grrr help me please

Tressie Posts: 2 Member
So i started p90x at 6 weeks postpartum and was slowly loosing weight at 1700 calories but it was hard because
I had absoloutly no energy and after several weeks i got too warned out. Everyone told me i wasnt eating enough so i upped it to 2000 calories but in two weeks i gained 6 lbs and got extra chubby in my tummy. I did get better milk supply and more energy thoughbut this makes no sense!! Am i just screwd til i wean Eric off? I am going to go to 1650 calories a day and run 3 days a week weight training the other 3 days a week with one day off and for a month see what happens. I eat super healthy too so i know thats not the problem.


  • dsb76
    dsb76 Posts: 24 Member
    How are you logging your breastfeeding?
    I wasn't losing for a while when I was adding back both my nursing calories and eating my exercise calories. I changed my settings to maintain instead of lose and stopped adding nursing calories. I eat most of my exercise calories. I rarely feel deprived and I always eat when I am hungry and so far my milk supply hasn't suffered (and I am nursing twins). When I am good about logging my meals I lose about a pound of week as nursing gives my an invisible deficit.
    BTW - how do you like p90x? I have a copy but I never have time to do that long of a workout consistently. I can barely fit in a 20 minute workout.
    Also - your belly looks pretty good in your profile picture - amazing after 4 kids! Looks like you are doing great regardless of what your scale says. My belly is pretty sad after the twins.
  • Tressie
    Tressie Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks but that pic is my pic after i lost the weight from the third one. I just had my 4th and last child 3.5 months ago and im needing to lose the last 15 lbs to get back to that photo. I will try out what you said. I loove p90x lost 60 lbs on it and cant wait to get back to what i was. My husband is a beachbody coach and i get shakeology from him. If you can find the time a nap or such deffiently try to squeeze p90x in it wi help tone you up for sure