meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
Good morning LAdies!!

FIrst and foremost and I would like to ask everyone to please keep Learnin2LuvMe in your prayers. She is going through an extremely difficult situation right now and would like for all of us to understand that although she does care about us, in order to get herself right, she needs to focus on herself first. So please, just keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I'm pretty sure she will appreciate it.

Okay, I am so happy about our challenge and I can already feel myself getting better with my weight loss. Since I've started, I've lost 4.5 lbs in 2 weeks just by sticking to what our daily goals are. I hope everyone is doing as well as I am, but if not, its okay. We still have a little over 6 weeks to go.

The goals we have for this week is:

*Continue with 30ds
*drink at least 8 cups of water a day
*we will continue with the 50 crunches a day, but add 25 push ups a day
*1 fruit a day
* 2 veggies a day
* LOSE 3 lbs this week

All this means for above is that we REALLY need to push, push,push for this week! Let's lose these 3lbs and be happy with our future results!
I hope everyone does a fabulous job this week and if you need anything please let me know. We are ALL here to help one other!! REMEMBER LADIES!!



  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I really hope Learning2LuvMe me feels better soon and you are right Meka, she has to put herself first. I cannot tell you that I am as happy as you are regarding my weight loss! TOM came around to visit and I didnt quite eat bad but not the best either. I had icecream on saturday and then I had doughnuts yesterday so today I was up! I am pretty sure its just water weight and it will come off in the next few days, but it gets frustrating! I feel like I cant have a weekend in which I can indulge because then I yo-yo back up so quickly! Does this mean I am never ever again going to be able to over do it! Anyhow, sorry just venting a bit! I know that this weight loss thing takes a lot of dedication so Monday is a new day and I will work on getting these pounds off and hopefully 1 more. What day of the shred is everyone on! I slacked on that 2 days so I believe today I do day 8. As for my water I tend to be able to do 10 cups a day so I am shooting for that! Also shooting to get my veggies in! 3lbs off this week!!!! Yeah we can do it!

    Meka congrats on the weight loss! You are doing great! And same for all the others that will be posting congrats on the loss and for those of us that didn't loose, lets work extra hard this week!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    I will definately keep her in my prayers. She has to work on the inside first before anything...Last week I lost 1.4 lbs which put me at my 10lb mark! Excited about that, however, I think it's because I didn't eat dinner Saturday night and weighed in Sunday morning. I'm not really sure what's going on with my weight loss and sometimes it gets discouraging especially when I see everyone else losing weight. It makes me wonder what am I doing wrong or could do better. So, with that being said, my diary is open and I will accept any input. I was hoping to lose the next 28 lbs by the end of June but I'm not sure that's going to happen (trying to stay positive though). I'm on day 7, Level 1 of 30DS and I'm going to try and make it to the gym at least 4 times this week too. So hopefully that will help. Oh yeah! I took measurements March 28th and since then I have lost 3 inches off my hips and 1 inch off my arms!!! Hope everyone enjoys their week!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I will definately keep her in my prayers. She has to work on the inside first before anything...Last week I lost 1.4 lbs which put me at my 10lb mark! Excited about that, however, I think it's because I didn't eat dinner Saturday night and weighed in Sunday morning. I'm not really sure what's going on with my weight loss and sometimes it gets discouraging especially when I see everyone else losing weight. It makes me wonder what am I doing wrong or could do better. So, with that being said, my diary is open and I will accept any input. I was hoping to lose the next 28 lbs by the end of June but I'm not sure that's going to happen (trying to stay positive though). I'm on day 7, Level 1 of 30DS and I'm going to try and make it to the gym at least 4 times this week too. So hopefully that will help. Oh yeah! I took measurements March 28th and since then I have lost 3 inches off my hips and 1 inch off my arms!!! Hope everyone enjoys their week!

    Great job on the inches lost! You are doing great! I upped my weights for the 30DS since I felt it was not pushing me hard enough but I know I cant attribute that to my weigh gain LOL!!! I feel you on the discouraged part, but its a good thing taht we have this group and MFP friends to keep us motivated!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    I will definately keep her in my prayers. She has to work on the inside first before anything...Last week I lost 1.4 lbs which put me at my 10lb mark! Excited about that, however, I think it's because I didn't eat dinner Saturday night and weighed in Sunday morning. I'm not really sure what's going on with my weight loss and sometimes it gets discouraging especially when I see everyone else losing weight. It makes me wonder what am I doing wrong or could do better. So, with that being said, my diary is open and I will accept any input. I was hoping to lose the next 28 lbs by the end of June but I'm not sure that's going to happen (trying to stay positive though). I'm on day 7, Level 1 of 30DS and I'm going to try and make it to the gym at least 4 times this week too. So hopefully that will help. Oh yeah! I took measurements March 28th and since then I have lost 3 inches off my hips and 1 inch off my arms!!! Hope everyone enjoys their week!

    Great job on the inches lost! You are doing great! I upped my weights for the 30DS since I felt it was not pushing me hard enough but I know I cant attribute that to my weigh gain LOL!!! I feel you on the discouraged part, but its a good thing taht we have this group and MFP friends to keep us motivated!

    Thanks so much! I agree, having this group is very motivating! I'm using 5lb weights and I actually wanted to go down to 3 lbs but maybe I need to tough it out.
  • Ms_NewNew
    Ms_NewNew Posts: 88 Member
    Prayers going up for her, she is doing the BEST thing by taking time for herself.

