Challenge Day 2



  • beautybandit1
    Breakfast is down and I'm ready for W1/D2 of my Ripped in 30.... I can definitely feel some soreness, but I am just going to make sure to drink more water and stretch, stretch, stretch!

    Have a great day everyone! We can do this!!!!
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Day 2 done! Did frontside today.

    I saw a set of JM DVDs at Walmart for $10, including two 1 pound weights. I think it was the fat metabolism one and the trouble zones one. Planning to get it next month, as well as a set of resistance bands, a stair step thingy, and I saw she had a boxed set of 2,5,& 8 pound weights I'd like to get.

    Cooled off a little now :) Going to shower and finally take my measurements!
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    day 2 done arms are like jelly -keep telling myself it will be worth it lol
  • ShannonLip
    I can see myself really developing a love/hate relationship with Jillian....hating her as I do these workouts/loving how I end up feeling and looking. I'm on week 1 of the Ripped in 30. You all inspire me!
  • Bordelinski
    Christina's "Fighter" got me through! Day 2 .... DONE.
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member
    Day 2 30DS at level 1, I somehow sweated more today than yesterday, am I getting weaker?!

    Still doing girl press ups and they still kill.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Day 2, Level 2 last night was still a killer. Day 3 tonight....... and I noticed I am getting biceps!

    Still not much sign of weight loss, which seems to have stalled, but my body fat has dropped another 0.3% in the last week and I am definitely shaping up and losing inches.

    Max heart rate last night was a whopping 172bpm - not bad for a 52 year old huh?

    Onwards and upwards for Day 3 this evening! C'mon ladies.... you don't get those abs for free :wink:
  • cmason516
    cmason516 Posts: 62
    I did level 1 day 2 this morning. I was so sore from doing it yesterday but still managed to do a little bit better than yesterday. I do have to admit to being scared of waking up tomorrow but maybe my body won't be as sore as I think? haha
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    It does get better.... I promise :smile: Stick with it - no pain, no gain!
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    Last night was day 2, more sore this morning then I was yesterday and really feeling it those wings that someone slipped in on my arms without me looking! lol I hope if nothing else, I lose those!
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Day 4 level 1 complete....soooo tired cn barely else find it annoying that you can't fast forward through her initial talk to get to the workouts?
  • KM1970
    KM1970 Posts: 20 Member
    6 week 6 pack level 2 and 2 circuits of nmtz..I hurt my bicep yesterday doing banish I didn't do ripped in 30 today.
  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 93 Member
    Day 7 level 2 of 30ds done! I also did a short strength training workout then stretched for a full 15-20 minutes. I keep pulling all these odd butt and groin muscles. Gotta stretch more!!

    I was cursing at Jillian today and I liked it.

    Keep pushing through, everyone!!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Did day 3 level 1 30DS today. My shoulders want to fall off, my butt is aching, and my abs hurt. I was trying to figure out what was most sore and gave up! Building lotsa muscles, but ouch!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Day 4 level 1 complete....soooo tired cn barely else find it annoying that you can't fast forward through her initial talk to get to the workouts?

  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 93 Member
    Day 4 level 1 complete....soooo tired cn barely else find it annoying that you can't fast forward through her initial talk to get to the workouts?

    I like to use that time to warm up. I don't have to listen to her blab and I benefit by being loosened up from some dynamic stretching and mild cardio. I run in place, do some step-touch stretches, etc.
  • mrscherry1
    Day 2 level 1 done - some reason I'm not burning as many calories as I was, I was already on level 2 day 4 and switched it back to level 1 to stay even with everyone!! Any ideas why i'm birning less now??:sad:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    423 calories torched on week 1 day 2 of ripped! So sweaty!!!

    Anyone else noticing sore shins? I'm wondering if it's because I'm not used to the jumping. Also I cannot do the side lunges to save my life...I can't pop my booty, lunge and lift all at once! And I suck at running man...hello bad hand eye coordination!!!!!!! I'm just waiting to fall flat on my face! :laugh:
  • jenelizmin
    jenelizmin Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished level 1 day 2. Much more challenging than yesterday since I started out sore. Also started C25K today. I've been doing a lot of cardio but really need to build up my running. Thinking I'm going to invest in some more Jillian Michaels DVD's.
  • lvondy
    lvondy Posts: 76 Member
    Just finished NMTZ for the first time. Man, it was tough. I am going to be sore tomorrow! BFBM or 6P6W tomorrow!