Why are people so closed minded...

CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
I just dont get it... Not every ones the same. People can lose weight at 1200 calories, and some can lose at 1900 calories... SOme can cut out soda, and lose 10 pounds a month.. Some can eat lean meats...

Why do people not see that some people are more sensitive to carbs? Some can eat that 300 g a day at 1500 calories and lose...
Me? I tried 1200-1500 calories for 3 months and lost 1 pound. That was with cardio. Once I lowered my carbs to 20 -60 a day, BAM pounds started coming off. My boss did low fat, and 3 hrs cardio a day to lose 100 pounds in 18 months... She is ALWAYS making me feel horrid for eating chicken wings, or a steak... Says stuff like "Sure you wont eat my Pumpkin bread but youll eat fatty wings...."

We arent all the same. I dont knock on people for eating what they eat. Why do others have SUCH A BAD view on low carbers?

its not like I eat bacon, for breakfast lunch and dinner... I get my veggies, I get my lean protien, I get eggs in.. But yes, I eat my fats too. I have bacon. I have Mayo. I have Hamburgers.

Who here gets BAD rap about thier choice?


  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    My friends laugh @ me when I take the bun off the burger and just eat the toppings.
    I think its a knowledge deficit that makes them respond the way they do.
    Don't worry about it..do what works for you..thats all that matters!
  • hummingbirdxss
    hummingbirdxss Posts: 87 Member
    Just like anything else in life, people criticize what they don't understand. When Atkins was in all the news, there were so many news reports and such that was taunting the "eat all the meat you want" diet. I even saw one that a man said he ate a pound of bacon a day !! Then ofcourse, came all the reports we were all dying off from heart attacks and liver disease. So, that's what most people remember is the rumors and lies.

    I explained it to my two sons very much like you did. Every person is different. Some people can eat everything and stay thin. Others drop pounds by cuting out calories or going low fat. I am a carb addict. My body can not keep up with the amount of carbs that I was consuming for so long. So I have cut way down on my carbs, way up on great veggies and the pounds are coming off !

    I have even gotten to the point of not saying "Atkins" because of the negitive crap I hear. So I either say "Lower Carb" or just "better choices. I don't even like saying diet since I am making this a life time comittment. I'll eat this way forever. And yes, at some point there will be birthday cake or a little garlic bread, but not til the scale says it's ok to have it. Not a day sooner.

    Don't be discouraged by the neysayers. You'll prove them wrong !!!

  • Linda860
    Linda860 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree that ignorance is what drives people to criticize the low carb way of eating. And even after trying to explain it to people you get blank stares. They just can't let go of their preconceived notions of what a healthy diet is. I get crap from extended family members who think I should just "take a day off" when I visit them. My attitude is that if someone is that stupid to criticize what they don't know about, and are not willing to learn and accept other people's differences, they aren't worth my time. They are, quite frankly, food bigots. Who needs them?
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just do your thing and ignore them....they probably wouldn't be so rude if you had a food allergy. I find that since I've cut out grains if I do have something I actually feel awful now. when I say that no one ever gives me a hard time!
    I think you are threatening the thing they are unwittingly addicted to and don't like the thought of given those beloved things up- it scares them. Like there must be another answer....
    We are all different, just don't bite back to avoid the whole debate which is unwinable...
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    When people questuion what I am eating I just tell them that eating wheat/bread/pasta makes me ill, since writing down whst I eat and how much of it I eat I am more aware of what food does to my body and how it affects it. That has helped a lot, other than that ignore them.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    When people questuion what I am eating I just tell them that eating wheat/bread/pasta makes me ill, since writing down whst I eat and how much of it I eat I am more aware of what food does to my body and how it affects it. That has helped a lot, other than that ignore them.

    yes, me too i have said exactly the same.
  • sethandjane
    sethandjane Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with all the above!!!

    (I shouldn't have) but yesterday I found myself reading yet another low-carb bash thread on the main boards.

    It's silly - and everyone is NOT the same, but some people are too closed-minded to see/realize that.

    Don't let that stop doing what you know is best for YOUR body!

    :) Jane
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The main problem is the paradigm that calorie intake is the driving force behind obesity, and that its the mind, not the body that is control of intake. Unfortunately the scientific literature out there about low carb dieting was focused too much on how different sources of calories (ie. carbs vs. fat) are partitioned and affect the rate of weight loss, and the conclusion drawn is that there is no inherent metabolic advantage to eating low carb diets. This fits perfectly into the paradigm that Cals IN/OUT rules. What is ignored is how going on a low carb diet and improving the hormonal response causes spontaneous changes in eating behavior. So instead of giving the low carb diet credit, they give the reduced calorie intake credit, but nobody seems to have any idea why low carb diets lead to lower calorie intake other than saying "protein is satiating". But that's not an acceptable explanation because we know fat mass is regulated and there are hormones that regulate eating and energy expenditure like leptin and insulin, and this is where the science starts to get iffy.

    This issue is the proven vs. the unproven. It is proven that Cals IN vs. Cals OUT determines weight changes, but what's not proven is how the quality of the diet can affect both your intake and expenditure, because its very complicated and there is a lot of variation.
  • atrjohnson
    atrjohnson Posts: 77 Member
    People refuse to accept that bodies are different. This is not only toward diet relating issues but spreads across a spectrum of issues. I am trying to eat lower carb and it is a struggle for me. The ignorance that we hear is also the same kind aimed at may obese or overweight people. Remember it can never be the food it must be the person. The person can't get it right. I do not tell people that I eat low carb I often tell them the truth that I am having hormone related health issues and my Dr. has put me on a special diet. The fact that I bring my Dr. into it shuts them up. If I didn't use that line everything I eat would be scrutinized. As a obese and perhaps morbidly obese person I am already scrutinized.

    Even if we all lose wight by lowering our carbs there will still be someone that criticizes the way we eat and wait for the weight to return. "I love humanity but I sometimes loathe people." I stole the quote and I use it often.
  • People refuse to accept that bodies are different. This is not only toward diet relating issues but spreads across a spectrum of issues. I am trying to eat lower carb and it is a struggle for me. The ignorance that we hear is also the same kind aimed at may obese or overweight people. Remember it can never be the food it must be the person. The person can't get it right. I do not tell people that I eat low carb I often tell them the truth that I am having hormone related health issues and my Dr. has put me on a special diet. The fact that I bring my Dr. into it shuts them up. If I didn't use that line everything I eat would be scrutinized. As a obese and perhaps morbidly obese person I am already scrutinized.

    Even if we all lose wight by lowering our carbs there will still be someone that criticizes the way we eat and wait for the weight to return. "I love humanity but I sometimes loathe people." I stole the quote and I use it often.
  • This is my first post to MFP and I chose this group because this is what I am now trying. Having lost 50 pounds on WW, I recently saw my doctor about losing 10-20 more. I have stabilized at my current weight for 4 years now, no matter how strict I was with the whole calories in/calories out module. My doctor has now put me on a low carb plan (>70g of what she calls "countable carbs") and I'm beginning to feel much better. I have already run into the conflict with others about too much protein/fat but have just said, this is what the dr. has ordered. I'm very happy to have found this group to help me on this new journey.