Might do this next but need advice

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
I am thinking about getting this program next. but a few questions. i had turbo jam and found it a bit boring. didn't seem to move fast enough and i felt like i wasn't doing much. is this similar to that or completely different? anything you can compare it to? i am doing insanity now, is it at all like that, or is it more kickboxing stuff the whole time?


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    No kickboxing at least not in phase one, I think it's totally different than TJ, but it's hard to describe.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    No kickboxing at least not in phase one, I think it's totally different than TJ, but it's hard to describe.

    is it weightlifting? it seems to be, looking at the other posts. what are the 3 phases like?
  • dmcw19
    dmcw19 Posts: 129
    It is absolutely weightlifting. So, you will not be moving fast on lifting days. The challenge comes in keeping your proper form and pushing bigger weights. You do not get bulky and it really changes your body. I am almost finished and have found a new love for lifting weights.
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    It is weightlifting for the most part, 2 days of intense cardio ( some peple think Insanity is way more difficult than these 2 cardio workouts, never tried Insanity so I do not know for sure)
    CLX is a hard workout is you push yourself enough ...

    Phase 1: Burn Phase
    This Phase is to boost your metabolism with a great routine to prepare your body to move on to the next phase. Choose for yourself Resistance bands or weights, and Chalene will show you how to use them with proper form. You will begin to burn fat right away and will see results every 30 days. Chalean will expect you to "fail" by the 12th ot 10th rep. is not how many reps you can do but what is your form and concentration while doing these excercises.

    Phase 2: Push Phase
    In this stage you will push your muscles in order to build them up. You will lift harder and heavyer while strengthening one area of your body at a time. In no time at all you will begin to see results. Since you are lifting heavier this month you will need to "fail" by the 8th or 6 th rep.

    Phase 3: Lean Phase
    For the last thirty days you will be in the Lean Phase. Instead of concentrating on just one area, you will be working on every part of the body; the upper, the lower, and the core, to get you as lean as possible (sometimes at the sime time :S ) . By the time you have completed this phase you will be happy with the toned new you :) .

    I am happy with the results .. so much that I am on my second round of CLX along with Trubo Fire :)
    Good luck!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Thanks, this helps a lot! i wasn't sure about this program but have heard lots of good things about it.