April Marathon Challenge

TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
With the London Marathon taking place this month let's challenge ourselves to complete a Marathon over one month. That's 26 miles jogging or walking over 30 days. This needs to be committed exercise miles and above what we do in our day to day lives. So walking around Lakeside does not count but if you usually drive to work and choose to walk that counts.

To measure your distance, for those with smart phones you could use an App like MapMyRun, or similar. Otherwise you can estimate your distance based on the time. An average 1 mile run will take 10 minute, a power walk takes 15 minutes and a slow walk takes 20 minutes.

Post here if you want to join in and keep us updated every time to do some miles. We'll start on Sunday 1st April and finish by Monday 30th. Good Luck!


  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    Ok, I'm going to try and do this challenge. I think this is going to be tough going!
  • jerter
    jerter Posts: 18
    I did the real thing 5 years ago so no need to do this!!!!
    Oh go on then, I'll prove I can still complete a marathon, even if it will take a whole month this time.
  • stevesf
    stevesf Posts: 35 Member
    I will have a go too Terry.

    A mile per day is actually very achievable, even if it means just walking to get the kids from school in this nice weather we have at the moment
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    Yes. I'll have a go too. I use a nice little app to record all my runs / walks. imap my run. it's very handy. I'd highly recomment it.
  • Notfatand30
    Notfatand30 Posts: 35 Member
    I walk 3 miles per day on school runs alone!! Not sure I'll be able to do this one :/
  • fallguy
    fallguy Posts: 6
    I think I will be able to do this one as have walked two marathons.
  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    I started the challenge today, used an app called mapmyrun, was very good! Done 6 miles walking / running think its going to take a week to the over this.
  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    Been recharging my batteries this week but I did manage a 2 mile walk along the beach to get me started.
  • I have been running a mile every day even on holiday! Wonder if I'll keep it up!!??
  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    Didn't do any more so still have 24 miles to do. Will still try to complete it.
  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    2 miles today so 22 to go

    Anyone having trouble using iMapMyRun, try RunKeeper instead
  • Tracey1147
    Tracey1147 Posts: 951 Member
    Done 5 miles today. Only 15 more to go. This is tough but I'm sure we can all do it!
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    Just over 13 to date. Mostly light jogging. a few miles of very brisk walking too.:smile:

    Had trouble getting out as much being half term and husband travelling away with work.
  • Shockingly I have managed to do a mile a day whilst on holiday. I missed a day but did 2 the next!!!! I've quite enjoyed knowing that's all I have to do!
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    Managed another 1.6 miles yesterday. Finding it hard to get out while husband is away on business. That one was pushing the buggy.
  • TerryPT
    TerryPT Posts: 94 Member
    Still got 20 miles to go. Better get a move on!
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    17.5 miles so far. managed 1.6 yeserday and again today. Just need to do my little lap of warren gorge 5 more times. so every other day and I'm there. My brand new laptop has died though so I'm using hubby's. Might have to tell u in a private message terry because my phone can't write on this wall.Hubby takes his laptop to work you see (in wales) ok?

    9th may, laindon country park, 7.30pm, fun run £1 to enter. just turn up beforehand. 5k. anyone gonna join me?
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    it's immediately behind the harvester btw.
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    3 mile walk this morning. 3.5mph. so that's 20miles so far.
  • Lynsey75Williams
    Lynsey75Williams Posts: 17 Member
    I'm getting there. another 3miles at 5mph. so that's 23.5