30's Daily - 4/19

shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

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  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Oh what a day! It's 7:40am and I'm pretty sure I've already traveled through the first 3 rings/stages of hell. I always thought Daunte's Inferno was just a book. Apparently it was just a fortune telling of my work day on 4/19/2012.

    Ever have one of those days. Between that and the whole wife at gym same time as husband situation I'm pretty sure I'm doing the whole Charlie Sheen "Winning" thing wrong. I think I might have to hunt down some sacrificial Easter candy and melt it down as a sacrifice to appease the Gods.

    Side Note: I did make some BCAA Soda. (If any of you lift and take supplements you'll understand! If not BCAA is the amino acids that protein breaks down to in your body. Basically makes an ultra low calorie drink that gives you the benefits of protein.) I have a Sodastream soda maker that I hardly used anymore and I thought... HMMMM... so I'm been carbonating some of my supplement morning drinks.
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    So I switched from Claritin to Zyrtec yesterday and it's helping! I felt so much better, my eyes weren't nearly as itchy :thumbup: I'm going to a running store at lunch to be properly fitted for new sneaks. I'm sure it will be pricey but after the first pair I hope to find what they recommend online. No exercise today.

    I set up a family BBQ with my HS girlfriends June 9, I'm so excited! I have set myself a mini-goal to lose an additional 5 lbs by then - just over 7 weeks. It's a bit of a stretch - I'm set up to lose 0.5 lb a week, but have been averaging more like 0.8/wk so I might make it.
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    Morning all - so funny thing happened on the way in to work today. I have the Weather Channel app on my phone set to alert me when there is a high pollen count. As I'm pulling into the parking lot I have one of those big, violent, mildly painful sneezes . . . immediately after my phone chimes to alert me of high pollen. Ya think?

    So glad it's a rest day for me. Did my NROLFW routine last night followed by a C25K workout and just feel beat up. I felt empowered and awesome after my workout Monday, even on 4 hours of sleep, but last night totally kicked my butt. I typically only run when chased, so the 5K training app is a big leap for me. I only tried it becasue I saw camsmommy post something about it (I am a lemming).

    d2 - how's the soda flavor-wise? I'm a weenie and refuse all health related food and drink that I deem to be "icky". :tongue: And this gym issue sounds entertaining (to others more so than you I'm sure). I'm very much a solitary creature when it comes to working out. My husband and I attempted to do the Slim in 6 workouts together for a while, but I ended up with a great deal of rage toward him after each one . . . :grumble: Hope your workday improves!!

    Shorty - good luck on the short-term goal for the BBQ. I have a much more ridiculous goal for myself. We have a wedding to go to June 23 and I'd love to drop about 18 lbs by then. That's 2 lbs a week which is doable, but judging by my recent plateau, ain't gonna happen. :cry: Maybe I can just "look" like I've lost that much by then . . . may be shopping for a new body shaping undergarment. Ha!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Susan - I started running doing c25k back in early December, and was able to finish the program as scheduled. I had a bit of a setback when I took it outside (I did it on a treadmill), but I'm slowly building up to 3 miles outside (I'm at about 2.5). I have never been a runner either, I'm pretty sure I failed the 1 mile run they make you do in HS. You can do it!

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    @susie - It's really good, but It's just a normal Lemon Flavored BCAA. So it tastes like carbonated lemonade! The gym issue, I wasn't expecting that topic to have so many people chime in. I guess laughter is the best medicine!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    morning, folks!

