
heriwen Posts: 13 Member
I looked for one but I didn't see it. I figured, since we're all teachers, it'd be a good idea to have some kind of intro as to who we are.

so, here's me!

I'm Liz, I'm 24 years old and in my second year of teaching at a small school in Southern Virginia. I teach middle and high school math (Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry) and I love it.

When I was at my lowest weight, I was 110 pounds and I've put on a lot from college (currently at about 160. I know I'll never get back to 110, realistically, but a girl can dream). I'm ready to get back down and feel and look healthier. I'm starting (week 3) c25k and and just generally eating healthier and trying to take care of myself. My dog is on my journey with me and he does not like it so far!!!

so now it's your turn! :)


  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I looked for one but I didn't see it. I figured, since we're all teachers, it'd be a good idea to have some kind of intro as to who we are.

    so, here's me!

    I'm Liz, I'm 24 years old and in my second year of teaching at a small school in Southern Virginia. I teach middle and high school math (Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry) and I love it.

    When I was at my lowest weight, I was 110 pounds and I've put on a lot from college (currently at about 160. I know I'll never get back to 110, realistically, but a girl can dream). I'm ready to get back down and feel and look healthier. I'm starting (week 3) c25k and and just generally eating healthier and trying to take care of myself. My dog is on my journey with me and he does not like it so far!!!

    so now it's your turn! :)

    Hi Liz, Kat here... I teach at a 1st-12th grade school in Oregon; lit specialist and former social studies teacher.

    I would ask how tall you are and your frame structure, and how good you feel at what weights to determine what you should aim for. I know BMI and BF%, and what-not, but only you know what is reasonable to maintain (if you eat hot fudge sundaes with cookies every night - probably not going to maintain 110lbs!)

    At my lowest (right before I got pregnant with my second child, I was 111lbs. (I have a small frame at about 5'5") I feel good at 120lbs (what I was when I married) and am currently able to maintain with minimal efforts (I'm not a workout diva and I like my sweets). I'm also working at making healthier food choices (it's a daily process!) and have some middle-aged jiggle and spread that I'm working on toning up... :laugh:
  • Good moning, I'm Shanique from Fayetteville, NC. I teach Family and Consumer Sciences and I'm on Spring Break. I love teaching, hate the paper work, looking forward to prom next week, and I can't wait to get through finals! I am some what stuck and considering seeing my doctor about diet pills. But I am going to keep logging, or I should say get back to logging, and see what happens. I need a smarter phone, so I can use this app all day!:glasses:
  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    Great Idea!!

    I'm Megan. I teach special education (primarily EBD) in a small rural town in central WI. I have both middle school and high school students. This is my eighth year teaching, but my second at my current district. Prior to my current district, I worked in a larger school teaching HS special education (EBD).

    I guess I got comfortable and put on a bunch of pounds. I started on my weight lose journey when I reached 217. I lost 20 pounds, got pregnant, put 10 back on and a few of my own, and finally decided it was time to get serious when my doctor told me that my body was no longer functioning the right way due to my weight gain and due to this I might not be able to have another child (not that we are trying right now, but definitely an option in the future). I'd like to be between 150 and 160, but it sure seems like it is taking a long time.
  • heriwen
    heriwen Posts: 13 Member
    yay! Hi everyone!

    I'm 5'3" and medium/athletic build. I am aiming to get around 120/130 and pants size 6 (I currently squeeze into an 8 or am baggy in a 10. ugh).

    sounds like we have a good mix of subject areas here. :D
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I looked for one but I didn't see it. I figured, since we're all teachers, it'd be a good idea to have some kind of intro as to who we are.

    so, here's me!

    I'm Liz, I'm 24 years old and in my second year of teaching at a small school in Southern Virginia. I teach middle and high school math (Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry) and I love it.

