Week of April 23rd Challenges

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
Hello Everyone! We are here to support each other in losing 100+ pounds. Last week was really quiet and I am hoping that our group can spring back to life. It's Monday! Let's start the week off right! What should be this week's challenge? Anyone have an idea?


  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    Looks like it is a challenge to get answers, to the week's challenge :laugh:
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Haha yeah I know right! I wonder what's going on? Are people busy or falling off the wagon... ?
  • LostinMotivation
    LostinMotivation Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the group and don't know what your normal challenges are like, but I'll pipe right up.

    How 'bout a "Personal best push-up/wallies/chairsies competition?" (wallies and chairsies are modifications to allow everyone the opportunity to do them) They're easy to do anywhere throughout the day, and have everyone just throw in as many as they can throughout the day.


    A Fruit and Veggies competition, make sure you get 3 cups of fruits and or veggies in every day.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    A fruit and Veggie competition sounds like fun!

    Our first few challenges were things like trying to get 10 miles in some form of cardio (no bike) within the week. We all did pretty good at hitting it to and then everyone fell away and haven't been responding for days.

    Moving forward. Why don't we go off of your veggie idea but make it a water competition? It's a little easier to track and we would just need to get through the week seeing how many days we can meet our water (8glasses minimum) goal.

    And then add to that a workout goal. How about we strive to workout in some form at least 100 minutes this week. That's 30 minutes 3 times a week plus 10minutes. Seems doable.

    Water + 100min. What do you think?
  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    sounds great, I am on board!! Already got the exercise minutes completed , and I drink around 120 ounces of water a day. Love challenges I can complete :heart:
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    sounds great, I am on board!! Already got the exercise minutes completed , and I drink around 120 ounces of water a day. Love challenges I can complete :heart:

    Holy crap! You've finished the exercise part already! You rock!!!
  • LostinMotivation
    LostinMotivation Posts: 58 Member
    Hehe - I've finished it already too :) Did an hour on Sunday in a yoga class and 40 minutes on the treadmill yesterday. That didn't include weights. But the water one is always a challenge for me.
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 140 Member
    I am having a bit of a rough patch this past week. I am still exercising but I am having trouble sticking with calories.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Sarita!! That's what we're here for! It's ok to struggle but when you talk about it sometimes it helps you find the motivation to maybe not do as bad as you would have if you completely let yourself sink! I know life hits with hormones and stress and family functions that sometimes keeps us from staying on track but you have to try and make the best choices you can in the situation you are in.

    It's funny cuz we did a 10 mile challenge in this group a couple of weeks ago and everyone smashed it. When we tried the same challenge in a group with skinnier fat people (lol) they thought 10 miles was overboard and too much to even try. So we did a 100 minute challenge instead and people struggled to hit the 100minutes. Then come in here with the 100 minute challenge and we are CRUSHING it within a couple days! That's also the reason why I asked for input in coming up with challenge because hello! It's supposed to be a challenge ... you guys are awesome.
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks Lisa! I really needed to hear that. I agree I really love the mini challenges, it helps me to keep going during the week. Sometimes I just feel over whelmed. I have struggled with this my whole life. It feels all too consuming and I wonder what will be different this time. I have tried really hard to put as many supports in place this time around, but I feel the biggest road blocker is myself. Thank you again for your thoughts and encouragement.

    On the upbeat side I am at 70 minutes of exercise this week and I average 6-7 glasses of water/day!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    I am glad to do it! I am sure there will come a time when I will need encouraged too! This week has been fantastic so far. I am heading to the gym here soon because this evening I have other plans and if I don't go now I will be skipping it today! Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    Hey Lisa....Do some stretches and squats for me... My legs are killing me from rubberband bootcamp last night. Stuck and work would love to able able to work out the kinks
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 140 Member
    I took today off from exercise except to walk my friend's dog which I do almost everyday. My beloved bulldog of 14 years died several months ago, so I am missing my 4 legged friend. Friday and Saturday are big exercise days for me so I will have no problem hitting the 100 minute plus goal this week. I have done much better this week sticking to my calorie goal. It was sunny when I got out from work so I decided to head to the beach to read for a bit. It was a bit chilly (60*) but still nice enough to sit by the water in my car and get away.

    Any other dog lovers out there?
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 140 Member
    P.S. way to go Lisa with the workouts! Keep it up.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Hi Everyone! No big deal becauise screen names are hard to decifer sometimes but... my name is actually Melissa which is where Lissa0040 comes from . My parents aren't very creative so there are too many other people with Melissa screen names so eventually I had to do some sort of variation just to get registered! So you can call me Melissa or Mel but please ... no Lisa!

    Workout went well! Got it out of the way and that is half the battle. So jealous I would love to live close the beach that I could just go there to read! Cool! And walking the dog counts!

    Hope you are all having a happy healthy thursday!
  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    I like Mel, So I am gonna go with that :) I agree would love to be by the beach!!!!!!! MY name is Tammy btw, I went with fatpal b/c 1. I am not creative and 2. nobody else wants to call themself FAT..heheehehe Have a happy Friday all!!!
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 140 Member
    Ok, I finished the 100 minutes of workout and are doing better with getting enough water. Mel, thinks for keeping the challenge going. Great job everyone!