 2, but I'm hopeful - I'm wearing a backless dress on Saturday for a charity gala, and there was no visible back fat when I tried it on a couple days ago (win!). :happy:
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    I did not do the kickstart, and only lost a couple of pounds and a few inches in Phase 1. I am really watching my caloric intake and logging everything. I Just finished 3 days of starting workouts 7, 8, and Cardio 2 this week so far, and Phase 2 has been pretty frustrating for me to get all the moves and coordination down, but I have somehow lost 4 more pounds, and I have good muscle definition in my arms and shoulders. Plus I feel I'm getting stronger!
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Just to update. I've "officially" gained 3lbs in Phase 1, but I've lost 2" EACH on bust, waist, and hips. (I almost can't believe that myself, it seems a little ridiculous.)

    I have a Bowflex body composition scale that says my water weight and muscle mass have increased, but my body fat has stayed about the same. Hopefully the fat loss will speed up from here, but I can live with the other results.
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    Oh my gosh - I'm struggling with the same thing! I did the kickstart and am now in week 3. While I'm seeing improvements in strength and stamina as well as the way my clothes fit, I am so discouraged by the numbers on the scale. I have not lost one ounce since the end of week 1. I have been following the program to a T (except for one birthday party at the end of March)

    I think I'm going to weigh in only at the end of each phase. Maybe we have to be "deprogrammed" from our obsession the scales. It just makes me want to quit sometimes.
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    Don't forget that when you do weight training, your muscles retain water in order to repair themselves. Remember, too that muscle does not weigh more than fat, but it takes up less space.

    I haven't lost but six pounds and I'm into phase 3. However, I've lost 14 inches all around and now I don't really care what the scale says!
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    It's good to here everybody's progress...i am going to stick with it and hope for the best. I have never heard that about water weight and mucsle...thats interesting, also, i too wouldnt care what the flippin scale said if i lost 14 inches lol

    My best to you all :)
  • luoool
    luoool Posts: 9
    jupityjupe this system is extreme weight loss program that is designed for overweight people, for people who want to lose 40 pounds or more.

    she said that in one of her podcasts, Also take a look at her book (unlimited) she talks about how to lose the last 10 pounds and how it's totally different story

    hop that helps
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    Ty for ur suggestion luoool, i started this as solidaridy with my sister who is trying to lose 40lbs but figured it couldnt hurt me and i would just get in great shape and lose my extra weight...i have found several others on mfp who are doing a similar thing with it...just curious about ppls experiences...i didnt expect to see the lbs melting off me but with all the added exercise i did expect to see more inches and toning..i will have to do more research
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Just wondering how tall are you if you don't mind me asking. Looking at your pic and your weight as stated in your ticker you're looking pretty slim already :smile: Your body might not want to let go of much more?

    All the best!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I start Workout 9 on Monday. I did the kickstart and I am NOT following the meal plan. I actually eat my TDEE - 20% every day (which equals to about 1550 net calories). I have lost about 7-9 lbs throughout the entire program and maybe 7 inches. I'm trying not to get discouraged because I am SO MUCH stronger - I can do pushups (several in a row) and I couldn't do them at all before. I try to only weigh myself once a week and I measure every two weeks. I started out just wanting to tone and lose a little flab (I'm 5'9" and started at 145 (lost a few lbs before starting BR), now I'm around 135) - I feel like my flab is still there but my husband and mom both disagree. I took before pictures so I guess I will see for sure when I'm done with the program and take afters. Lets stay motivated and encourage each other because if you don't lose any pounds, you are at least getting stronger and showing yourself that YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I start Phase 2 tomorrow.
    I lost 6 pounds after 2 weeks and no more weight since.


    I have lost AT LEAST 1-2 inches from every body part!!

    After 40 years of battling weight, I'm beginning to think like Roander and "screw the scale"!!

