Week 2 Discussion (R2)



  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I've been really out of it for the past couple of weeks. My dog (a 5 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Sofie) got sick quite suddenly and then it took 2 weeks of constant vet visits and tests and her going down hill fast before they discovered that she had an aggressive and (at that point) untreatable form of lymphoma. We had to put her to sleep last Tuesday (only a week ago) and my family has been a mess ever since. I know that for some people pets are just pets but she was "people" to us and, more than that - she was family.

    Suffice it to say, eating right has been difficult. Surprisingly, exercising hasn't been difficult at all. I've been using my running workouts as therapy. I pop my sunglasses on, pick the least traveled paths in the woods and just run and cry until I'm exhausted. But today I am picking myself back up and trying to figure out what life without her looks like. I'm logging my food and planning my meals. I'm also supposed to be cleaning my house as my In-laws are coming for a 12 day visit next week (we live in Germany and they are State-side so we haven't seen them in a couple of years)- so far that hasn't happened yet.

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost one of my pugs two years ago and even though they were no longer living with me (my ex-husband and I agreed that they would be best with him as he was moving back into his parent's home with a big back yard) I still took the news very hard and cried for days on end. So, lots of hugs and love to you and your family as you work through your grief.
  • I've changed my exercise up, for 24 days I managed to do the 30 day shred but then I was just getting bored, I didn't like the way jillian was telling me that I should feel like I'm going to die. I like my curves and didn't want to get too 'shredded' so to speak. In those 24 days my measurements nor weight changed, in fact my hips went up by 1 inch and I barely lost an inch on my chest. So I've opted to do POP pilates (blogilates) and its much more me. Quite a few years ago me and my mum took a class doing yogilates and I love it, it kept me centred and stress free which is great for me when I worry so much.

    Hows it going this week for you ladies?
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I've been really out of it for the past couple of weeks. My dog (a 5 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Sofie) got sick quite suddenly and then it took 2 weeks of constant vet visits and tests and her going down hill fast before they discovered that she had an aggressive and (at that point) untreatable form of lymphoma. We had to put her to sleep last Tuesday (only a week ago) and my family has been a mess ever since. I know that for some people pets are just pets but she was "people" to us and, more than that - she was family.

    Suffice it to say, eating right has been difficult. Surprisingly, exercising hasn't been difficult at all. I've been using my running workouts as therapy. I pop my sunglasses on, pick the least traveled paths in the woods and just run and cry until I'm exhausted. But today I am picking myself back up and trying to figure out what life without her looks like. I'm logging my food and planning my meals. I'm also supposed to be cleaning my house as my In-laws are coming for a 12 day visit next week (we live in Germany and they are State-side so we haven't seen them in a couple of years)- so far that hasn't happened yet.

    So sorry to hear about your loss, I know how difficult it can be to lose a family member like that. We just lost Biddy (a lapso aphso beagle mix) after 16 years. She had bladder cancer with the tumor growing right beside the urethra and it was a matter of time before it grew over the opening. Still breaks my heart when I think about it. When it happened I was still able to run and that's what I did, I ran to make the sad go away. Just take it one step at a time. Good luck with the family visit!
  • ipeloquin400
    ipeloquin400 Posts: 90 Member
    I totally detached myself from my food and exercise plan last week and weekend, and of course paid the price on this weeks weight in. I went to my trainer last nigt and was embarssed to tell him about the weekend I had, sweet tooth kicked my butt. I am always honest with him, no reason not to be, I'm there for a reason.
    Today I feel focused, my goal is to stay on track today and get to the gym tonight. Instead of looking so far ahead I'm just going to stay in today since it's all I have anyway.
  • I've been really out of it for the past couple of weeks. My dog (a 5 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Sofie) got sick quite suddenly and then it took 2 weeks of constant vet visits and tests and her going down hill fast before they discovered that she had an aggressive and (at that point) untreatable form of lymphoma. We had to put her to sleep last Tuesday (only a week ago) and my family has been a mess ever since. I know that for some people pets are just pets but she was "people" to us and, more than that - she was family.

    Suffice it to say, eating right has been difficult. Surprisingly, exercising hasn't been difficult at all. I've been using my running workouts as therapy. I pop my sunglasses on, pick the least traveled paths in the woods and just run and cry until I'm exhausted. But today I am picking myself back up and trying to figure out what life without her looks like. I'm logging my food and planning my meals. I'm also supposed to be cleaning my house as my In-laws are coming for a 12 day visit next week (we live in Germany and they are State-side so we haven't seen them in a couple of years)- so far that hasn't happened yet.

    So sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to have your dog as one of your family. My boyfriend and I have two dogs and they are our children.
  • Last week my goal was to give up my morning stop at the local coffee shop and I was successfull and still am at that goal.
    This week was to give up pop as I finished the last of the diet pop in my house. The only time I really crave it is in the afternoon. I have a desk job and crave something with flavour to sip on throughout the afternoon. So I bought myself some lemons and limes and have been putting them in my water in the afternoon, and so far it's worked:)
    I also joined our local roller derby team, so on top of my morning walk/jog on the treadmill, and short lunch hour walk with my sister (weather permitting), I will now get some roller skating in 2-3 times a week for two hours.
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I've changed my exercise up, for 24 days I managed to do the 30 day shred but then I was just getting bored, I didn't like the way jillian was telling me that I should feel like I'm going to die. I like my curves and didn't want to get too 'shredded' so to speak. In those 24 days my measurements nor weight changed, in fact my hips went up by 1 inch and I barely lost an inch on my chest. So I've opted to do POP pilates (blogilates) and its much more me. Quite a few years ago me and my mum took a class doing yogilates and I love it, it kept me centred and stress free which is great for me when I worry so much.

