New to MFP

Hello everyone!

I'm a newbie to MFP, but not to sites like it - I've been on sparkpeople for a while, but most of my friends already have pal loaded up - so I figured I'd branch out with this new swing here.

I weigh 308 lbs currently - i've lost 16 lbs since March 22nd, but it was mostly from sick stuff lol.

I am a writer, artist, mom, and wife.

Look forward to meeting everyone!


  • fatpal1
    fatpal1 Posts: 57
    Hi there and welcome :) I am sending you a freind request. I have only been on here for a week now, so to tell the truth....dont know what I am doing..hehehehe I have succesfullly lost without this site, so not sure how it is supposed to help. But I have really been enjoying the post and pics from everyone. Good luck, Look forward to hearing from you soon!
  • BCsurvivor1962
    BCsurvivor1962 Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome! I am pretty new also! I have about 110lbs to lose and am motivated to do it before our cruise in Nov.! I do not want to stay this big forever. I have tried so many diets and I REALLY don't want to have surgery so I am hoping my 1 lb loss last week is a sign this will work!

    Good luck everyone! I know we can do this thing! 1 day at a time and 1 lb at a time!
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome everyone! I have found this group to be particularly helpful and motivating. Everyone is encouraging. Good luck on your journey!
  • kuhndog61
    kuhndog61 Posts: 23 Member
    I am new also! Nice to meet you all.
    I signed up for a Fitness Challenge at work and we are required to turn in food logs so I signed up here. I love it!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Yay! New people! Can you tell I am having a good morning? Ok I am dialing it back a notch. Welcome ladies I friended you both. This group gets a little quiet some days but I encourage you to come in here and vent your struggles and share your victories because it is a whole different beast to have 100lbs to lose vs. some of the others on here that only have 10-30lbs to lose. We need each other! : )
  • tickleandslapp
    tickleandslapp Posts: 21 Member
    Aloha Everybody! .. Been on MFP for just over a week.. Been doing this journey by myself since feb 22, 2011. It's nice having support now. As of this morning I'm at -80lbs ... I'm striving for that 100 lb weight loss, and then have more to go. But one goal at a time!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Welcome! 80pounds gone is amazing! : )
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Ho'omaika'i Ana on your 80 lb loss!

    I don't know hawaiian, I just looked up congratulations (lol)!

    Welcome to the group!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Ho'omaika'i Ana on your 80 lb loss!

    I don't know hawaiian, I just looked up congratulations (lol)!

    Welcome to the group!
