Anybody kicking PCOS backside?

Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
Sometimes this condition can seem so bleak, so I thought maybe we could share examples of improvement to your symptoms through getting healthier.

I was diagnosed at 18 and I'm 40 now. Honestly, I was starting to think just to add insult to injury, I was going through menopause as I hadn't had a single period in 2 years after going off BC pills. So yesterday, I didn't feel great and my stomach hurt. Apparently it's been so long, I forgot what cramps felt like...

I know they say that weight loss can improve symptoms and I guess it's working. The hair stuff has improved as well. I've got new hair at my hairline and I'm not seeing new hair where there shouldn't be hair. My acne is gone. And I'm successfully losing weight. I don't take any medication for PCOS, so I know it's all me and my efforts.

So take that PCOS!

Anyone else?


  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I feel as if I too am kicking its backside! Regular periods (still heavy and painful) but at least I can be prepared!!!

    I however have not been able to keep the acne in check. Any suggestions???

    I also have 3 awesome kids thanks to a great obgyn! So take that POCS!!!!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Ged, glad you're kicking it too! I haven't done anything special for my skin, but I do eat really healthy foods. I think my hormones are just calming down either through diet or weight loss or likely both and the skin is a side benefit of that. 40 pounds ago it was a mess!
  • bluetigger86
    Have you every heard of LUSH Cosmetics? They are a natural cosmetics company that I used to work for. AMAZING STUFF! I have pretty good skin but have keratosis on my upper arms and their products are the only ones that work. My husband has really bad acne and tried Proactive but ti just dried him out too much. I brought him LUSH home and it three days! Theres is something for every skin type. Where do you live? There may be one nearby. They give small samples so you can try it before you buy deffinately should.

    Also, I am undiagnosed but KNOW that I have PCOS. No actualy cysts so far but everything else thatr goes along with it. What have you guys been going to kick the symptoms? I cannot get a Dr. to belive me but I've seen the bloodwork and know what my hormone levels and symptoms that I watched my mom deal with mean. No one will put me on anything because my mother died of a heart attack caused by a blood clot when she was 37 and I have elevated clotting times as well. The only suggestion I ever actually got was an impant to regulate my periods, no thank you. Since Dr/s wont help me I figure going to women who are successfully living without PCOS controlling their lives is the best way to go.