Challenge Day 5

I did it. I laid on the ground and watched them do the last set of strength training then I got up and finished. But I did do about 30 minutes on my Gazelle before the challenge.

Anybody else have a Gazelle? I love mine. It keeps great legs, if you ride it. :flowerforyou:

Happy Friday!


  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    ^^^^^ Happy Friday!
    I will admit I spent a few extra seconds on the floor during my 30 DS this morning! After the ab moves and straight into strength-Ugghh! I am not sure what Gazelle is, but do tell! My biggest problem areas are my legs (thighs).
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    I didn't have the strength to workout this morning but I will be hard at it tonight. I just got my 30DS dvd yesterday. I've been doing Shred with weights and it is no joke! Hope everyone has a good day!
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 267 Member
    Did last night. Took me a few seconds to catch up with what they were doing a couple of sets but then continued after they stopped to make up for it. Able to do butt kicks easier then when I started for sure. I took measurements real quick before I started last night just to give myself an extra push. Don't remember actual numbers but I have lost at least 5 inches already!
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    Did my first part of Day 5, it got easier, hooray! Will have to do Cardio later, I really don't like the Cardio this week.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi - I'm on Level One, Day 9. I may go 15 days on Level one before moving on. I am really scared to move on! Does anyone else think they get up really fast from the ab work to strength? It seems like they are always up and ready to move while I'm still getting up!
  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 73 Member
    Day 10 on L2 of 30ds done! I'm probably taking it easy for the rest of the day. I may do yoga or streching mid-day, but yesterday I did a really good, hard workout which I'll be doing again tomorrow.

    One more day of L2 for me (I went to L2 early). Then a break on Sunday and onto L3 on Monday. I'm excited and nervous to start a new level.

    Keep on keepin' on, everyone! No slacking, no quitting! :flowerforyou:
  • The last 2 days I've had to work out at night - yuck. Hard to get the same energy level at night versus earlier in the day. But I did it. The cardio is a b**** at night! Does anyone else sometimes want to smack Jillian senseless in the middle of the workout? Although I do need someone to be tough on me! I'm doing the Ripped in 30 and I'm anxious yet nervous to move to week 2. Good job everyone!
  • I've been sick the last two days... I know there are NO excuses, but sometimes your body will just give out on you and you need to rest. So that is what I did. Still don't feel 100% yet, but I'm going to do my W1/D3 of Ripped in 30 tonight - maybe without the weights. And I'll definitely walk to dog tonight too... something is better than nothing!
  • The last 2 days I've had to work out at night - yuck. Hard to get the same energy level at night versus earlier in the day. But I did it. The cardio is a b**** at night! Does anyone else sometimes want to smack Jillian senseless in the middle of the workout? Although I do need someone to be tough on me! I'm doing the Ripped in 30 and I'm anxious yet nervous to move to week 2. Good job everyone!

    I am doing the Ripped in 30 too. I do it at night because I already get up at 5am to get myself and my daughter ready for daycare. I hate the cardio part of it! I don't know why it takes so much out of me, but it does... I noticed that when I concentrate on form and breathing, it makes it easier. Stay at it! I'm kind of nervous for level two as well, but I've still got 3 more days of L1.

    Good luck to you!!!
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I didn't have the strength to workout this morning but I will be hard at it tonight. I just got my 30DS dvd yesterday. I've been doing Shred with weights and it is no joke! Hope everyone has a good day!

    You're the first person I've come across who is (or who has) done Shred It with Weights :) That's what I'm doing as well, and I LOVE it.
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    Hi All! So glad I found this group! I love Jillian and am on Day 3 of Ripped in 30! :)
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Did Jillian last night got it in and actually lasted the whole 25 minutes without stopping usually I stop for a couple sec 2 catch a breath but did it all the way through week one almost completed..
  • bangersnmash90
    bangersnmash90 Posts: 78 Member
    Did 6W6P this morning, I am not a morning exerciser but I got up early and I did it. I did want to shout obscenities at the tv but the OH was still sleeping!
  • Eb155
    Eb155 Posts: 46 Member
    Got in my day 5 level 1 30DS! Almost felt harder today than the first few days ha. On to Day 6 tomorrow! Have a great day everyone :)
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 238 Member
    I am doing my day 5 tonight. I took a break yesterday because I ran 5k and needed a break from the shred as the day before I did shred, 4 min abs, 5k and a spin class. PHEW...can I be honest and say I am NOT looking forward to dealing with her bubbly pushy personality today?
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm now 20 days into this and feeling great. So I'm trying not to feel guilty about skipping Wednesday and I just did not have time last night. I'm leaving work a bit early so I can squeeze in NMTZ before a night out with the girls. All day dance competition tomorrow with my daughter so won't work out again until Sunday evening when we get home.

    Have a great weekend everybody
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    Wednesday night I did Shred it w/ Weights...last night, 6 weeks abs and tonight I will probably do her Yoga Meltdwown. Keep up the great work people!!
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    Fortunately, today is a scheduled rest day in my MTC program, because I've been lying in bed all day fighting off a cold my husband gave me! I'm hoping to stop it in its tracks.

    Tomorrow is another scheduled rest day in the program. I looked at the circuits I'm supposed to be doing starting Sunday, and I get why they have two rest days scheduled back to back. Ouch!

    I'll probably spend tomorrow biking to the beach and playing with our pups!
  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 90 Member
    I to had a hard time getting up off the floor today! Here I thought it was just me :tongue: For some reason I just don't have as much energy today and couldn't keep up without stopping to breath.:yawn: Hopefully I will get my walk in and use my ellipitcal before work tonight because tomorrow i wont get as much time in since I have to work these next 2 nights.:grumble:
  • Fortunately, today is a scheduled rest day in my MTC program, because I've been lying in bed all day fighting off a cold my husband gave me! I'm hoping to stop it in its tracks.

    Tomorrow is another scheduled rest day in the program. I looked at the circuits I'm supposed to be doing starting Sunday, and I get why they have two rest days scheduled back to back. Ouch!

    I'll probably spend tomorrow biking to the beach and playing with our pups!

    I'm sick too! It's the worst isn't it? I felt like I was just starting to get into a rhythm and then BAM! Sick time.... Hopefully you feel better and so do I - let's kick this fat off! LOL Have a great weekend!