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I just thought I would see if any body reads this.
I had previously joined a 100 lb. to lose group and it was so large that I felt lost in the crowd. I liked this one ,since it was still small, but I see no activity here. I'm just going to ramble on about my problems with weightloss and see if I get any bites.
So here goes:
I never had to worry about losing weight until I reached my 30's, before that I could cut back on what I knew was the problem and it would come off....Not so anymore. I gained 64 lbs. with my son about 22 years ago and have never been able to get it to come off. I weigh more now than when I was pregnant.
It is easy for me to do well at work with my eating, but once I get home I start mindless eating. I don't even have to be hungry, just bored.
I tell myself all the right things, but before I know it .......I'VE GONE AND ATE , ALOT OF STUFF.
It's a little like self-sabatoging, I think. I'm still keeping up with the exercising though, but I know I should do more, to burn off calories.
Time is running out for me to lose before swimsuit season, I really want to not look like a beached whale.
I started out with my highest weight being 267, I have lost 11lbs since starting MFP putting me at 20 lbs total. My plan is to log everything and not fudge on some things, so I can see it all out in the open . The good, the bad, and the ugly!!


  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I read this, but it seems like it's kind of dead around here.
  • TynkEMT
    TynkEMT Posts: 19 Member
    I am gonna steal part of your post Time2LoseWeightNOW with my own weight/loss:

    Time is running out for me to lose before swimsuit season, I really want to not look like a beached whale.
    I started out with my highest weight being 260, I have lost 12.9 lbs since starting MFP putting me at 17.6 lbs total.

    Since starting MFP I have had more success in my weight loss than I ever have trying to do it on my own.

    Thank you to all of my friends for the support!
  • ninacstevenson
    ninacstevenson Posts: 3 Member
    I feel like I've been dieting on and off forever! Starting when i was about 13/14 just wanting to lose a few pounds, and the older I got the more i yo-yo'd.

    I'm totally a boredom & comfort eater, and have lost 50-60lbs before, but have really struggled to motivate myself for the last few years, I'm hoping that joining in here will help me keep on track this time!