    Anyone know of a "Scale Detox Group"?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    so since replying to this forum, i've felt like i was encouraging the discouragement... i love this program, i really do... and depending on how much weight you have to lose, you will lose slower or quicker compared to others. i think instead of comparing ourselves, we should focus on the changes we are seeing in ourselves. i do still have flab that drives me nuts, but it IS going away... it's just soooooo SLOW and that annoys me. i think the scale is the enemy for sure and if you can feel muscle (or you can do a pushup etc) that you didn't have before (or couldn't do before), you've made progress. we've got 12 weeks of this, so i'm not giving up! 12 weeks is a long time for change to happen.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    As shared, everyone loses at a different rate and the closer you are to goal (within 20 lbs), the slower/harder it is. In addition, a level of 1200 calories might not be the right level for someone so close to goal doing this program. I also think the structure of this program does not produce typical and equal weekly weight loss.

    I had 85 lbs to lose when I started 3 weeks ago. The first two weeks I lost 12.5 lbs. The third week...nothing. I was the exact same weight this morning as I was last Sunday. And I have eaten really well the entire week. Even at Easter, I only consumed about 2000 calories (which is relatively low for a holiday and for my size); the other days, I averaged 1300-1500. In order to keep myself motivated, I have to remind myself about how the body works when you do this type of exericise (e.g., weight training causes water retention each time you increase the effort) and that I feel myself getting smaller. I cannot wait to see where I am at the end of Phase 1 and see the inches lost as well.

    If you are eating well and following the program, you WILL see changes...keep the faith!
  • pmcjt
    pmcjt Posts: 34 Member
    I started this program a week ago Monday. I did the Kickstart with the exception of one evening skipping a workout and eating Japanese. I kept it under control though - sushi & miso soup. Then Saturday, I had a huge party for my son so I had a small piece of birthday cake and missed the cardio in the evening. Instead of taking Sunday as a day of rest, I did an a.m. cardio to make up for it. I stepped on the scale this morning and was up 2.3 pounds. Well, you can imagine what came to mind. After throwing a bit of a hissy fit, I put on my workout clothes and did Workout 1 as planned. I followed it up with an approved breakfast and I'm moving forward. I guess I just didn't expect to see the scale go UP. I'm wondering if it is possible that my body is in starvation mode. I've had no more than 1200 calories with the exception of 1 day (cake day). Or was it the 1 day that made me gain. Really? 2.3 pounds from a piece of cake? Ugh. It is frustrating. I was heavier and ate whatever I wanted and didn't see a 2.3 gain in a week. I'm not giving up. End of rant.
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    I started this program a week ago Monday. I did the Kickstart with the exception of one evening skipping a workout and eating Japanese. I kept it under control though - sushi & miso soup. Then Saturday, I had a huge party for my son so I had a small piece of birthday cake and missed the cardio in the evening. Instead of taking Sunday as a day of rest, I did an a.m. cardio to make up for it. I stepped on the scale this morning and was up 2.3 pounds. Well, you can imagine what came to mind. After throwing a bit of a hissy fit, I put on my workout clothes and did Workout 1 as planned. I followed it up with an approved breakfast and I'm moving forward. I guess I just didn't expect to see the scale go UP. I'm wondering if it is possible that my body is in starvation mode. I've had no more than 1200 calories with the exception of 1 day (cake day). Or was it the 1 day that made me gain. Really? 2.3 pounds from a piece of cake? Ugh. It is frustrating. I was heavier and ate whatever I wanted and didn't see a 2.3 gain in a week. I'm not giving up. End of rant.

    When i go through this, i think about that i have to eat 3500 more calories (per gained pound) about my TDEE (which is about 2500 for me) i KNOW i didn't eat that much, so it must be water weight. Your muscles retain water when worked, so it's possible (esp. if this is your first time actually weight training) that is what is happening.

