Introductions, please?!

lklascala Posts: 33 Member


  • lklascala
    lklascala Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone and thanks for joining. Kristenlees122 is the motivation behind creating this forum. With all the wonderful support on MFP, I am sure that we can motivate each other to do well in this challenge.

    My name is Lauren. I am 32 years old and live in New Jersey. I am currently 193 lbs and looking at a goal weight of 140 - 145. I have a cruise coming up August 4 and would like to be around 165 for the event. I gained most of my weight after having my son almost 3 years ago and was never motivated to take it off until now. Im really excited to find MFP and I can be a great cheerleader for you. Good luck everyone!
  • tprice916
    tprice916 Posts: 22
    I'm relatively new to this. Well, this site at least. I used a different one about 6 years ago when I needed to... and I'm back again! I'm 5'2" was previously 112, but lost 2. I want to be back to what I was before and have the flat stomach. So I don't need to loose much, just get back to my usual self. I have my 'mini' moon at the end of may, thus I'll be in a bikini. Ultimate goal is to not have anyone ask how far along I am since my weight is carried in my stomach. Last weigh in was the other day at 110... so 100 by the end of May is my goal.
  • kristenlees122
    yay, thanks so much for creating this group lklascala :)

    we can do this! i will tell everyone else who added me to join this, if i can figure out how.
  • britneeb23
    I am more than half way to my goal of losing 40 lbs (15 lbs to go). I currently weigh 160 and I'm excited about getting down to 150 by the end of May! It will be the first time for me to weigh 150 since before I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter who is 9 years old!
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Hi guys from Vegas!

    Glad to join up. I joined MFP about 7 days or so ago. Sitting at 278 and shooting for 200 roughly. Taking my two kids to S.F. this summer and wanted to be 20+ down by mid-July, so 10 by end of May would be awesome.

    Lost some weight before joining and am really sitting at a resistance line. In the past, I've failed at this point. But the difference is my ex-wife isn't sabotaging me, I'm more focused, I've joined MFP and I've bought a lot of summer clothes that I can't fit into and NONE for my current size. So time to get it done. :)

    Haven't been 269 or less in about 9-10 years I think it's been.
  • lklascala
    lklascala Posts: 33 Member
    Get 'er done! No more sabotaging from exes or yourself. Keep up the great work and we'll get through it together!
  • michelleb1289
    michelleb1289 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys. My name is Michelle. I am 22 years old and am currently 160lbs. When I started MFP last Friday I weighed in at 166lbs. So im pretty sure im about to hit a rut. I never had a problem with my weight growing up and maxed out at about 130lbs. Since I had my daughter last july I have been unable to get out of the 160s. Yesterday I succeeded with 159.5, however went back up (..expected..) to 160 today (as weight does fluctuate). I would love to see another mile stone of 150lbs by the end of may and would love to support all of you with your goals as well! Good luck everyone!!!
  • justbob707
    Hello guys. Really glad to be part of this

    I'm really hoping to be under 200lbs. before the end of the year. I was already changing things around before I joined MFP three weeks ago. I started at 247lbs and currently at 225. Hoping to lose more by the end of May.

    Good luck to everyone and stay motivated :-)
  • hjohn09
    hjohn09 Posts: 9
    have always struggled with my weight and 1.5 yrs ago got up to my highest point again and knew I had to do something about it. I couldnt go through one more day of struggling to find something to wear and feeling bad about myself. I always was one who had to go to the gym to see any results, just dieting never did anything for me. So I went back. In 1 year I slowly but surelyI dropped 20 lbs. I have maintained the 20 lbs loss but havent lost any additional weight for about 6 months. I am still going to the gym but my eating habits got off track.
    For me, a daily food journal is what helped me the most so I decided to start it up again and found this App on my IPAD. When I track everything I eat, I think twice about eating something that I know I have to write down. And I work out more b/c I love to see the actual numbers in front of me. I go by the basic calories in - calories out. Its simple and I dont have to deprive myself of things I like, I just eat in moderation.
    My husband & I are going to Punta Cana in the beginning of July, and I would love to shed those last 10-15 pounds so I can really enjoy it & feel good about myself in a place I will probably be in a bathing suit for most of the 10 days. (My WORST nightmare!)
    This is the first time I have ever joined a group or posted anything, though I always read what everyone else posts.
    Looking forward to using MFP to keep me motivated and to share with others the experiences I have had with this contant battle we call weightloss.
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    Hello all! Looking forward to spending May with you on MFP! =) I have recently taken up running, developed a bigger interest in nutrition, and most important to me personally is stress management. Feeling really great, thanks to all of the warm welcomes I've received since becoming an active new member last week. I just wanted to give myself a chance and dive in for a group challenge, which I have never done before (in terms of weight-loss). CHEERS!
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Erika. I'm 25 years old, 5' 1.5." I have always struggled with my weight, but over the last year or two, it's definitely gotten out of control. I started my job in February of last year, and was doomed since day one. My job requires me to sit at a desk for 9 hours a day, so needless to say, I've gained some weight. I recently joined a gym and have become obsessed with tracking and learning how to eat better. At my heaviest I weighed in at 182, and over the course of two months, I've only dropped 3 pounds, putting me at 179. It's taken me a while to adjust to living a healthier lifestyle but I'm definitely committed to making this a permanent change and easing myself into it so that it's something I can stick to for good.

