What will you do when you reach your goal weight?

Ksumare Posts: 62 Member
I have been thinking about what I am going to do when I reach my goal weight, and although it may sound silly, the first thing I am going to do is buy me a swim suit. The last time I wore a swimsuit I was 22 years old, and everytime we go on vacation am in a large T-shirt and shorts when I swim because I do not want anyone to see my rolls. So when I hit my goal I am buying a red, one piece, halter topped swimsuit!!!
What's the first thing you will do???


  • GeorgiaDaughter
    GeorgiaDaughter Posts: 30 Member
    Well I may sound a little old fashioned but I love dresses:) I'm 28 and that's been my staple since about 14 lol. Now all my dresses (I like the firm fitting ones) show all my rolls in my back and stomach. Now I wear pants, jeans, etc, all the time. Once I get to my goal weight I'm going shopping for some new dresses that I can look and feel good in. I don't wear any type of garments under my clothes to "smooth" out fat so this is important to me. Gonna take hard work though to lose these 55lbs but well worth the hard work in the end:)
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    You know what? I have no idea!

    I guess I have some thinking to do...:smile:

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  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    You know what? I have no idea!

    I guess I have some thinking to do...:smile:

    Same here! I need to think awhile.....I never dressed up or wore a swimsuit without a Tee shirt over it. Shoot, ladies, I have NEVER felt pretty because I have ALWAYS felt fat. We got married at the Justice of the Peace, bc I didnt want all that attention and dressing up that much seemed like putting a fancy gown on an elephant. I weighed 110 lbs less than now. 160!Wow, the enemy sold me a lie!
    When I reach my goal, I might go try on wedding gowns, even though I have been married since 1986! As I read this, it seems soooo sad, but do not weep for me, because that ugly/unworthy/unable-to-change attitude died several weeks ago. Halleluia! Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
  • CrystalT09
    As soon as I reach my goal weight (and pay day of course) I will go buy a new outfit and my husband and I are going dancing!!!
    Then go on a shopping spree for new clothes for the first time since my first divorce in '96!
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    That sounds like a plan!
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
    TiredandReadyForLoss Posts: 41 Member
    First I will thank my Lord and Savior and then I will cry...tears of accomplishment! I would really LOVE to buy a dress that comes to just above my knee and some short heels (1.5 inch heels) and bask in the love that my husband has given me throughout this journey!
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
    TiredandReadyForLoss Posts: 41 Member
    I have been thinking about what I am going to do when I reach my goal weight, and although it may sound silly, the first thing I am going to do is buy me a swim suit. The last time I wore a swimsuit I was 22 years old, and everytime we go on vacation am in a large T-shirt and shorts when I swim because I do not want anyone to see my rolls. So when I hit my goal I am buying a red, one piece, halter topped swimsuit!!!
    What's the first thing you will do???

    Not silly at all!! You will do this!!!!
  • TiredandReadyForLoss
    TiredandReadyForLoss Posts: 41 Member
    You know what? I have no idea!

    I guess I have some thinking to do...:smile:

    Same here! I need to think awhile.....I never dressed up or wore a swimsuit without a Tee shirt over it. Shoot, ladies, I have NEVER felt pretty because I have ALWAYS felt fat. We got married at the Justice of the Peace, bc I didnt want all that attention and dressing up that much seemed like putting a fancy gown on an elephant. I weighed 110 lbs less than now. 160!Wow, the enemy sold me a lie!
    When I reach my goal, I might go try on wedding gowns, even though I have been married since 1986! As I read this, it seems soooo sad, but do not weep for me, because that ugly/unworthy/unable-to-change attitude died several weeks ago. Halleluia! Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ!

    Love your love for our Lord! Take it one day at a time!
    I was recently listening to Miss America speak and she was over 220 pounds. She told herself that if she lost a pound a week that would be 52 pounds lighter in a year! I like that! We always think that we need to lose 3 or 4 or 5 pounds in a week to make it worth it, but it's not so! One day..one pound... at a time! :)
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I agree. My niece went on a shady diet that involved shakes, "supplements," and one meal of food. She lost 100 pounds, but it triggered other health problems. Come to find out, those "supplements" were diet pills which interacted negatively with her normal medications, and she became very ill. She had to be weaned off of the diet pills, and when she was completely off the diet, she gained back every pound plus more.

    Losing weight slowly in a healthy way is a much better option. Quick fixes should not be trusted.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    You know what? I have no idea!

    I guess I have some thinking to do...:smile:

    Same here! I need to think awhile.....I never dressed up or wore a swimsuit without a Tee shirt over it. Shoot, ladies, I have NEVER felt pretty because I have ALWAYS felt fat. We got married at the Justice of the Peace, bc I didnt want all that attention and dressing up that much seemed like putting a fancy gown on an elephant. I weighed 110 lbs less than now. 160!Wow, the enemy sold me a lie!
    When I reach my goal, I might go try on wedding gowns, even though I have been married since 1986! As I read this, it seems soooo sad, but do not weep for me, because that ugly/unworthy/unable-to-change attitude died several weeks ago. Halleluia! Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ!

    Maybe you could plan a vow renewal ceremony and wear the wedding dress of your dreams! :)
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Reviving an old-ish thread, I know - but I'm new to the group, so humor me. :D

    When I reach my goal weight, I'm going to treat myself to a spa day - facial, manicure, pedicure, massage...the works!
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Maybe you could plan a vow renewal ceremony and wear the wedding dress of your dreams! :)

    Or the dress of HIS dreams................
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Maybe you could plan a vow renewal ceremony and wear the wedding dress of your dreams! :)

    Or the dress of HIS dreams................

    Even better! :)
  • shalewaeki
    shalewaeki Posts: 3 Member
    I would be happy to ditch all my old clothes and buy me some lovely looking wardrobe.