    how close are you to your goal? and don't be afraid to up your calories. the first month I only lost 2 lbs, not seeing very much gone from week to week, and this week i upped my calories to 1600 (my BMR) and ate back the exercise calories, and i was still down .4 lbs, so my body is still losing, but i'm enjoying my life again! haha
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I started this program a week ago Monday. I did the Kickstart with the exception of one evening skipping a workout and eating Japanese. I kept it under control though - sushi & miso soup. Then Saturday, I had a huge party for my son so I had a small piece of birthday cake and missed the cardio in the evening. Instead of taking Sunday as a day of rest, I did an a.m. cardio to make up for it. I stepped on the scale this morning and was up 2.3 pounds. Well, you can imagine what came to mind. After throwing a bit of a hissy fit, I put on my workout clothes and did Workout 1 as planned. I followed it up with an approved breakfast and I'm moving forward. I guess I just didn't expect to see the scale go UP. I'm wondering if it is possible that my body is in starvation mode. I've had no more than 1200 calories with the exception of 1 day (cake day). Or was it the 1 day that made me gain. Really? 2.3 pounds from a piece of cake? Ugh. It is frustrating. I was heavier and ate whatever I wanted and didn't see a 2.3 gain in a week. I'm not giving up. End of rant.

    You're exactly right. If you went up in weight and you know you followed the program closely (e.g., those changes you described are not a big deal) and you ate well, you would not have gained weight from that. The increase is probably caused by the intense increase in exercise from this program and your muscles are retaining water to repair themselves (sometimes you almost can feel it when you're sore and your muscles just sort of feel "heavy." As I posted yesterday, I have A LOT to lose and didn't lose a thing last week when I moved into week 3. I know that the numbers (calories in and calories out), I should have lost like 3 lbs, but I stayed the same. This is absolutely due to the increase in the workouts.

    Just keep plugging away!

    When i go through this, i think about that i have to eat 3500 more calories (per gained pound) about my TDEE (which is about 2500 for me) i KNOW i didn't eat that much, so it must be water weight. Your muscles retain water when worked, so it's possible (esp. if this is your first time actually weight training) that is what is happening.

    how close are you to your goal? and don't be afraid to up your calories. the first month I only lost 2 lbs, not seeing very much gone from week to week, and this week i upped my calories to 1600 (my BMR) and ate back the exercise calories, and i was still down .4 lbs, so my body is still losing, but i'm enjoying my life again! haha
  • pmcjt
    pmcjt Posts: 34 Member
    Aww, thanks guys. I have about 40 to lose. I already lost 20 since January but had a plateau for about 3 weeks. I thought I'd try this program to break through it. Tonight, I moved into my second week so instead of doing Cardio 1 tonight, like last week, I took a walk. Felt good to get outside and mix things up a bit. I didn't sweat or get out of breath but I think it did wonders!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Hi all, I weigh myself this morning, and I gained 2 lbs since i started BR- here are my modifications, didn't do kickstart workout, and skipped week 1 and week 2, since it was too easy for me. I stayed under 1400 cals per day,- my clothes fit much better, however i gained 2 lb? I hope the theory about muscles retaining water is really true, because it's really frustrating :(((
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    For me, a lot of the frustration comes from the expectation that this was a weight loss program. I know what I should weigh and I know that I have about 40 pounds to lose and it just isn't happening (did kickstart, following the meal plan, not skipping a single workout, and making sacrifices). I am happy that I'm getting stronger and feel as if my body is looking a little better, but I'd be lying to myself if I said, "sure, I weigh 40 pounds more than I should, but I'm in great shape" So, for me, it is about the numbers. - Hearing Jillian say "we're not talking about 1-2 pounds per week...." and "the harder you work, the faster you see amazing results..." UGH! It makes me want to scream.
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    For me, a lot of the frustration comes from the expectation that this was a weight loss program. I know what I should weigh and I know that I have about 40 pounds to lose and it just isn't happening (did kickstart, following the meal plan, not skipping a single workout, and making sacrifices). I am happy that I'm getting stronger and feel as if my body is looking a little better, but I'd be lying to myself if I said, "sure, I weigh 40 pounds more than I should, but I'm in great shape" So, for me, it is about the numbers. - Hearing Jillian say "we're not talking about 1-2 pounds per week...." and "the harder you work, the faster you see amazing results..." UGH! It makes me want to scream.

    Let's scream together- since i started BR i gained 4 lbs !! haha, that's with 6 day a week workouts and very healthy eating, wanna break the scale lol