
msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
I'm new here ... but need any type of motivation. So I wanted to know what are you goals ladies ...

Right now I'm 170lbs (largest I've ever been) ... and I'm 5'8

My goal is 145ish and toned toned toned.

I was always between 150 and 160 however with the help of alcohol and junk food, I've gone up to 170.


  • Joyful_B
    Joyful_B Posts: 31 Member
    HW: 256
    CW: 223
    GW: 199
    UGW: 135-145 {I love my curves but...You couldn't tell me nothing when I was this size :wink: }

    I'm trying to get out of the 200's for good. In December I weighed in at 200 but got to comfortable and picked up 30 pounds so I'm back at it again.

    Good Luck with your goals, and feel free to add me
  • nkechio23
    nkechio23 Posts: 30 Member
    I realized that I need to lose weight when I weighed myself and saw the scale at 166lbs!! That was way to heavy for me...i thought OMG almost 170. I am only 5'1. I feel like I carry my weight well and have always been pretty toned. According to BMI I should weight about 120 lol. But I love my curves.

    My goal is to be 145. I have about 5 more lbs to go. If I can get to 145 easily I would like to be down to 130 by September.

    Good Luck on your journey!