    Hows it going this week for you ladies?

    This cracks me up. I can totally relate! I'm doing 30DS right now. I've stopped and restarted a few times since the beginning-ish of March and I've done 19 days (tonight will be 20). I'm just about done with Level 2. I've stopped and restarted because I was sick a few days, I was injured a few days, and I wanted to punch Jillian in the face a few days. She can be annoying. I haven't lost any weight, but I figured it was because I haven't been consistent about it at all. I was hoping to have some cool results with before and after pics, but I don't see that happening with this program.

    Good luck with your new plans!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Today is day two of my clean(er) eating. HUGE breakfasts (normally 600cal) of fruit/almond milk smoothie, eggs, and turkey bacon. YUMMMMM. Then brown rice, beans, chicken, salsa for lunch, usually (400-500cals). Then light, under 300cal dinner of fish and veggies, and after workout protein shake with hard boiled egg whites, and other things if I need more calories.

    I have to say it's doing wonders for my mood!!! Before I was skipping breakfast, eating a fast food lunch and then barely eating or trying to cram a whole bunch in at dinner. Sucked!

    I'm also focusing on making sure my net calories is no less than 1550 at the end of the day. Surprisingly difficult if I have a long workout!!! Like tonight I plan on doing cardio and will probably burn at least 400calories. That means I have another 800cal to eat today to net 1550!! YOWZA! I need to keep my calories up with the heavy weights I'm doing though, because I care more about gaining strength right now than the weight loss part. That'll come on it's own.

    How's everyone else doing so far this week. I wanna see some better numbers on Monday!! :wink:
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    anvy I'm sorry for your loss. Members of the family come in all shapes and sizes. We had a rabbit that died a couple years ago, at 14, and I think a lot of people don't understand how much that little guy meant to everyone. I'm glad you're getting some peace of mind in your running.

    Rach that sounds like a good plan. Eat like a King for breakfast, a Prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner. Let me know how that works out. I've also been cramming food in at the end of the day on some days, so I've been trying to plan better making it even throughout. But then after dinner I have no cals, and my sweet tooth is calling. I think I need to plan for that. :o)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I've been really out of it for the past couple of weeks. My dog (a 5 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Sofie) got sick quite suddenly and then it took 2 weeks of constant vet visits and tests and her going down hill fast before they discovered that she had an aggressive and (at that point) untreatable form of lymphoma. We had to put her to sleep last Tuesday (only a week ago) and my family has been a mess ever since. I know that for some people pets are just pets but she was "people" to us and, more than that - she was family.

    Suffice it to say, eating right has been difficult. Surprisingly, exercising hasn't been difficult at all. I've been using my running workouts as therapy. I pop my sunglasses on, pick the least traveled paths in the woods and just run and cry until I'm exhausted. But today I am picking myself back up and trying to figure out what life without her looks like. I'm logging my food and planning my meals. I'm also supposed to be cleaning my house as my In-laws are coming for a 12 day visit next week (we live in Germany and they are State-side so we haven't seen them in a couple of years)- so far that hasn't happened yet.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. A little over a year ago, my sweet kitty Daisydukes which I had for 13 years suddenly crashed and within 2 days had to be euthanized. There was a huge empty hole in the house. Every minute of the day, I would turn and expect to see her, then weep when I realized she would never be there again. After only 4 days, I couldn't stand it. I went to the local animal shelter and rescued a 1 year old cat. Yep, the Punkin Monster. No animal could replace my other kitty, but this guy helped to immediately fill the void. Now, I love him dearly; he brings me so much happiness.

    If at all possible, try to adopt a new puppy or rescue a pet from the animal shelter. It really will help fill the emptiness. You need to give love to an innocent animal and nothing can replace that act. It may not seem appropriate, but when you see that sweet innocent face full of expectation, you will feel the relief. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    I must admit that I have not been doing what my goals were.... well, at least not in the 30ds realm. I have been doing some sort of upper body stuff every day though and I did a long cardio session yesterday. May have to refrain from too much vigorous stuff for a few days, but should be able to get at it on monday. I plan on starting my pre-work workouts again since the Anytime Fitness just down the street from me opened today. It will be nice to be able to do that. I figure I start monday and by thursday or friday I will be in the swing of the morning workouts again.

    Scale has been nice to me the last few days... so I just need to use that as motivation to stay good over the weekend!!!! :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Down 2lbs so far this week so I'm really determined to keep it up over the weekend. My body is responding really well to this change in diet and shift in meals.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    SHARK WEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!

  • nicholhebert
    nicholhebert Posts: 14 Member
    Down 2.2lbs!! I weighed in at 165.8!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Down 2.2lbs!! I weighed in at 165.8!

    Nicely done!
  • MarieKae45
    MarieKae45 Posts: 82 Member

    Rachel ~ is it too late for me to jump in again. I've been in the midst of great family drama and although I haven't been logging or losing. I am feeling back in the groove and would like to give and get the great support I received last time around.

    I will say the key to this is the pre-cooking/packing food for the week.

    I will weigh in next Monday!

    thanks so much!!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    I have been trying to stay away from the scale till Monday so it's like a little surprise! :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Being halfway decent with my food choices even with TOM. Feeling good about Monday's weigh-in!