    @susieq: i <3 c25k. it took me forever, but i have it under my belt now. i was the kid in gym class that the coach just rolled her eyes at and waved me across the field - never finished the mile run. and now i'm up to 4 miles, working on getting to 5. i'm still slow, but i can do it, and so will you! it's a great program.

    first workout today in a full week - a psycho lady specialty, no less. she's so cool. i'm going to try and keep my day on the up and up. i've had a low kind of week - job didn't pan out like i'd hoped (it's not a definite 'no' yet, but i feel like it's headed there) and i've been eating a loooot of junk food and soda. time to put on my big girl panties and deal!

    hope everyone has a great day - almost friday, so yay!
  • camsmommy2008
    Well today is a crap day for me I feel. I started the C25K yesterday and man this morning my thighs told me I def. did something out of the ordinary by running so I took it eay at the gym today with a small elliptical stint and a nice treadmill walk. The day is hard since we went out to lunch for my sisters birthday and are going out to dinner tonight followed by cake and ice cream he at my house later. I am hoping to get a JM video in tonight after everyone leaves to help out with the meal choices today. Tomorrow is a new day and day 2 of my running efforts so we shall see :)
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Those of you starting c25k - your hip flexors/thighs will hurt for the first 1-2 sessions, but after that it TOTALLY gets better, I promise!

    If I could do it over again, I'd start at a 1% incline though so the transition to outdoors would have been easier.

    Got my new running shoes, Saucony's. They feel awesome, so I didn't feel to bad about going a bit over budget. I will find the next pair online.

    Of course, the running store is near the best local ice cream store, and I needed to run in and get a GC as a gift for a friend's son, so I got myself some ice cream lunch :blushing: In my defense, it's the best place around and all homemade!
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Hiya folks, hope everyone had a good day. I was working last night and managed to get, well almost no sleep. Taking the night off the gym tonight. Have finally fixed my bike though so will go for a cycle in a minute. Spent the day half asleep in a meeting/audit. It's strange how doing almost nothing can be so tiring.
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    It's strange how doing almost nothing can be so tiring.

    Ain't that the truth!
  • KelliA0628
    KelliA0628 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi! Just added myself to the Thirty Somethings group so thought I'd pop in and say a quick hello. It's a beautiful day in my neck of the woods and I'm so ready to get out of my office with no windows and enjoy some sunshine. It's a Zumba evening for me and then reading some Gray before watching some Grey's!!! =)

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!!!
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Ain't that the truth!


    Oh and welcome Kelli, make yourself at home :-).
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Debbie, check Sports Authority for your Saucony's next time. I actually bought a pair on clearance for $25 on my lunch break today. This is my second pair, they really are so comfy! I'm hoping having a good pair of shoes again (I bought Asics last time and hate them!) will help me get back into my running since I've committed to a 10K in 6 weeks.
  • hcdawg
    hcdawg Posts: 69
    Completed week 1day 1 of the C25K, hilly road we live on whipped my butt but I made it barely!!

    Welcome Kelli!
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Oh, man does travelling make me sleepy. We landed in DC yesterday and got a fantastic view of the space shuttle Discovery still on the plane it flew in on! It was right out our window as we were taxi-ing! I have a picture around here somewhere. You can post pictures, right?

    Look at all you C25Kers! Bravo! I kept trying to start it up but was having loads of leg issues so my 5K aspirations are on hold until I get my weight under 200. I suspect the extra weight is just putting too much strain on my legs. Plus, I can do higher calorie burning cardio on machines right now. I can't help but envy your fleet feet though... :-)

    Managed to go to the gym on Tuesday before we left which I think was a big win what with all the packing I should have been doing. My friend Jackie (are you lurking out there Jackie?) explored a YMCA we hadn't been to before (our area has area wide passes to all local Ys). She was very brave and opened a strange glass door in the ladies locker room. Guess what she discovered? A beautiful ladies only cardio room! (Sorry guys.) Typically when I have seen ladies only workout rooms they have been really run down with "hand me down" equipment but this one is gorgeous! I think we have found our favorite new gym!

    Today was a bachelorette party! It was a pretty low key spa day type affair. I did get scallops for dinner in hopes that they would be slightly better for me. At the end of the meal we did just tell the waiter we wanted all the desserts!! Not to worry there were only three kinds. Yum!

    My goal while here is to make it out the hotel gym at least once! I am so tired of packing gym shoes and never actually using them on trips!

    Hopefully I can check in later this week. Be well everyone!

    - Sara Grace

    Oh and welcome new folks!