April 16 Weigh in

mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
I knew I had probably gained some this past week with all the darn sweets left around the house, and let's face it, I have NO will power... So here goes

Last weigh in: 252.2
Today's weigh in: 252.6

My goal for this coming week is to walk at least 4 times during the week. I hope to get at least 8,000 steps every day on my pedometer. My hope for next weeks weigh in is to get to 251.


  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    Weighing in a pound higher then I did all week. But I ha over 10000 on my sodium yesterday and TOM is here so I anticipated a higher weight this morning. It is what it is and I'll go with today's scale weight.

    April 9th: 161.2
    April 16th weight loss: -1
    New weight: 160.2
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Ugh, weekend visiting daughter in college and a stressful return home. Did really well all week, and then...not so great. Up a pound, which I'm sure will vanish quickly, but discouraging none the less. On the bright side though, one pound is easier to lose than 38 ;), and as long as I don't make it habit, I'll be fine (working on positive self talk!!).

    April 9th: 138
    April 16th weight loss: +1
    New weight: 139
  • jpbenjamin
    jpbenjamin Posts: 116 Member
    SW: 191.6

    SW with Turbofire: 169.6

    April 9th (after Easter...hmmm....) probably like 167.4? Didn't step on the scale that Monday but i'm going to go off of the last weigh in.

    April 16th: 164.8!

    Loss: 2.6lbs! Woohoo!

    GW for Memorial Day: 155
  • BrittanyH8588
    BrittanyH8588 Posts: 77 Member
    Only worked out a few times last week and then did no exercise this weekend and ate horribly so I gained a pound that I am about to go burn off!!!

    Current weight 175 :(
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    Still sitting steady.... Birthday Party and too much Salt! I did lose 1/2 an inch off of my arms, thanks to all the trees I've been chopping up!

    And as I read I see some up, and some down.... You are all doing great for staying conscious of your eating and maintaining your health. Don't sweat the ups and Congrats to you who achieved DOWNS!

    Current weight 189....
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    Monday's are tuff weigh ins ! My weight was much better this evening. Watching my sodium next Sunday.
  • slleeper68
    slleeper68 Posts: 14 Member
    Just getting time to sit down for the day. I weighed myself this morning and again just now. I weighed in at 198.2!! Down a little more than a pound. Not to bad I guess, was hoping for more. Maybe it will be better for the next weigh in. Keep up the hard work everyone. Nothing in life is easy!!! Your all awesome. I know we can do this!!!!
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 114 Member
    April 16th weigh in 239.6
    Last week 241.4