I Have Been Approved-Lap Band

Im excited to know when my surgery date will be. Hopefully its not too far from my appointment with the surgeon(3/28/12). Looking forward to getting to know some fellow bandster's. Add me if you'd like.

~Team Support and Motivation~


  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Hi saw your post and wondered if you had your date yet? I am currently on a six month medical monitored diet. I will hit the six months in July so we will re-apply. Some days I get worried about the surgery - if I am doing the right thing. I do need to lose about 100 to 140pounds.

    Good luck.
  • Barbmillions
    Barbmillions Posts: 13 Member
    Tomorrow I start the 2 week liquid diet prior to gastric lap band procedure on May 7th. I am nervous, excited and worried all at the same time. Nervous about giving up "food", excited at the prospect of getting help to lose weight, worried that I will fail again. I have dieted for most of my adult life and have lost and regained the same weight over and over again. In my 50's it has become increasingly harder to make any improvements in weight. In spite of excercising and limiting calories. No I can't exercise at the same level as I did years ago - bad knee impacts mobility. My goal is to track this journey and hopefully be a healthier person in the future.
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    Keep your goal right in front of your eyes every day. Never loose sight of it for one minute. Keep the momentum going. Post little notes reminding you of your goal. You will get there. Set it as an actual goal in your mind and work for it. It will come. I had GBS 18 years ago. It saved my life. You can do this.
  • Barbmillions
    Barbmillions Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for Peggy it is so reassuring to hear success stories. You are amazing.
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    Well I don't know about amazing. Mostly old. ha ha ha...