Keepin' it Real with my MFP Pals - Photos

Thought I'd be brave like Marielou and show some pics. The "Before" photo is really embarrassing because I just worked out before it was taken and I look--well, pretty bad. Oh well :ohwell: - the more hideous the before pic, the better the after will look :)

The first photo is from 1/1/12 at 195 lbs. the second was taken today at 167.4 (one pound away from the 1/2-way mark!) I've got a long way to go, but thought I'd share where I am with my buds. :happy:



  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    That's Awesome! OK I'm game. But need to get an after shot this week.
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    That really IS awesome! ! I'd like to post one of mine, but I'm a bit embarassed about the "before"... OK, you're right ! ! The more hideous the "before", the better the after will look ! ! (I hope not many actually look at this):blushing:
  • Oh my gosh, Kitten, what a difference! Girl - you are lookin' good! No wonder your hubby is jumpin' on the bandwagon ;)

    I hope all of our buds post some progress pics - I'm telling you - it really helps to recognize how far you've come. Like Joyce Meyer says, "I may not be where I want to be yet, but thank God I'm not where I used to be!"

    Thank you for sharing! Anyone else game :)
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey, You all look amazing! I cannot believe it we are all actually doing this! I am so excited that we have found each other and we are all just so supportive of one another! Thanks so very much to each and every one of you! So here is my situation. I did not photograph myself until February 15th. So I had already been doing this a few weeks before my photos! So I know I was much worse! Here is the link...................... PhotoUpdates/
  • Cece - you're progress is great!

    You're right, we really are doing this. We really are shrinking! :bigsmile:

    Thank you for sharing your photos. It is very motivational.
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Oh and by the way I posted pic of my husband too. We started at the same time and he has lost 35 lbs!
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    Joanne ! I just realized that I never wrote about your pic ! ! I was so inspired by you that I got all "into" if I should post one or not, then I spaced it ! ! But I want you to know that you are doing AWESOME ! ! (I think I did say that, but didn't elaborate! !) But honestly, you can really see a big change, and it truly IS inspiring ! ! And I'm thankful that you got us started on this - what a wonderful idea ! Thanks ! !

    And Cece - it was great to see your progress as well ! ! And you're right about how great it is to have met each other here, and be able to support one another. I LOVE IT ! ! So glad to hear that your hubby has lost 35 pounds as well - it is SO AWESOME ! Congrats ! !

    It would be fun to get a couple more people to post on here too... We wanna see the pictures ! !

    hehehe :bigsmile:
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Kitten I did the same thing .....BOTH of your photos comparisons are obvious changes in your body shapes! Thats what my husband says to me you are getting more of your body shape back and that is what I see in your photos too! I am excited to see how we all continue to change and tighten and define as we continue on! I am not half way yet and my loss seems to be slower but its probably all those starvation diets on have been on. Anyway I am not sweating it and fine as long as I see I am going in the right direction! So both of you keep doing the same as you have and I will do the same! We will get there I really believe it! Congrats to you both to a job well done thus far!
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    Okay ladies here is my journey so far........

  • Barb - You look AMAZING!!!! You are a new woman :happy:

    Oh my gosh - when we all reach goal we're going to be a group of real "hotties" :bigsmile:

    This is great. I don't know about you all, but I am SO inspired by our progress!
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Barb what a big change in your body!!! That is fantastic! Congrats! i am so very proud of everyone here and also PUMPED TO DO MORE!
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    I don't know you all either, but friends have to start somewhere! Maybe when we all hit goal we could meet up! At a spa!!
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    Barb - that's amazing ! ! You are looking awesome! Great job ! !

    Joanne - you're right, this really IS inspiring ! !

    Cece - I'm pumped to do more right along with you ! !

    I think it would be so much fun to meet up after we all hit our goals - maybe at some central location... we'll have to think about that one, OK??

    Great job, everyone ! !
  • ya'll look amazing - what progress. I didn't do any before pictures, I have hidden from cameras for awhile. I'll see what I can find, I think there may be a group photo out there somewhere I can photo crop.

    but - everyone looks fantastic, what a good job and it is so nice having all this support
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    In response to Barbs idea about us all meeting somewhere someday some way when we meet our goals....COUNT me in! I think that is a fantastic reward! I think we would obviously all get along and relate very well with one another! I know a couple of you have said your starting weight being in the 190's and so was I. I weighed in at 191 January 1st. But actually ended up getting a new scale and it added 4 lbs on that is not in my weight loss on MFP. Therefore I was probably 195 to start. So I think that means we all were at a similar weight and want a similar loss! Our lifestyles and what got us in our weight situations is also probably some of the same bad habits and influences! Anyway I feel a bond with all of you all knowing how I feel and how I have felt frustrated and miserable before and now renewed and energized to finally turn the page and be healthy! So anyway thats how it is from my perspective! Good idea Barb I am in!
  • I just said those very words to my husband today - before I saw your comments. I told him I would love it if we could meet up in a central location once we reach goal. Okay, that's confirmation - we must do it!! :happy:

    Now that's really inspiring.
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    So should we set a date goal? Something else to strive for - a date and weight goal? Looks like we all have about 25 to 30 pounds to go. If we figure .5 pounds a week weight loss that would take about a year - next May. Or we can kick it up a bit and say 1+ pound week or roughly 6 months - Mid October. We have at least 3 East Coasters and 1 Westerner. Do we have any travel considerations? I can go anywhere. Many spa's, like Canyon Ranch or Miraval, have Girlfriend specials or Save 15% with 5 people. The Midwest might not have much to offer, so I am thinking either Florida region, New England (nice in the Fall), Mi-Atlantic, Arizona, or California. But I'm open to all ideas! I do think we should pinpoint a date though so we can budget our money and calories (LOL), make reservations and work plans etc.

    So when do we do the 50's Revolution Party? :drinker:
  • joanneonline
    joanneonline Posts: 158
    My vote is for the Spring 2013. That will allow a few motivators such as completing a year on MFP, time to reach our goal weights, and motivation to make it through the 2012 holidays while maintaining :)

    I can travel any where as well. How exciting! This really is a great motivator :)
  • debloves2ride
    debloves2ride Posts: 386
    There is a website called meet inbetween - if we get a list of all our cities it will figure out a good meeting place!
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    If I have our locations correct: Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Utah (hope I didn't miss one), it looks like in between would be the heartland of America.

    We could meet in St. Louis - and from now until then all have the song Meet Me in St. Louis stuck in our heads !! LOL!

    Seriously I can go anywhere. If we do it in the early part of 2013, we might want to go somewhere warm, at least us Northeners! Maybe we can find a girlfriends package deal on an island. After all, we will all have worked hard to wear bathing suits! :laugh: