Challenge Day 9



  • lvondy
    lvondy Posts: 76 Member
    Good morning! I did Day 11 of Level 1 today. I think I'll do one may day then move on to Level 2. I am very nervous about moving on!

    I was scared, too, because of all the talk about it! It is harder for sure, but you can do it!

    It is absolutely tougher - and I am not too keen on all the plank based moves as I have very weak wrists - but you'll be fine.

    I decided to give Level 2 a try after 10 days with one rest day on Level 1 and see how I felt. If it was too hard I decided I would go back to Level 1 for another few days but I was OK..... There is nothing about the 30DS written in stone and (as far as I am aware!) this group is not some sort of competition about who can tough it out the hardest, but to support each other through our own personal journeys to our own personal goals.

    Just do it at your own pace, in your own time, and you'll be fine...... after all even Jillian says "move on when you ready" :smile:

    Ok, I just need to have faith in me, which I normally don't do! I still struggle with Level 1 but I know I need to change it up. So, I will try Level 2 in another day or so. Thanks for all the support!

    A quote I saw on Pinterest has stuck with me and I repeat it to myself all the time when I am working out and think it is too hard on me--"Your mind will give up before your body will." And it is so true. Your body is capable of great things but our mind usually gets in the way! Have faith in yourself! =)
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 93 Member
    NMTZ done - 495 calories gone!!!! feeling better now that it's done. Wish the scale would show some improvement. I'll have to check my measurements in the next few days and hope they are good enough to keep my motivation going. Getting discouraged that the scale has gone up and not down :angry:
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I tried a little BFBM and Yoga Meltdown today... but my youngest son was home and had other plans for me :S

    I managed to get a full workout in of Shred It with Weights

    On another note, has anyone else tried Yoga Meltdown? I like Jillian's usual high energy "Rip it" and "I want you gargling your heart in your throat", but the Yoga one goes at a slow pace :yawn:

    Ivondy, I love that quote --"Your mind will give up before your body will." It's so true!!
  • Monica1217
    i don't think i will be taking any more days off. Plan on moving to level 2 tomorrow hope i make it through it.... Feeling GOOD!!!
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Ugh, I've skipped quite a few. Doing my day 4 tonight! I'll finish last, but that's okay, as long as I finish.
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    I don't care how sleepy I am I will be doing JM in the mornings. She wore me out tonight.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I did Level 2, Day 8 last night after a couple of days off and boy did she whip my backside for me! I thought it was supposed to be easier after a couple of days rest - well, NO!!

    Day 9 today and TBH I can't see me moving up to Level 3 anytime soon as I am still finding Level 2 a real challenge :frown: