I want to eat everything.

I am going on 2 weeks now, as a smoke free individual! I feel great ---except I am constantly looking to eat something. I've tried chewing gum and drinking water constantly...but it's always in the back of my mind until I finally end up at a fast food drive thru ---and half the time I'm not even actually hungry, and I KNOW I'm not hungry either. What do you do in said situations?


  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    I carry fruit with me everywhere. I am at about two weeks as well. I went out with friends to a concert the other night and I carried a tangerine in my purse. It really does make me feel better to have something to munch on and I know with fruit I am not hurting myself. I also carry water everywhere. It satisfies the urge to always have something in my hands.
  • That's a great idea! I have been munching on fruit ---but I think I'm constantly wanting too much. At least if I'm overeating on healthy it's better than overeating on french fries and milkshakes :)
  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    I am 3 weeks 2 days smoke free... I also have this problem. The craving for a cigarette feels just like hunger. I feel like I have this empty hole that needs to be filled. I don't really have an answer but I do have the same feeling.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Hey girls...great choice you have all made. I quit over a year ago and have researched and found out soooo much information that I thought I would share with you.

    The reason for the hunger is because smoking used to fill that need and now the receptors are looking for the happy feeling and not getting it...hence, the food will sate it for awhile. For a better understanding, you might want to look at this thread:


    I also joined the Quitting Smoking forum at about.com and the support on that forum is invaluable. So many people from all over the world going through exactly what we are. As you are aware, no one can understand the pain unless one has gone through it themselves. Take a look at the forum, you will not be sorry!