Week 4 - Fitness Goals and Checking In

Lucy_Monroe Posts: 55 Member
Sorry this is late...it's been a rough couple of weeks. :ohwell:

Anyway...on to our fitness goals! How did you all do last week? What are you hoping to accomplish this week?

I noticed lots of weight loss, exercise and triumphs that had more to do with happy hearts than merely losing a pound or two. Very cool! And a big shout out to our star Team Captain Bronwen Evans who has lost almost 18 lbs in the last three weeks!!! Congratulations, doll! :heart:

Me? I did great with strength training but exercised fewer days than usual and the writing was a total bust. This week has to be better! One thing I will share is that knowing we are in this together helps so much on my tougher days. I hope you're all feeling the same.

Hugs and happy healthy endeavors!



  • So I did up my water intake. I drank 11 glasses except for a few I only had 6. I also exercised every day but 1. I've been logging every single thing I've been eating also. It helps keep me accountable to myself.

    This next week, I'd like to increase my cardio and do some extra weight training.

  • I was gettig a little frustrated because i was usually below my calorie goal but wasn't losing weight. Today I got on the scales, and I've lost a pound, so I was REALLY happy with that. All in all, this has been the best program I've been on. It's been easy to do and sitck with. Even better, I don't feel as if I'm starving all the time.
  • Have done well limiting the sugar intake which was my goal last week. I have hit a bad couple of weeks in that I have actually gained a couple of pounds in the last couple of weeks. This is very frustraiting because I have been doing everything the same and have in fact exercised a bit more than previously.

    Hopefully this is just a temporary thing and I will be back on the losing side soon. My goal is to lose or at least maintain instead of gain this week. Hopefully that happends because this backward moving is very frustraiting.

    Congratulations to everyone who is still moving in the right direction though. keep up the good work!!!!!
  • Jenn2D2
    Jenn2D2 Posts: 4
    Feeling pretty good this week - weight stalled out last week, so I really made sure to try and do the exercise I wanted, and drink enough water.
  • I was not able to increase my water intake which sucks. I don't like the taste of plain water I guess. I exercised everyday last week. I was able to exercise everyday for 45 minutes. This week I hope to be able do more with upper body strength. I'm also hoping that I don't start eating more from worrying about exams.

  • Jafdustys
    Jafdustys Posts: 12
    I didn't do any of the core work I was going to do in the am. I just don't get up that well during the work week.
    I was disappointed that I gained a pound last week.
    But will keep working on it.

    My goal for this week is to work on cutting down on my diet coke habit
  • This week started out well with the aquatic zumba on Mon and finding out I'd lost a lb. Then I got hit with some intestinal thing last couple of days. I'll think it's gone then it comes back.

    I'm way behind on my writing and I haven't been able to rehearse for our shimmy mob perfomance which is in 16 days. I'm the team leader for that event and my assistant quit right when I got home from RT so my work load just doubled and the stress has been high.

    Tomorrow I hope to make it to deep water aerobics and for the tummy troubles to be gone.

    Have decided this Friday the topic should be Cortisol and how that can put the weight on even if you aren't eating. I have a story I've been meaning to tell for a while that I've not shared publicly before.

    This week I a working on getting enough sleep and trying to rest.
  • Doing better with my cardio, the nice weather is helping to get me out and about. I took my first bike ride in about 15 years, didn't injure myself so it was a sucess. Now to increase my water intake. Through tracking my food I notice I drink way too many empty calories. This weeks goal is to change that, stop the empty calories and increase the water!
  • Piper110
    Piper110 Posts: 8
    This last week was awful for exercise! I felt horrible so I struggled through work and I just kept eating healthy. Started a new position at work this week so the stress levels are high. Just trying to do a little yoga to calm things and center myself again. So, I guess I need to step it back up at the gym! Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
  • Last week went well. I did give up my gym membership because it was a waste of money and I have lots of options for getting a workout in. This week I have set a goal of reducing how often I weigh myself. I am a bit obsessive about it so time to take control.
  • lucy0326
    lucy0326 Posts: 54 Member
    My goal for this week is to try to keep up with my water intake and to work in at least 3 work outs with my busy school schedule :drinker: Maybe a little more coffee will help me !
  • momlina
    momlina Posts: 22 Member
    I haven't had a lot time to actually get on the treadmill. But I've been more active. Shopping for a few hours has to count. Those warehouse stores are big and between that and grocery shopping where I'm pushing heavy carts I believe I'm gettng my walking in.
    I began to take steps instead of elevators. I park in back of lots instead of handicapped. When my husband and I went to the casino on Sunday I walked the entire time while he gambled. I figure instead of losing money I'll lose weight! Today I cleaned my car out and washed the seats, windows, and dash and such. It took about 4 hours. That has to count but I don't know how to record it.
    I'm still carrying a lot water, my rings are really tight I can't get them off. I have been trying to limit my salt and not take water pills. I may have to though if it gets too painful.
    Weight hasn't gone down with all this extra eating, But then, it hasn't gone up. I've been around 1000-1200 calories and MFP says I should be at 1300. I may try 1300 for a while. But I'm worried my weight will go up again.
    I do notice I've been sleeping better and my energy level is higher. I'm not as tired during the day. I guess I was so tired all the time because I was hungry.
  • GinPrice
    GinPrice Posts: 14 Member
    Well, with the book release promo stuff and edits on the WIP, I'm proud to say... I didn't eat any chips! Chips are the bane of my existence when working. I've ALWAYS eaten something snack-like, and I used to wash it all down with a diet soda. I mean...it's diet . It has to be good right?

    Since cutting out soda I lost bloating around my middle and my pants all fit again. I drink a lot more water, but still not as much as I'd like. I've lowered my sodium intake and I'm slowly weeding out bad habits like the chips one above.

    I have used weights three times a week last week, and though I'm not losing weight, I can see a difference, so I believe I'm gaining some muscle. I want to up my cardio and I started today by walking three miles.

    I'd like to incorporate more Yoga into my exercise plan by doing 5-10 min before every exercise routine I do.

    Also...as a quick note...I've never had more fun, or been so inspired to keep healthy as I am by watching and reading everyone's workouts and posts. I don't always respond, but I am listening and learning.

    Thanks Lucy, and EVERYONE who participates. I'm really grateful for this opportunity.

    ::hugs all around::
  • meandi09
    meandi09 Posts: 4
    I did horrible up til now but dr say foot is healed so im off for some working out this week wheee
  • Lucy_Monroe
    Lucy_Monroe Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in awe reading all your updates. Some of you are just cooking with gas! Some are struggling, but still sticking with it and that just impresses the bejeebes out of me! :happy:

    For those of you who have hit a plateau or gained a little weight - I just want to encourage you to stick with it. My oldest sister is on this with me and she spent SEVEN weeks fighting the same two pounds - up and down, but never under until two days ago she *finally* lost another 1.5 pounds. The thing is, she never gave up. The temptation to cut calories under her goal was tremendous, to do some other fad thing equally strong - but she didn't. She knows...we all know...there is only one way to healthy and that's by living healthy. I'm so in awe of her and each of you who don't give up when your bodies decide to retain water or weight.

    This journey isn't an easy one and it isn't short. For many, like me, getting to our goal weights will take a year or more, but we're in it together and together we will succeed!

    Hugs and happy healthy endeavors,