Getting back on track

kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
Haven't been anywhere near primal as I need to be in the past few weeks (longer if I am being honest!). I won't post the sorry tale but it does involve a lot of lollies, chocolate and ice cream oh and some cakes and biscuits. Aside from the resulting weight gain - I am intolerant to wheat, rye and have a lesser intolerance to the bloating isn't pretty, neither is the increased arthritis swelling and aches.

Sheer madness isn't it? Knowing full well that eating this way will adversely effect my health and exacerbate exisiting issues, but doing it anyway!

Friday just gone I dug deep and was able to achieve a fully primal day! Yesterday fully primal too.

Action plans are in place for the coming week though I am concerned as this coming Friday I am off for almost a week on a combined private/business trip and staying in a hotel. Trips away in the past have been the green light for overdoing treats and drinking. This time I will need to ensure a red light is well and truly in place.

It hasn't been easy getting back on track, but I am determined to do this for myself and my health's sake. I expect the coming weeks will be difficult, however, I am prepared.


  • momma2teacher
    momma2teacher Posts: 44 Member
    It's hard. I thought that it was going to be easy, but it's not. I just started the paleo diet. Just start over...say by day. If you want to add me as a friend...we can help each other.
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks for that..and I've sent a friend request.
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    Good job getting back on track. When I started back in January I found pale to be pretty easy. But lately I've started giving in to more cheats, especially in the form of sugar (cake, candy, ice cream). My CrossFit gym is doing another paleo challenge soon so I hope that will help me get back to where I should be.

    I need to get better about having food prepared.

    I hope your trip goes well!
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Yep I binged on gluten free doughnuts and chocolate bars for the last two days. I had a "foodie call" loss of willpower after having wine while exhausted. Today I decided what my final big reward will be for losing the last 10 lbs (Lasik) so hopefully that will be good motivation for getting strict for the next month!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I've been traveling since early January with my job, no car, and I'm hanging in there with the eating. It's really not too hard as there are almost always choices that allow for protein, fat and low carb veggies like salads and green anything. Don't give up just cuz you're on the road. Remember how much better you felt off the gluten and be sure to check in here. Writing a little each day really helps me!
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks everyone, the support is appreciated. Have been going reasonably well, a few slip ups but I've been able to rein myself in. Sugar hangover isn't pleasant and I am only prolonging will be working on no slip ups! I am feeling calmer about my trip away and will be taking some food items that will assist with breakfast and snacks (mainly eggs, fruit and raw macadamia nuts) for those times I am thinking about choc and lollies.

    Towards the end of the trip I have a two day conference and have requested for lunch grilled chicken and a big salad. Conference dinner I have requested veg soup, fish and veg and fruit salad.
  • nickelsthoughts
    Another suggestion, if you have a fridge and microwave in your room you can premake meals and then warm them up on the road. I tried to do that when I was out of town last week but scheduling differences made it hard to find a microwave (long story). I just took cauliflower rice and stuffed pepper and spaghetti squash with ground beef. It made it so much easier to stick to the diet (mostly) and I was fuller longer. I was driving so I packed everything into one of those walmart insulated bags and added a half bag of ice and everything was still cold after driving for four hours and stopping at the zoo for another two. I even took my daughter's lactaid MIlk (not Paleo, but she still drinks it). Just some suggestions. I also love trail mix and make my own from the bulk nut bins at my local HEB! LOL

    Good luck on your trip. Hang in there and do the best you can, but don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Learn from it and try to do better next time (coming from someone who went grain free, fell off the wagon and is now committed to Paleo eating :)
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    Some great suggestions, thanks Nickels.

    I will be flying, so limited in what I can take, but fortunately there is a big market and China Town close by so lots of opportunity to buy fresh..and if there is a microwave sky's the limit.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    One day at a time, you'll do it :)