Any low carb and Low calories buds out there???

Just wondering if any one else if working on this combination?


  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight once on Atkins, about 10 years ago, but gained it all back because I could not maintain that diet.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not assuming you are doing Atkins, but I just mentioned it because that experience, to this day, has made me super vigilant about carbs. So yeah, I get it! ;)

    I still try to keep carbs restricted to whole grains only. I eat VERY little bread... a loaf of whole wheat bread goes bad before I come close to eating 1/2 of it. I do like brown rice with dinner occasionally. I still never, ever eat potatoes or white rice or white bread. I eat steel cut oats or slow cooking rolled oats for breakfast, with protein added, almost every day.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    i am not as much couing carbs right now, but do tend to lean towards protiens when chosing foods
  • I'm kind of hitting a wall this week, I've been watching my carbs ( 30-40 carbs/day) for about 4 months.
    I feel good, but I think I'm may be getting bored with my menus.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    For me 30 to 40 carbs a day would be extremely restrictive and definitely not something I would be able to nor want to do long-term. I love my fruits and veggies and at that rate two servings of fruit would almost take care of my daily limit of carbs. Just my personal experience.

    I have lowered my carbs by restricting grains to 0 to 2 servings a day and eliminating any empty carbs from my diet but I still usually hit a bit over 100 carbs on most days.

    For me this has been a tremendous improvement because my husband had started calling me the "Bread Monkey" because I had gotten into the habit of snacking on so much bread (most days I would easily go through 8 slices in one sitting -- lol.)

    Sorry but I don't have any advice to give on how to make 30 to 40 carbs a day less boring. :embarassed:
  • slipandsink
    slipandsink Posts: 43 Member
    It's something I'm considering but don't really know how to start!
  • Bread monkey.....that made me laugh!!!
    I guess I would be a pasta monkey. I am having killer carb cravings today.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    HaHa, I love my pastas too, but bread, bagels, etc. have always been my biggest weakness and don't ever leave me alone in a room with a loaf of raisin bread -- lol.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    Well, after being good for almost six weeks, the Bread Monkey unexpectedly made her appearance about 1:00 this morning. It all started when I saw the loaf of rye bread sitting on the counter and decided to just have the little end piece with a little bit of margarine. Next thing I knew I had polished that off plus three peanut butter sandwiches. (Six and a half slices of bread with margarine and peanut butter for a total of over 700 calories devoured in a 15 minute feeding frenzy). :blushing: My husband must be keeping track of the bread because the first thing he said when he came in the kitchen this morning was "It looks like the Bread Monkey was here last night." :laugh:

    Today, I'm finding it is a little harder to maintain my self control. Whenever I think about it, I keep remembering how yummy those peanut sandwiches tasted.:love: Just goes to show our nasty little habits are just lurking in the background ready to take over in our moments of weakness.

    Oh well, onward and upward.:smile:
  • ChinaDollTKP
    ChinaDollTKP Posts: 12 Member
    Hi All! I am doing a VLCD. I eat 500-750 calories (if I exercise closer to the high end) and no more than 20 carbs a day. I am in a medically supervised weight loss program where I see medical professionals weekly.

    I am really struggling to get in all my calories.....yet I am constantly going over on my carbs and fats.

    I look forward to chatting with everyone and sharing our experiences, recipes, and thoughts.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    It's something I'm considering but don't really know how to start!

    Egg Whites. Eat as many egg whites in a day as you can. For instance, the other day I ate 18 egg whites and it only amounted to 800 calories. You buy egg whites in a box. My brand is All Whites Egg Whites. If you get bored of the Egg Whites then stuff your face with broccoli. Real boring diet but will keep your calorie count low.

    Edit: I got carb flu on the second day after doing this. It will last about 6 hours but then you feel completely normal after that.
  • Sksieger
    Sksieger Posts: 63
    I eat carbs. Cant live with out my bread! As for pasta and rice and potato I can go for months with out them! I have to plan bread into my daily low calories. I try and stay under 1000 a day I dont have a goal to eat, just not to eat above. I can loss wight eating the 1200 calories but its harder for me to keep my discipline at 1200 because there is so much you can eat! Sorry. I am no help in this low carb area!
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    I agree Egg whites are fantastic, very good protien source and super low calorie. I am trying to stick to 2 serves of protien a day each being about 95 grams of lean meat or fish or 3 to 5 egg whites, but If i have only eggs as my protien for the day i will include 1 or 2 whole eggs

    I find that Carbs make my stomach stick out like a balloon , I love them but they dont do me any good,
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    Hi All! I am doing a VLCD. I eat 500-750 calories (if I exercise closer to the high end) and no more than 20 carbs a day. I am in a medically supervised weight loss program where I see medical professionals weekly.

    I am really struggling to get in all my calories.....yet I am constantly going over on my carbs and fats.

    I look forward to chatting with everyone and sharing our experiences, recipes, and thoughts.

    That sounds like what I'm doing – I'm going to Medi Weight Loss Clinic. Is that the program you're on?