

  • azuria518
    azuria518 Posts: 48 Member
    So many opinions about the ending. Love the Mass Effect community!! They are so passionate, that alone is a credit to BioWare.

    I agree :-)
  • Iheartpsychosis
    Too bad Bioware has so much pressure by EA to release games at a fast pace and they seem to become worse and worse...

    Yeah my opinion of EA has definitely gone down further then it used to be (which was pretty low beforehand. Especially when it comes to games like the Sims... you almost need to have a job in I.T. to be able to run it properly. I have learnt so much about computers fixing my game over and over. That's a good thing but a game should come complete...
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i am very upset and angered by the ending.

    i support the retakemasseffect3 movement on facebook and the internet. I am a FemShep who romanced Liara and went paragon. I chose to unite geth and quarians, and cure the genophage. So all my choices throughout all 3 games meant nothing in the end. bioware falsely advertised mass effect 3. Personally, I want my happy ending with lot of little blue children. not my death and destruction of the entire mass effect universe (destroying the relays).

    i am boycotting EA and Bioware. This DLC is going to be crap. I dont see how they can explain anything that happened. as its just unexplainable. the universe is basically gone. I also think they half-@ssed the game and hence in the ending. It was like it was rushed to get out on the market. they didnt take their time to do it properly. This DLC was probably going to be available anyways to us, but to be paid for..and being free is a way to placate us.

    Do i feel entitled? yes..i invested alot of emotional time and physical time into this heck ya..i want my happy ever after ending.

    ps..i dont buy the indoctrination crap either. it doesnt make matter how much supposed proof people just doesnt make any sense. if shep was indoct..then why didnt the reapers just make her kill herself? why allow the construction of the crucible? and that little machina ghost boy from out of nowhere? wtf was that about?!
  • Iheartpsychosis
    @ xraychick77, I really love your banner!! hehe
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I refused to read anything about ME3 before playing so I knew nothing about the controversy. I liked the ending as it stands but if I was playing 4 different games to try to get 'all' the endings I can imagine I might be a bit peed off at the lack of variety!
  • Iheartpsychosis
    I refused to read anything about ME3 before playing so I knew nothing about the controversy. I liked the ending as it stands but if I was playing 4 different games to try to get 'all' the endings I can imagine I might be a bit peed off at the lack of variety!

    Yeah exactly. It just doesn't have any replay value. I have heaps of different saves (from ME2) waiting to be played but not worth it =( lol
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    As long as this new Epilogue DLC clarifies what the writers were not able to during that ending sequence, then i'm ok with it. For as much as i didn't care for the ending, changing the actual endings that were included with the game to satisfy a bunch of cry-baby fanboi's is not the way to go. Make the product and deal with the consequences....which it sounds like they are doing albeit at the stupidity of it's fanbase.

    Hmm, let's start a web petition. Hmm, let's do a toy charity drive. Hmm, let's contact the BBB. Hmm, let's contact the FTC. If only people got this motivated to try and make changes with the things in their life that actually matter, the world just might be a better place...

    Having said that, there is no reason why they couldn't have included a brief description after the cutscene similar to the way Dragon Age: Origins did after you defeat the ArchDemon. I think that would have satisfied many people. The problem I have with all of this ending nonsense is the outrage it's created. If your life revolves around a Video Game that much...then i think you need to step away from the Console/PC and re-evaluate your life. And this is coming from me, who i would say is a Very Very Huge Fan of the entire Mass Effect Universe.

    Well said. I will add my two cents. I was OK with the ending. I had no issues. When I was a kid, and I beat an 8 bit game on the NES or the Sega Master System, I didn't ***** and moan that the ending was a "Thanks For Playing" screen and roll credits of the shortened versions of the people involved in making the game. Gamers today complain about too much. Too bad Bioware submitted to the cries of the whiners and decided to change it. One games bad ending isn't going to ruin my fun with other games. Maybe the writeers wanted an ending like Alfred Hitchcocks "The Birds", or maybe they wanted you to guess what you wanted to think and make up your own fan fiction. The ending to Phantasy Star 2 was almost the same (am I showing my age?) Go ahead and boycott and miss out. Dragon Age, the 1st one sucked, but I still played two cuz I loved the universe of DA. Resistance 3 was another awesome game, and the ending was meh. If they make another one, I'm buying cuz it's a cool universe and so on.