    When I was at my lowest weight, I was 110 pounds and I've put on a lot from college (currently at about 160. I know I'll never get back to 110, realistically, but a girl can dream). I'm ready to get back down and feel and look healthier. I'm starting (week 3) c25k and and just generally eating healthier and trying to take care of myself. My dog is on my journey with me and he does not like it so far!!!

    so now it's your turn! :)

    You are so smart! Why didn't I think of that?!
  • Hi! My name is Alyse and I am 24 years old. I teach kindergarten in Indiana. This is my second year out in the teaching field, first year in kindergarten. I LOVE teaching kindergarten, which has been a surprise because all my prior experiences has been in the upper-elementary grades. I took the kindergarten job because it was open, but took it thinking maybe I could get into the older grades for next year. I have decided to stay in kindergarten though. I LOVE IT! Anyways, I have been on MFP for about 2-3 weeks and am looking for some friends for support/advice. THANKS! :)
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I am 47. I've been married for 18+ years to a man who can eat a Big Mac as a snack, and eat a full dinner within the hour without gaining a pound. Yes, he is thin, and I was thin when I married him up until our struggle with infertility. The hormone shots did a real number on me, and I gained 50 pounds total. I was pregnant with twins, and one didn't make it full term. However, I have an amazing 14 year old daughter who is a complete miracle and the light of my life. I still look pregnant 14 years later with my big belly, skinny arms, and skinny legs!

    I teach Pre-K (4 year olds) in a Pre-K through 8th grade inner city school. I love my job, but our governor doesn't like teachers, so we are in a state of flux. It is quite scary, but I pray a lot, and I have faith that everything will work out.

    My family and I are embarking on an exciting adventure this summer. We are taking 30 youth and adults on a mission trip to Appalachia. It would be nice to be in better shape so that I will be strong enough to work hard in the summer heat.

    I will never wear a bikini again (without major plastic surgery), and I have accepted that. I just want to be healthier, live longer and better, and enjoy wearing cuter clothing. The 14 pounds I've lost so far have made me feel much better, so I know that with more weight loss, I will see even more improvements in my overall health and well-being.

    I look forward to finishing this school year on a high note and enjoying the amazing summer ahead!!!
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Let's go everybody! Let us know all about you...

    We are stronger together! :wink:
  • ak812
    ak812 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to MFP (today is only my 3rd day here!) but am LOVING it so far. I could really use a lot of support on my weight loss journey, so I've been browsing through groups & this one looks great! I am a Pre-K teacher at a daycare center, currently in the process of switching a CA credential to WA and hoping to be in a public school by the fall.

    A little more about myself - my name is Amanda, I'm 22 years old and live with my boyfriend in Washington state. What brings me here is the need to lose about 50 lbs ... I currently weigh in at 194 lbs and want to get back to 150, what I was in high school. For whatever reason, I almost completely stopped thinking about diet & exercise in college and am now realizing the consequences of that.

    I want to get in better shape and be a healthier person in general. I'm not planning on having kids in the near future, but definitely want a family & I want to be in good shape before then. I want my own kids to have a healthy lifestyle, so step 1 in making that happen is turning my own lifestyle around. I think a huge obstacle in doing this has been a lack of support (my bf is not a big exerciser and we don't have enough schedule coordination to work out together, and my whole family lives on the East Coast so no help there.) I also haven't really made any friends since moving to WA so I've been feeling a bit lonely! My hope is to come here for support as I try to change my diet/exercise lifestyle.

    My plan as of now is logging EVERYTHING into MFP, and I mean everything, even if it puts me over calorie goals. For exercise, I am working out 6x a week. 3 days are Pilates & 3 days are walking workout programs (i.e. Leslie Sansone, Kendra Kemerley, etc.) I just started this yesterday and have stuck to it so far. 2 days is not the biggest accomplishment, but it feels good!

    Anyway, I hope it's alright to join here, and thank you for creating such an awesome group. I'm looking forward to succeeding together with all of you!
  • heriwen
    heriwen Posts: 13 Member
    Yay, welcome Amanda! I did the same thing in college. That, and nights out with friends and weekends.... I'm not a pretty sight!!! haha but I'm right there with you.