Challenge Day 10

lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
I'm convinced that I get up too early! 10 days down:wink::laugh: :happy: :tongue: :explode:


  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 106 Member
    Great job!!! I just did level 1, Day 12- moving on tomorrow! Scared but gonna do it!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    I peaked at level 2 and it starts out scary!!
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Awesome job, everyone! Level 2 is scary! Just remember, it is only 10 days! You can do it! Day 10 down.
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    Off to do cardio day on JM Body Rev. (I really hate cardio day lol).
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 267 Member
    Life prevented me from doing day 10 last night. Maybe do double tonight along with my Zumba.....
  • SallyGal4
    SallyGal4 Posts: 73 Member
    Day 3 on L3 of 30ds is done!

    I am up 1.5 lbs but I am pretty confident that it has to do with water weight and muscles (same thing happened at the beginning of L1). I am feeling pretty sore which I haven't felt in awhile. Level 3 is easier for me than level two, but it has really kicked my strength training up a notch.

    I worked through mild shoulder pain and modified some moves. Now my shoulder feels better and a little stronger. Won't be working out till tomorrow afternoon so I'll have more than 24 hours off for rest. :)

    I am definitely glad that I have time to work out before the evening. I am always wiped by the end of the day. You ladies who work out at night are pretty awesome. That takes a lot of dedication if you ask me. :)
  • kaylyngt
    kaylyngt Posts: 53
    Great job!!! I just did level 1, Day 12- moving on tomorrow! Scared but gonna do it!

    Good luck...I think I'll try it Friday and I'm really nervous. Today on Level1 was harder than it's been for a while :(
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    Plannig for BFFM tonight - that one always kills me
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    Day 9 of Level 2 tonight and I am DREADING it. I took 2 days off as I was away and went back on it yesterday only to find I am as feeble as I was on Day 1 for some unknown reason?

    Perhaps I will find it better tonight - I so don't feel ready for Level 3 as I can't do any of the plyo moves (I am OK with Anita's moves but no chance of matching Natalie). I have a feeling I will probably never be able to manage them as I have problems with my hip, knees and shoulders and these moves are all too high impact and cause some serious PAIN if I try them :sad: Never mind, I might have to just stay modified - as Jillian says, you still get results..............
  • Eb155
    Eb155 Posts: 46 Member
    ** cough cough..... sputter..... gasp***

    I got through Level 2 day 1 today.......barely...... but I got through it.... them damn planks and chair squat / v-ups!!!! Gah, it's going to take all 11 days ( I moved up a day early off level 1) just to get up to Anita's speed ha. Ah well, it's important that I got through it, and I'll be pushing play again tomorrow.

    Now if I could just get my eating under control........ Hopefully today is that day!

    Keep up the awesome job everyone, see yas tomorrow
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    ive been doing 30 day shred and then directly after 30mins of a mixture of jillians moves i ve picked up from Banish Fat, Boost Metabalism (my 2yr old scratched the dvd and is now not working so i put together my own little circuit) ive lost 3lbs this week (a very good week for me as i average 1-2lbs) and lost 1'' from each thigh, hips and waist so very excited for end ive had a rest day :0) keep up the good work guys xx
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Done! Really wish I had a clue how many calories I actually burn going this!
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 88 Member
    Done! Really wish I had a clue how many calories I actually burn going this!

    I was pleasantly shocked when I got my HRM a few weeks ago. For instance, MFP said I burned 400 calories doing BFBM and my HRM has me burning @ 600!! what a difference! for NMTZ MFP was pretty accurate but my HRM says my burn is a little higher.
  • Ms_Cindyrella
    Ms_Cindyrella Posts: 61 Member
    Done! Really wish I had a clue how many calories I actually burn going this!

    Its considered circuit training.. this is the site I use to calulate the calories burned
  • lvondy
    lvondy Posts: 76 Member
    Day 10 done! I did Shred it with weights.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Day 3 of Week 2 is toast! I wasn't really wanting to do it tonight...I just had very little energy...I was doubled over during the first cardio circuit and definitely didn't give my all-I burned far less than I have been but I stuck with it and got thru today! My shoulders and arms are toast from all the plank work.
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    D7L1 and Zumba missed the workouts but my health is much better. I'm back in the game! :tongue:
  • I did level 1 this morning. I skipped yesterday so I didn't start Level 2. Tomorrow is the day. My calf if feeling really tight and tingling tonight. I know its because that Jump Rope.

    I hope I starting liking Jill better in Level 2. I don't like the way she says......."if you think your going to die...." and "if you think you're going to quit...." I want to say I wasn't thinking about it until you said it.....that's not cool. I found myself rebuking the devil then just to get thru it. She even started looking a little evil to me. :devil:

    Good Luck all:happy:
  • jenelizmin
    jenelizmin Posts: 47 Member
    Today was a run day for me, so I did 6week6pack. I think I'm moving up to L2 of 30DS tomorrow. I sooooo hate the planks, not looking forward to it.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 267 Member
    Day 10 Level 1 done and Zumba tonight. I actually made it through with only stopping twice for a drink! Woohoo!