How do you take your Armour?

Do you swallow it or sublingual it? I've read that if you take it sublingually, you don't have to wait an hour to eat. What is your take on it?


  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I chew mine up then douse with a bunch of water. My doctor says I have to wait 45 minutes before intaking calcium or nuts, etc... the foods that block absorption. But I always take mine in the middle of the night when I wake up to go to the bathroom -- so it's usually ok.

    The old Armour used to be sublingual, but the new stuff isn't -- so it won't really melt in your mouth-- but it doesn't taste too bad, so I chew it up.

    So far so good, all my T3/T4 levels are ok -- my T3 is slightly elevated, which must mean I am getting good absorption.

  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have my alarm set for 4 AM..I take it..then go back to bed...
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    I have to take mine through out the day. I take the first dose as soon as I get up. Then another does at 10am and another at 200 it is hard to remember but, I just started this a month ago and I sure can tell when I didn't dose right the next day
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I swallow mine and find that it works fine for me. I wake up at 6 to take it and then go back to bed for a bit to avoid all the absorption issues. That way I can eat breakfast like a normal person instead of trying to survive on a cup of coffee until lunch time. :happy:
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 174
    I take mine 5 in the morning and eat at work at 7...Since taking it...thyroid is fine and no more hot flashes!...I've been on it three years~
  • IAmABetterMe
    IAmABetterMe Posts: 128 Member
    I do the same as the others... I take early in the AM and then wait an hour... but I confess I do drink coffee before that hour is up
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I chew mine. I separate the doses. I read that's more effective for energy (my doctor did not instruct me that way). I feel like it helps. So I take my first dose at 7:00am, then again at 1:00pm, then again at 7:00pm. I try hard not to eat for an hour after taking it. It's harder to do that with my morning dose. It doesn't taste bad at all, so it works for me.