    You guys are doing great and keep me encouraged to working out, my foods are better.....but need to be more consistant. TOM is here but Im pushing thru it....Cant weigh in yet since the folks in my house hid the scale lol
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    Prayers going up for her, she is doing the BEST thing by taking time for herself.

    You guys are doing great and keep me encouraged to working out, my foods are better.....but need to be more consistant. TOM is here but Im pushing thru it....Cant weigh in yet since the folks in my house hid the scale lol

    Hiding the scale is a great idea!!! I thought about taking the scale to my mom's house (b/c I don't go over there much) just so I can't get on it. Keep up the good work...
  • meka2206
    meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
    wtg msmotivated86 although you may feel like you arent doing enough, you losing inches is A GREAT success. The inches will come off first so losing a pound in a half in a week is not bad at all consideriing the fact that your losing inches everywhere else. Also remember that 80% is what you eat and 20% is physical activity. It's good to have a workout a day, but remember to put the right foods in and more will come off then you intended to. You WILL hit your weight loss and that is something you dont need to worry about. What I do when I want to eat bad, I drink 2 cups of water back to back and it suppresses my appetite and I'm not as hungry as I was 2 min ago. Instead of picking up what I really wanted, I pick up a fruit or (my fav) unsalted cashew nuts. Dont worry you might even lose up to 4 lbs this week with the way your workouts are going. Just keep faith, and I PROMISE it will fall off..

    Ms_NewNew..yea TOM SUCKS!!!! I understand bc i had mine last week and I swear I thought I was not gonna at least lose a lb. Just drink plenty of water and that water weight, bloated feeling will go away within a couple of days. Sorry they hid the scale from you hopefully you can sneek in somewhere and find it. lol...good luck with that...

    raqufern...its okay like I said TOM TOM will be defeated. lol i wrote you back on the weigh in day so check it out. it's a lot i think i said but it's still encouraging..lol

  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I will definately keep her in my prayers. She has to work on the inside first before anything...Last week I lost 1.4 lbs which put me at my 10lb mark! Excited about that, however, I think it's because I didn't eat dinner Saturday night and weighed in Sunday morning. I'm not really sure what's going on with my weight loss and sometimes it gets discouraging especially when I see everyone else losing weight. It makes me wonder what am I doing wrong or could do better. So, with that being said, my diary is open and I will accept any input. I was hoping to lose the next 28 lbs by the end of June but I'm not sure that's going to happen (trying to stay positive though). I'm on day 7, Level 1 of 30DS and I'm going to try and make it to the gym at least 4 times this week too. So hopefully that will help. Oh yeah! I took measurements March 28th and since then I have lost 3 inches off my hips and 1 inch off my arms!!! Hope everyone enjoys their week!

    Great job on the inches lost! You are doing great! I upped my weights for the 30DS since I felt it was not pushing me hard enough but I know I cant attribute that to my weigh gain LOL!!! I feel you on the discouraged part, but its a good thing taht we have this group and MFP friends to keep us motivated!

    Thanks so much! I agree, having this group is very motivating! I'm using 5lb weights and I actually wanted to go down to 3 lbs but maybe I need to tough it out.

    I think the only reason I was able to up my weights is because the last round of 30DS i did in January I did 3lb weights and that was pretty tough. Now its like my muscles remember and I wasnt feeling I was getting that burn I like! Today I can feel it though so take it easy. Its better for you to be able to finish ot with 3lbs than to get an injury and not be able to finish at all!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    wtg msmotivated86 although you may feel like you arent doing enough, you losing inches is A GREAT success. The inches will come off first so losing a pound in a half in a week is not bad at all consideriing the fact that your losing inches everywhere else. Also remember that 80% is what you eat and 20% is physical activity. It's good to have a workout a day, but remember to put the right foods in and more will come off then you intended to. You WILL hit your weight loss and that is something you dont need to worry about. What I do when I want to eat bad, I drink 2 cups of water back to back and it suppresses my appetite and I'm not as hungry as I was 2 min ago. Instead of picking up what I really wanted, I pick up a fruit or (my fav) unsalted cashew nuts. Dont worry you might even lose up to 4 lbs this week with the way your workouts are going. Just keep faith, and I PROMISE it will fall off..

    Ms_NewNew..yea TOM SUCKS!!!! I understand bc i had mine last week and I swear I thought I was not gonna at least lose a lb. Just drink plenty of water and that water weight, bloated feeling will go away within a couple of days. Sorry they hid the scale from you hopefully you can sneek in somewhere and find it. lol...good luck with that...

    raqufern...its okay like I said TOM TOM will be defeated. lol i wrote you back on the weigh in day so check it out. it's a lot i think i said but it's still encouraging..lol


    LOL! I read it and you helped me see it in a new perpective! I gotta keep my head up and measure tomorrow morning! I should know better since I have been warning you all that you may gain but loose inches, but I guess with the frustration I wasnt thinking straight! You girls are all such great support!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    thanks so much for all the suppot ladies! I will definately take everything in and try to be mindful of what I'm eating even though I may have the calories for it. I will work extra hard this week so I can be closer to my goal!!! Thanks again...
  • hope Learning2LuvMe is doing well