    I'm hopeful that being part of this group, having you all to keep me accountable, and encouraging each other, will be the missing piece to my struggle. I'm looking forward to being in this group with all of you!
  • merie08
    merie08 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi!! Im Kayla, 22 ,about 5'9 and when I weighed myself this morning I weighed in at 188.6. Since starting MFP in October I've lost about 26 lbs so I have pretty much lost about 4-5 lbs a month, but this month I didn't lose anything so I really needed to join a group like this to get me back on track and back to losing! I have about 20 lbs left to lose so I would love to get 10 lbs knocked off of that by the end of may. I'm thinking this group will help me reach that goal:)

    Feel free to add me!!
  • funky_stripes
    funky_stripes Posts: 119 Member
    Hey I'm rachelle & am currently at 154, want to get back down to 135,
  • sugarnspicere
    sugarnspicere Posts: 45 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Robyn. I'm a 31 year old wife and mother from Philadelphia, PA. I'm currently quite overweight. I have over 100lbs to lose. I had gotten my weight within 50lbs of my goal in 2009, but I got pregnant and gained every lb I had lost back. Now a year and 9 months later I still have not lost the weight. I have been struggling and finally got myself to a place where I know I can do this and I WANT to do this. I want to be fit and healthy, I want to set a good example for my daughter, I want to live a life without pain and health problems. I have a bunch of clothes that I saved from before I got pregnant that I can't wait to get into again!
  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    hi everyone, i am emily. i copied a spread sheet that i'm using with another group and posted it on the message board for us to use to keep track of our progress. everyone adds their own information. weigh in days are on friday :)
  • madc91
    madc91 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! Name's Madison, I live in Floyds Knobs, IN. I work part time as a barista and am a full-time student. I'm 20 years old 5'4" currently around 135lbs and looking to get down to 112. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and have battled bulimia on and off for years. I feel like this is a turning point for me. I'm really trying to love my body and do this the right way. I'm currently in a rough place as far as weight loss goes since it's been crazy hectic with finals and now I'm sick, I haven't had time to workout and all the stress has been contributing to emotional eating, but I've registered to to the Tough Mudder in Oct. so I have no choice but to get into the best shape of my life and this challenge is a great kickstart!
  • kzanzig
    kzanzig Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm Kristina and I'm 20. I had my daughter in September and am trying to get back in shape. I have already been discouraged a few times and have only been working at losing weight for 9 days. I would love to lose 10 pounds in may so I can start feeling comfortable in my own skin again. I'm hear to motivate anyone who needs it and I hope we can all get these 10 pounds to vanish together! I was 147 before I had my daughter and am up to 177 as of Friday. My goal weight is to be 140 by the end of summer and I hope I can find some people to help me through my journey.
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey! My name is Emily and I'm from Wisconsin. I am 5'1" and 23 years old. I am currently at 162 and would like to get down to 150lb by the end of may!

    My entire goal weight is 123-125 depending where I feel comfortable. My lowest and healthiest weight was 125 in high school. I am also currently doing the insanity workout program and I just completed day 14.

    This is the first group I have joined and hoping to stick with it and check in daily to help motivate all of you wonderful MFP'ers!!

  • boldaslove67
    boldaslove67 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all! 21 year old mom from NS, Canada! Weighing in at a 155 pounds, battled for months and months to get under 150 and cannot seem to get there. After I had Layla 2 years ago I was about 180 so im down a bit of weight .. But shooting for 135 by summer. Hoping with the help of you all this month & continuing on I can get there! Thanks for the read :)
  • FitnessDivaK
    Hi All!!!

    I'm currently 137.6 lbs and my goal is to get down to 130 by the end of May...not quite 10 lbs, but if I lose 10 I wouldn't complain :-)

    My other goals for May: to work out 6 days per week alternating strength training and cardio; drink at least 8 glasses of water per day; eat more fruits and veggies.